2016 AOSA Conference Early and PreRegistration Form

  • All conference events, except AAMM Symposium and banquet, are included in the full conference registration fee.
  • Active membership at the time of conference in AOSA or Carl Orff Canada is required for member registration rates.
  • To qualify for student rates, proof of full-time student status must be sent with the registration application.
  • If mailing or faxing, this form must be received at AOSA no later than October 1, 2016. Online registration closes October 2, 2016. Any registrations received after this date will be returned and subject to on-site pricing. On-site registration begins Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.

Register online at or send form to:

AOSA 147 Bell Street, Suite #300Chagrin Falls OH 44022


AOSA Membership Number



Phone ()


First AOSA Conference ☐Yes ☐No

*AOSA Membership – membership is active for 12 months from receipt of payment and completed form.

☐Regular, 1-year$85

☐Regular, 3-year$215

☐Retired (age 55+)$56

☐Full-Time Student$25must include copy of ID and Fall schedule

☐Online Full-Time Student FREE must include copy of ID and Fall schedule

☐Foreign Postage$30for 1 year, $90 for 3 years

☐I do not want my name sold to music industry/institutions.

☐I do not want my profile shown to other members in the online Directory.

Method of Payment:

☐Check enclosed (payable to AOSA)

☐School Purchase Order (copy of PO must be included)

☐Credit Card (fill out details below)

Credit Card Number:

Expires /Security Code


Registration RatesEarlyPre

Member7/1 to 8/319/1 to 10/12

Full registration$279$299

Two Days$215$245

One day$130$150

Student/Retired Member

Full registration$170 $190

Two days$130 $150

One day$70$90


Full registration$560 $601

Two days$430 $470

One day$260 $295

Conference Extras

AAMM Symposium$25

Banquet Ticket#x$55

☐Regular Meal

☐Vegetarian and Gluten Free

Printed Session Notes$30

Guest Badge# x$33

Please include name(s)



If paying by credit card or purchase order, this form may be faxed to 440.600.7332.Call 440.600.7329 to confirm fax was received.Registrations paid with purchase orders can also be e-mailed to . Do not e-mail credit card numbers.

Session Selection

Please list alternates. If a session is closed by the time your registration is received, an alternate choice is needed to complete your schedule. Ticketed sessions are limited by room capacity.

The following sessions are scheduled across more than one session time. You must register for all of the sessions in the series.

  • Introduction to Schulwerk - three (3) part series scheduled all day Thursday, limit 50
  • Calantropio – Composing and Arranging in Elemental Style – three (3) part series scheduled on Friday, limit 30
  • AAMM –Four Approaches to Connecting with New National Standards – two (2) part series scheduled Saturday morning

Thursday, November 3

List Presenter Name

8:00 a.m.


9:45 a.m.


12:30 p.m.


2:15 p.m.


Friday, November 4

List Presenter Name

8:00 a.m.


9:45 a.m.


12:30 p.m.


3:45 p.m.


Saturday, November 5

List Presenter Name

8:00 a.m.


10:30 a.m.


1:00 p.m.


3:15 p.m.
