Arco Iris Spanish Immersion School

English Language Art (Grade 8) Syllabus

Course Content:

Over the course of the year, students will develop their reading, writing, and speaking skills. Beaverton School District’s learning targets for English Language Arts will be covered in this course. A list of these learning targets can be found on the district website ( Differentiation strategies used in this course are based on student work gathered through on-going, formative assessments.

Course Materials:

  • A selection of short stories
  • A selection of poetry
  • Night
  • Awkward
  • Lord of the Flies

Additional titles will be used to supplement the anchor texts.


Students will be assessed using the proficiency-based grading scale. This should be looked at as a continuum. It is entirely possible for students to receive 1’s and 2’s on their fall report card but still receive 3’s and 4’s on their final report card. Students are not expected to be proficient, or exceed proficiency, at the beginning of the year, this is a process. I will also use the SBAC rubric that aligns with the spring state testing to assess all major writings so students can familiarize themselves with what is expected of them for the state assessment.

Within Beaverton School District’s Standards-Based Learning System, each academic long-term learning target has a rubric describing four levels of performance:

4 = Highly Proficient in the Skill

3 = Proficient in the Skill

2 = Nearly Proficient in the Skill

1 = The Skill is Developing

In addition to a proficiency grade, students will be assessed on the Beaverton School District Behavior Learning Targets. These behavior grades are given as a teaching team with all the teachers who service the student.

Behavioral long-term learning targets are assessed and reported using a rubric with three levels of performance:

  • C / I – Consistently / Independently
  • G – Generally
  • R – Rarely / Sometimes


In the case of an absence, students are responsible for obtaining the work they have missed, and making that work up in a timely fashion. This work can be picked up in class upon return and any notes missed will need to be copied from a classmate.

Late Work

Given the structure of the class, it is important to complete all work in a timely manner. However, understanding that late work happens periodically, it is expected that the work be turned in no later than three class periods beyond the original due date. If a student is aware that an assignment is going to be late, students must contact the teacher BEFORE the due date to arrange an extension.Students should be communicating for themselves, not parents on behalf of students.


I am happy to help any student who needs extra assistance. I’m available by appointment most days after school. Otherwise, I do keep a website ( containing links to the class calendar, supplemental information, and a brief description of the days activities. My email is: . This is the best way to communicate with me. I check my email daily and should be able to respond by the end of the next school day.

Everyday Materials

Students are expected to bring the following materials to English class everyday:

  1. English notebook (composition book is preferred)
  2. Academic Planner
  3. Writing utensil
  4. Sustained silent reading book (SSR)

Student Signature:______

Parent Signature:______


District Goal: All students will show continuous progress toward their personal learning goals, developed in collaboration with teachers and parents, and will be prepared for post-secondary education and career success.

The Beaverton School District recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups. It is the policy of the Beaverton School District that there will be no discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, marital status, age, veterans' status, genetic information or disability in any educational programs, activities or employment.