October 13, 2014, Volume VIII, Number 41
St. Callistus I,Tuesday, October 14, 2014
St. Teresa of Jesus, Wednesday, October 15, 2014
St. Hedwig, Thursday, October 16, 2014
St. Ignatius of Antioch, Friday,October, 17, 2014
St. Luke, Saturday, October 18, 2014
Question of the Week
For the Feast of Twenty-Nine Sunday in Ordinary Time, October 19, 2014
“The Pharisees went offand plotted how they might entrap Jesus in speech.” Do you deliberately take another person’s words out of context and misrepresent what they said? Are your words straight-forward or do you often try to mislead people without actually lying? How will you be more honest in the words you choose without being insensitive?
Saint of the Day:St. Ignatius of Antioch
Born in Syria, Ignatius converted to Christianity and eventually became bishop of Antioch. In the year 107, Emperor Trajan visited Antioch and forced the Christians there to choose between death and apostasy. Ignatius would not deny Christ and thus was condemned to be put to death in Rome.
Ignatius is well known for the seven letters he wrote on the long journey from Antioch to Rome. Five of these letters are to churches in Asia Minor; they urge the Christians there to remain faithful to God and to obey their superiors. He warns them against heretical doctrines, providing them with the solid truths of the Christian faith.
The sixth letter was to Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna, who was later martyred for the faith. The final letter begs the Christians in Rome not to try to stop his martyrdom. “The only thing I ask of you is to allow me to offer the libation of my blood to God. I am the wheat of the Lord; may I be ground by the teeth of the beasts to become the immaculate bread of Christ.” Ignatius bravely met the lions in the Circus Maximus.
Wanted! Innovative Initiatives in Evangelization and Catechesis
NCCL’s New Wineskins Awards are annual awards that recognize and celebrate effective initiatives in catechetical and evangelization ministries. If you or someone you know oversees such an effort in a parish or diocese, consider applying for the 2015 New Wineskins Award. See the Nomination Forms for the criteria. Any NCCL member may submit a nomination. The Awards are presented at the Awards Luncheon during NCCL’s Annual Conference.
Board Meeting Highlights Posted
Highlights from the Board Conferences in June and July have been posted on the NCCL website.
Close-out Sale of Catechetical Sunday materials continues
NCCL’s 2014 journal, the last one which will bear the mark of Lee’s approval, is now on sale for $1 each. What a great, affordable, early Christmas present this could be for all of your catechists, RCIA leaders and seekers, adult faith formation participants, and all parents! The insightful meditationswill foster weekly discipleship for all ages. Dedicated to Master Catechist Lee Nagel.
Our 2014 NCCL catechetical pinreminds us of God’s Forgiveness. Order now at sale prices for your Lenten retreats, days of reflection, or as gifts to those receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.
Remaining Posters, certificates, and Prayer Cards also on sale.
2015 Annual Conference & Exposition, May 18-21, Buffalo
Tuesday Morning Keynote by Bro. Mickey McGrath: ENCOUNTERING THE GOOD NEWS THROUGH ART.
Ever since the earliest days of the Church, art has been one of the most effective ways to evangelize, heal, and spread the good news of the gospel. This is especially true in times of reform and renewal, as we are today. Heeding Pope Francis’ call to each of us to be creative in our mission, Bro Mickey will share his sketched and painted reflections on the evangelizer as artist.
NCCL Members: Reserve your place at the conference for only $289 through 10/13.
Watch this video for more information on the Annual Conference.
Two Annual Conference Scholarship Opportunities Announced
TheYoung Adult in Ministry Initiative seeks to encourage people to consider entering the catechetical ministry. The New Professional Catechetical Minister Scholarship seeks to bolster young people engaged in catechetical ministry to become more involved with the mission of catechesis. For more information, go to the Scholarship page on the NCCL website.
Calling Knitters and Crocheters on behalf of children in remote Alaska
Sr. Dorothy Giloley, SSJ, Diocesan Director of Religious Education for the Diocese of Fairbanks, facilitates the sending of hand knitted/crocheted sweaters, caps and scarves to children in remote villages of her diocese. Matching hats and scarves (popular among older children), sweaters and baby items are welcome in infant through size 12 for children. No mittens are needed as they become soggy in the wet weather. For specific questions, email Sr. Dorothy,
Packages may be mailed to Sr. Dorothy at: The Chancery, 1316 Peger Road, Fairbanks, AK 99709
FCH Receives $8000 Grant
The John Joseph Sigstein Foundation has award the Federation for Catechesis with Hispanics a grant of $8335 to be used from November 2014 – October 2015. Among the projects mentioned by FCH in their grant application was the production of webinars. Congratulations to FCH!
Remembering a Great Catechetical Leader: Msgr. Ronald Amandolare
Msgr. Ronald Amandolare, a former Director of Religious Education, Diocese of Patterson, passed away peacefully in his home, on September 29, 2014. He was 80 years old. Msgr. Amandolare, affectionately known as Fr. Ron, was a leader in our organization when it was called NCDD (National Conference of Diocesan Directors) prior to become NCCL. Fr. Ron is featured, along with other “catechetical giants” such as Fr. Tom Ivory and Carl Manternach, in a video series on the USA history of catechesis during the 20th century, which is currently under production. Among other things, Fr. Ron was very instrumental in bringing the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults to the United States after the Second Vatican Council. Those who wish may contribute in his memory to Our Lady of Victories, 100 Fair Street, Paterson, N.J. 07501. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen.
Jo Rotunno Retires as Publisher of RCL Benziger
Jo Rotunno, who has served as publisher of RCL Benziger since 2010, retired on October 2, 2014 after 21 years of service to the company and nearly 40 years of leadership in the Catholic publishing ministry. She will continue to serve as RCL Benziger’s publisher emeritus. Jo was one of the driving forces behind the publication of Echoes of Faith, Echoes of Faith Plus, and the new Echoes 3.0 online. Anne Battes, associate publisher, hasbecome the publisher.
Online Course on Evangelii Gaudium Directed at US Hispanic Catholics
The first course for the Americas about Evangelii Gaudium begins in November. While the course is directed to the Americas’ Hispanic community, special importance is given to the USA Latin community of parishes. The organizers are encouraging American pastors and pastoral agents to invite leaders and members of their parishes to participate in the course. This is a joint initiative of the Latin American Bishops Council (CELAM) and Latin American Center of Social Evangelization (CLAdeES) for the Americas. View a video presentation in Spanish:
The online course is directed to social, political, pastoral representatives and the public in general who are interested in discovering the new keys of social transformation to which Pope Francis’ document contributes. Questions considered in the course include: How to reach everyone, without exception or exclusions. What does it mean to concentrate on the essentials, on what is most beautiful, most grand, most appealing and at the same time most necessary?
The course takes place on Saturdays, November 8, 15, and 22 and December 6 and 13. Each sessions is 10:00 a.m. – noon Eastern Time. The cost is $40 with a 50% discount for groups of 10.
Pope Tells Disabled Athletes They Give “Message of Encouragement”
Pope Francis told a group of disabled athletes that their disabilities are in fact a “message of encouragement” and an invitation to commit ourselves to do good together, surmounting the barriers we find around us, including those within ourselves. Reiterating a message he's given on other occasions, the Pope spoke of sports as something that promotes relationships among those who come from different cultures and environments. Sport “helps us to live by accepting differences, to make of these a precious occasion of mutual enrichment and discovery. Above all, sport becomes a precious occasion to recognize one another as brothers and sisters on the way, to foster the culture of inclusion and to reject the disposable culture,” he said.
The Pope continued: “God the Father … knows everything. He knows us better than anyone else, and He looks at us with confidence, He loves us as we are, but He makes us grow in keeping with what we can become. Thus, in your effort for sport without barriers, for a world without excluded persons, you are never alone! God Our Father is with you!”
Pope’s Opening Words at the Synod: Collaboration is Essential
In his opening remarks to the Synod, Pope Francis stressed that the meetings should be a time of true collaboration“so that the dynamic of synodality is clearly affirmed.” He said, “A basic general condition is this: to speak clearly. No one must say: ‘This can’t be said; he will think of me this way or that …’ It is necessary to say everything that is felt with parrhesia. After the last Consistory (February 2014), in which there was talk of the family, a Cardinal wrote to me saying: too bad that some Cardinals didn’t have the courage to say some things out of respect for the Pope, thinking, perhaps, that the Pope thought something different. This is not good; this is not synodality, because it is necessary to say everything that in the Lord one feels should be said, with human respect, without fear. And, at the same time, one must listen with humility and receive with an open heart what the brothers say. Synodality will be exercised with these two attitudes.”
There are 253 participants in the synodal assembly, including: synod fathers from the five continents who are the heads of the 13 synods of bishops of the Eastern Catholic Churches sui iuris; the presidents of the 114 episcopal conferences; 3 representatives of the Union of Superiors General; 6 heads of Roman Curia departments;15 members of the Thirteenth Ordinary Council; 26 members appointed by the Pope; 8 fraternal delegates representing other Churches and ecclesial communities; 16 experts and 38 auditors – women and men, chosen from among a great number of specialists and persons involved in family ministry, including thirteen married couples.
Daily reports from the synod can be found at Here is Day 4.
Pope Francis Quote: The sacraments are not decorations in life.
“The sacraments are not decorations in life – what a beautiful marriage, what a beautiful ceremony, what a beautiful banquet…But that is not the sacrament of marriage. That is a decoration! Grace is not given to decorate life but rather to make us strong in life, giving us courage to go forwards!”
All Saint’s Day Eve… Halloween
Internet search engines always turn up interesting articles on the topics of your choice. (They can also turn up trash!) Typing “Catholic Halloween”, here are some of the better articles that I found:
Can Catholics Celebrate Halloween? (Mike Hayes responds. Note: Mike Hayes will present a Learning Session at NCCL’s 2015 Annual Conference.)
Seasonal Features: Halloween(Lots of ideas activity ideas as well as the history)
Feastday Customs
Great ideas and resources can also be found on the websites of most Catholic textbook publishers.
Catholic Parent Revival
Parents, grandparents and guardians from across the country are invited to join together either onsite or online December 6, 11:00 am-5:00 pm CST, at the Lila Cockrell Theatre in San Antonio for the Catholic Parent Revival (CPR) – a day designed to revive their faith and celebrate their vocation as they help their families grow in faith. With national presenters and performers like Steve and Jenni Angrisano, Mark Hart, Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, Roy Petitfils, Noelle Garcia and John Angotti, attendees will be treated to a day of inspiring stories, moving music, and meaningful prayer that is guaranteed to breathe new life into the role that faith takes within their home, the domestic church.For more information and registration links, go to: The Catholic Parent Revival is part of the Strong Catholic Families initiative presented in partnership with NFCYM, NCCL, NACFLM, and NCEA.
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Knowing Jesus and His Message – Conociendo a Jesus y su Mensaje
This excellent resource is based on the protocol used to evaluate elementary religion series. The book uses fifteen standards for Pre-K and K through Grades 7 & 8. Included with the binder is a CD with all the materials available for duplication. This is an ideal help for any elementary catechist regardless of the series you might be using. Check out the following and use the Order Form.
- EXPLANATION - Knowing Jesus and His Message ()
- Standards - Explained ()
- ORDER FORM - Knowing Jesus and His Message ()
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CL Weekly, October13, 2014 Page 1