FALL, 2010

Call numbers indicate materials at PCL, unless otherwise noted.

An asterisk (*) indicates an item, exclusive of assigned readings, useful as an initial reading in a section. ER indicates an electronic resource available through UT Libraries.


AA (American Archivist) CD/3020/A45, ER

AI (Archival Issues)CD/3054/M53, ER

Ar (Archivaria) CD/3620/A73

AM (Archives and Manuscripts) CD/4/A75

AS (Archival Science)-CD/973/D3/A72, ER

Archivum 025.171/AR27

College and Research Libraries Z/671/C6/LIS, ER

Drexel Library Quarterly Z/671/D7/LIS

GA (Georgia Archive) CD/3180/G42

Government Publications Review Z/1223.7/Z7/G6, ER

IA (Indian Archives) 025.171/IN2

Illinois Libraries Z/732/12/I3, ER

Journal of Library History Z/671/J67, ER

Journal of Southern History 975.05/J826, ER

Journal of the Society of Archivists CD/23/S6/A3, ER

L&CR (Libraries & the Cultural Record)-Z 671/J67, ER

LT (Library Trends) Z/671/L6173/LIS, ER

MA (Midwestern Archivist) CD/3054/M53

Prologue E/171/7345, ER


RMQ (ARMA Records Management Quarterly)HF/5736/R3632

Records Management Quarterly (ARMA)-HF/5736/R3632, ER


Bibliographies...... 2

The Nature and Conduct of History...... 3

The State of Archival History...... 3

General...... 4

Archives and Archival Enterprise in the World (Primarily in Europe)

General...... 4

To 1788...... 5

1789-1900...... 6

Archives and Archival Enterprise in America

General...... 7

1600s-1876...... 8

1876-Present...... 9

Corporate Archives...... 10

Collecting Archives...... 11

Government Archives in the United States...... 12

Public Archives Commission...... 12

National Archives...... 12

State and Municipal...... 14

Archival Enterprise in Texas...... 16

Archival Methodology: Appraisal, Arrangement and Description...18

Archives and Archival Enterprise Around the World in the 20th Century

General, Africa, Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy,

Latin America, Mexico,New Zealand, Philippines, Russia Spain, Yugoslavia.19

The American Archival Profession...... 24

Media...... 25

Memory...... 27

Preservation...... 27

Record Keeping Systems: Nature and Subversion

Record Keeping Systems and Documentation...... 28

Diplomatics...... 28

Bogus Documents...... 29

Theft and Trading in Documents...... 29

Archives and Records In Peril...... 31


Evans, Frank B., comp., The History of Archives Administration: A Select Bibliography (1979) CD/995/E926

Cox, Richard J., “On the Value of Archival History in the United States,” in Richard J. Cox, American Archival Analysis: The Recent Development of the Archival Profession in the United States (1990), 182-200 CD/3021/C68/1990

Kitching, Christopher, “The History of Record Keeping in the United Kingdom to 1939: a select bibliography” Journal of the Society of Archivists, 9 #2 (April 1988), 88-100

O’Toole, James, “The Future of Archival History,” Provenance, XIII (1995), 1-24

Steilow, Frederick J., and James Gregory Bradsher, “Archival Enterprise,” in Donald G. Davis, Jr. and John Mark Tucker, American Library History: A Comprehensive Guide to the Literature (1989) Z/731/D38/1989 LIS

Trask, David F. and Robert W. Pomeroy III, eds., The Craft of Public History: An Annotated Selected Bibliography (1983) D/13.5/46/C73/1983 BTC


Barzun, Jacques, and Henry F. Graff, The Modern Researcher (4th ed., 1985) (This is the classic work on what historical scholarship is and how to conduct it.) D/13/B334

Brothman, Brien, “Some Themes in American Historical Writing during the 1990s,” AA, 64 (Sp/Su 2001), 159-188

Cantor, Norman F., and Richard I. Schneider, How to Study History (1967), chs. 2, 3, 9, 13 907/C168H

Davidson, James West, After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection (1986)


Gottschalk, Louis, Understanding History: A Primer of Historical Method (2d. ed., 1969) D/13/G75/1969 LIS (This is a fine piece of work.)

Handlin, Oscar, et al., Harvard Guide to American History (1967) prefatory matter: “History and Other Fields of Knowledge,” “The Historian and the Public,” “Historical Societies,” “Theories of Historical Interpretation,” “Principles of Historical Criticism,” “History as a Literary Art”

Higham, John, “The Construction of American History,” in John Higham, ed., The Reconstruction of American History (1962) (In tracing the changing emphases of history, this piece illuminates the changing attitudes toward the sources of history.) 973.072/H537R

“The Historian and the Historical Document” in Louis R. Gottschalk, The Use of Personal Documents in history, anthropology and sociology (1945) G/907.2/G716U (BLAC)

Kammen, Carol, On Doing Local History: Reflections on What Local Historians Do, Why and What It Means (1987) E/180/K28/1986

McCoy, F. N., Researching and Writing in History (1974), chs. 8,9 D/16/M13

Marwick, Arthur, The Nature of History (3d. ed., 1989) D/13/M32/1989B

“Scientific History,” in R. G. Collingwood, The Idea of History (1946) 907/C691I/1946R


Cox, Richard J., “American Archival History: Its Development, Needs, and Opportunities,” AA, 46 (Winter 1983), 3141

_____, “On the Value of Archival History in the United States,” in Richard J. Cox, American Archival Analysis: The Recent Development of the Archival Profession in the United States (1990), 182-200

Craig, Barbara L., “Outward Visions, Inward Glance: Archives History and Professional Identity,” AI, 17 (1992), 113-124

O’Toole, James, “The Future of Archival History,” Provenance, XIII (1995), 1-24


Delsalle, Paul, Une Histoire de L’Archivistique (1998)

First International Conference on the History of Records (Special issue), Ar, 60 (Fall 2005)

Holmes, Oliver W., “History and Theory of Archival Practice,” in Roland Stevens, ed., University Archives (1965), 121 025.171/AL54U

Martin, Henri-Jean (Lydia G. Cochrane, trans.), The History and Power of Writing (1994) Z/40/M3713/1994

Munden, Kenneth, ed., Archives and the Public Interest: Selected Essays by Ernst Posner (1967) 350.714/P843A



Ambrosini, Maria Luisa, The Secret Archives of the Vatican (1969) CD/1581/A75/LAW

*Brichford, Maynard, “The Provenance of Provenance in Germanic Areas,” Provenance, VII, No. 2 (Fall 1989), 54-70

Cortada, James W., “Libraries and Archives of Madrid,” Journal of Library History, 9 (Ap 1974), 176188

*Davies, J. Conway, ed., Studies Presented to Sir Hilary Jenkinson (1957) 942.02/D287S

*Duchein, Michel, “The History of European Archives and the Development of the European Archival Profession,” AA, 55 (Win 1992), 14-24

Galbraith, Vivian H., Studies in the Public Records (1949), 5688 942/G1315

_____, An Introduction to the Use of the Public Records (1952), CD/1043/G3

Hollaender, Albert E.J., Essays in Memory of Sir Hilary Jenkinson (1962) 025.171/So131e

Kekumano, Charles A., The Secret Archives of the Diocesan Curia: A Historical Synopsis and a Commentary (1959) K2697/LAW

Opll, Ferdinand, “The memory of a city: the Vienna municipal archives from the thirteenth to the twentieth century,” in M.V. Roberts, Archives and the Metropolis (1998), 23-34

Ottervik, et al., Libraries and Archives in Sweden (1954) 027.0485/O18

Palmer, Olga P., “The History of European Archival Literature,” AA, 2 (Ap 1939), 69-84

Pugh, R.B., “The Early History of the Admiralty Record Office,” in J. Conway Davies, ed., Studies Presented to Sir Hilary Jenkinson (1957) 942.02/D287S

Rice, Howard C., Jr., “The Paris Depository for Notarial Archives,” AA, 14 (Ap 1951), 99104

Sandberg, Arnold, “The Archives of the Church and the Religious Movements in Sweden,” Archivum, 4 (1954), 123134

*Schellenberg, T.R., Modern Archives: Principles and Techniques (1956) 025.171/SCH26M

Sweeney, Shelley, “The Ambiguous Origins of the Archival Principle of ‘Provenance’,” L&CR, 423 (2008), 193-213

*Tate, William E., The Parish Chest: A Study of the Records of Parochial Administration in England (1969) 942/T187P

Thomas, Daniel H., “A History of the Diplomatic Archives of Belgium,” AA, 15 (Oct 1952), 291302

University of Cambridge Archives, The Archives of the University of Cambridge: An Historical Introduction (1962) 378.4259/C.EC.A

Wagner, Alfred, “The Policy of Access to Archives: From Restriction to Liberalization,” Unesco Bulletin for Libraries, 24 (Mr/Ap, 1970), 736, 117

Walne, Peter, “Parish Registers and the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths in England and Wales,” Archivum, 8 (1958), 7987

Welch, Edwin, “Borough Archives in England and Wales,” Archivum, 13 (1963), 6172

Zhang, Wenxian, “The Yellow Register Archives of Imperial Ming China,” L&CR, 43 (2008), 148-175

To 1788

*Duranti, Luciana, “The Odyssey of Records Managers--Part II,” RMQ, 23/4 (Oct 1989), 3-6, 8-11

*Ketelaar, “Muniments and monuments: the dawn of archives as cultural patrimony,” AS, 7 (2007), 343-357

McCrank, Lawrence J., “Documenting Reconquest and Reform: The Growth of Archives in the Medieval Crown of Aragon,” AA, 56 (Spg 1993), 256-318

*Mullett, Charles F., “The ‘Better Reception, Preservation, and More Conveniente Use’ of Public Records in EighteenthCentury England,” AA, 27 (Ap 1964), 195217

*Soll, Jacob, “How to manage an information state: Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s archives and the education of his son,” AS, 7 (2007), 331-342

Wernham, R.B., “The Public Records in the 16th and 17th Centuries,” in Levi Fox, ed., English Historical Scholarship in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (1956), 1130 942.0007/D878

Yale, Elizabeth, “With Slips and Scraps: How Early Modern Naturalists Invented the Archives,” Book History, 12 (2009), 1-36

*Yax, Maggie, “Arthur Agarde, Elizabethan Archivist: His Contributions to the Evolution of Archival Practice,” AA, 61 (Spg 98), 56-70


Alonso, Vicenta Cortes, “The Archive of the Indies,” Manuscripts, 21 (Win 1969), 210 091.505/Au82

Howard, Donald D., “The ‘Archives de la Guerre’: Its History and Importance in Napoleonic Scholarship,” Journal of Library History, 5 (Ja 1970), 6672

*Ketelaar, Eric, The Archival Image: Collected Essays (Hilversum, Netherlands: Verloren, 1997)

Especially: “Muller, Feith and Fruin,” 43-54, and “Archival Theory and the Dutch Manual,” 55-66

*Kingston, Ralph, “The French Revolution and the Materiality of the Modern Archive," L&CR, 46.1 (2011), in press

*Lokke, Carl L., “Archives and the French Revolution,” AA, 31 (Jan 1968), 2331

_____, “The French Foreign Office Records Under the Third Republic,” AA, 5 (Ap 1942), 7381

Muller, S., J.A. Feith, and R. Fruin (A. H. Leavitt, trans.), Manual for the Arrangement and Description of Archives (1940) 025.171/M916HTL

*Panitch, Judith M., “Liberty, Equality, Posterity?: Some Archival Lessons from the Case of the French Revolution,” AA, 59 (Win 1996), 30-47

*Posner, Ernst, “Some Aspects of Archival Development Since the French Revolution,” AA, 3 (Jul 1940), 159172

*_____, “Manual of Archives Administration: Theory and Practice of Public Archives in France: A Review Article,” AA, 35 (Ja 1972), 5158

*_____, “Max Lehmann and the Genesis of the Principle of Provenance,” in Munden, Selected Essays (see under GENERAL)

*Roper, Michael, “The Development of the Principles of Provenance and Respect for Original Order in the Public Record Office,” in Barbara L. Craig, The Archival Imagination: Essays in Honour of Hugh A. Taylor (1992), 105-133

Tussing, Nicholas J., “The Politics of Leo XIII’s Opening of the Vatican Archives: The Ownership of the Past,” AA, 70 (Fall/Winter 2007), 364-386



*Berner, Richard C., Archival Theory and Practice in the United States: A Historical Analysis (1983) CD/3021/B47

Beredo, Cheryl, “Archival Allegory? Cultural studies and T.R. Schellenberg’s Modern Archives: Principles and Techniques,” Provenance, XXVI (2008), 24-37

*Bradsher, James Gregory, and Michele F. Pacifico, “History of Archives Administration,” in Bradsher, ed., Managing Archives and Archival Institutions (1988) CD/950/M36/1989

Browne, Henry J., “The American Catholic Archival Tradition,” AA, 14 (Apl 1951), 127139

*Burnette, D. Lawrence, Beneath the Footnote: A Guide to the Use and Preservation of American Historical Sources (1969) CD/3021/B93

Butterfield, Lyman H., “Archival and Editorial Enterprise in 1850 and in 1950: Some Comparisons and Contrasts,” American Philosophical Society Proceedings, 98 (Jun 15, 1954), 159170 A/11P5/v. 98

Cook, Terry, “Easy to Byte, Harder to Chew: The Second Generation of Electronic Records Archives,” Ar, 33 (Winter 1992), 202-216

*_____, “What is Past is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas Since 1898, and the Future Paradigm Shift,” Ar, 43 (Spg 97), 17-63

*Deutrich, Mabel E., “Decimal Filing: Its General Background and an Account of Its Rise and Fall in the U.S. War Department,” AA, 28 (Ap 1965), 199-218

[Ellis, Roger, and Peter Walne, eds.], Selected Writings of Sir Hilary Jenkinson (1990) CD/935/J46

Evans, Frank B., “Archivists and Records Managers: Variations on a Theme,” AA, 30 (Ja 1967), 4558

Gilliland-Swetland, Luke J., “The Provenance of a Profession: The Permanence of the Public Archives and Historical Manuscripts Traditions in American Archival History,” AA (Spg 1991), 160-175

Gondos, Victor, “The Era of the Woodruff File,” AA, 19 (Oct 1956), 303-320

Hesseltine, William B., and Donald R. McNeil, eds., In Support of Clio: Essays in Memory of Herbert A. Kellar (1958) 907.2/H465I

Larsen, John C., ed., Researcher’s Guide to Archives and Regional History Sources (1988) CD/3021/R47/1988

Lord, Clifford L., ed., Keepers of the Past (1965) 973.06/L884K

Peace, Nancy E. Archival Choices: Managing the Historical Record in an Age of Abundance (1984) CD/3021/A79/1984 Ch 1

Schellenberg, T.R., The Management of Archives(1965) CD/950/S29 Chs 2, 3, 4

_____, Modern Archives: Principles and Techniques (1956) CD/950/S3 Chs 1, 2

Stephenson, Mary Sue, “The American Archivist, 1971-1990: A Demographic Analysis of the Articles,” AA, 55 (Fall 1992), 538-561

Torrez, Robert, “Documents Survive Tumultuous Times,” New Mexico Magazine, 70, No. 1 (January, 1992), 50-55

Wosh, Peter J., “Keeping the Faith? Bishops, Historians, and Catholic Diocesan Archivists, 17901980,” MA, IX, #1 (1984), 1526

_____, “Bibles, Benevolence, and Bureaucracy: The Changing Nature of Nineteenth Century Religious Records,” AA, 52 (Spg 1989), 166-178


Adams, Herbert Baxter, The Life and Writings of Jared Sparks: Comprising Selections from His Journals and Correspondence (2 vols., 1893) 973.5 P262BA

Benavides, Adan, Loss by Division: the Commandancy General Archive of the Eastern Interior Provinces [1813-1836] (1988) F/1227/B4628/1988 BLAC

Coulter, E. Merton, Joseph Vallence Bevan: Georgia’s First Official Historian (1964)(ch. 5)975.8/B467Bc

Dunlap, Leslie W., American Historical Societies, 17901860 (1944) 973.06/D921a/1944

Hamilton, J.G. de R., “Three Centuries of Southern Records, 16071907,” Journal of Southern History, 10 (Feb 1944), 336

*Harper, Josephine L., “Lyman C. Draper and Early American Archives,” AA, 15 (Jl 1952), 205212

*Jones, H.G., ed., Historical Consciousness in the Early Republic: The Origins of State Historical Societies, Museums, and Collections, 1791-1861 (1995) E/172/H57/1995

Martin, Thomas P., “Early American Interest in Historical Sources and Archives,” ALA Public Documents, 1937, pp. 228232 025.1734/AM3P

*O’Toole, James M., “Democracy—and Documents—in America,” AA, 65 (Sp/Su, 2002), 107-115

Riley, Stephen T., The Massachusetts Historical Society, 17911959 (1959) 974.406/M382Ym

Smith, J.D., “Alfred Holt Stone: Mississippi Planter and Archivist/Historian of Slavery,” Journal of Mississippi History, 45 (1983), 262273 976.206/M6913/BHC

Teute, Frederika J., “A Historiographical Perspective on Historical Editing,” AA, 43 (Wi 1980), 4356

Van Tassel, David B., Recording America’s Past: An Interpretation of the Development of Historical Societies in America, 16071884 (1960) 973.07/V368R

Wood, Richard G., “Richard Bartlett, Minor Archival Prophet,” AA, 17 (Jan 1954), 1318


*Baumann, Roland M., “Oberlin College and the Movement to Establish An Archives, 1920-1966,” Midwestern Archivist, XIII (1988), 27-38

Brown, Matthew G., “The First Nixon Papers Controversy: Richard Nixon’s 1969 Prepresidential Papers Tax Deduction,” AI, 26 (2001), 9-26

Burke, Frank G., “The Beginnings of the NHPRC Records Program,” AA, 63 (Sum 2000), 18-42

Cook, J. Frank., “‘Private Papers’ of Public Officials,” AA, 38 (Jul 1975), 299-324

Darby, Matthew S., “Extending Archives: Folklife, Social History, and the Work of R. Henderson Shuffler,” Provenance, XVII (1999), 5-22

Evans, Frank B. “Presidential Address - American Archives, 1959-89: A Personal Perspective” AA 53 (Winter 1990) 12-21

Giunta, Mary A., “The NHPRC: Its Influence on Documentary Editing, 19641984,” AA, 49 (Sp 1986), 134141

Hackman, Larry, “A Perspective on American Archives,” Public Historian, 8, No. 3 (Sum 1986), 1028

Purcell, Aaron D., “Abstractions of Justice: The Library of Congress’s Great Manuscripts Robbery, 1896-1897,” AA, 62 (Fa 1999), 325-345

*Reynolds, Robert D., Jr., “The Incunabula of Archival Theory and Practice in the United States: J.C. Fitzpatrick’s Notes on the Care, Cataloguing, Calendaring and Arranging of Manuscripts and the Public Archives Commission’s Uncompleted “Primer of Archival Economy,” AA, 54 (Fall 1991), 466-482

Rundell, Walter, In Pursuit of American History: Research and Training in the United States (1970) 973.07/R871I

*Smith, John David, “The Historian as Archival Advocate: Ulrich Bonnell Phillips and the Records of Georgia and the South,” AA, 52 (Sum 1989), 320-331

Speer, Lisa K., “Mississippi’s ‘Spy Files’: The State Sovereignty Commission Records Controversy, 1977-1999,” Provenance, XVII (1999), 101-117

*Voss-Hubbard, Anke, “‘No Documents—No History’: Mary Ritter Beard and the Early History of Women’s Archives,” AA, 58 (Win 1995), 16-30


*Adkins, Elizabeth W., “The Development of Business Archives in the United States: An Overview and a Personal Perspective,” AA, 60 (Win 1997), 8-33

*Fishbein, Meyer H., “Business Archives,” in Allen Kent and Harold Lancour, eds., Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (1968), vol. 3, pps. 517526 Z/1006/E57 LIS Ref

Shkolnik, Leon “The Role of the Archive in the Corporate Structure” RMQ v.24 #4 (Oc 1990) 18-20, 22-23, 57, 58

Smith, David R., “An Historical Look at Business Archives,” AA, 45 (Sum 1982), 273278

Yates, Jo Anne, “Internal Communication Systems in American Business Structures: A Framework to Aid Appraisal,” AA, 48 (Sp 1985), 141158


Ashdown, E., “Florida’s Black Archives: A Substantial Past,” Change, 11 (1979), 48-49 LB/2300/C4

Burke, Frank G., “Manuscripts and Archives,” Library Trends, 15 (Jan 1967), 430445 (a history of NUCMC)

Butterfield, Lyman C., “Bostonians and Their Neighbors as Pack Rats,” AA, 24 (Apl 1961), 14159

Clark, Thomas D., “Preservation of Southern Historical Documents,” AA, 16 (Ja 1953), 2737

Cook, D. Louise, “A Home for a Dream, the Freedom Hall Complex,” GA, 9, #2 (Fa 1981), 4251

Deutrich, Mabel E., “American Church ArchivesAn Overview,” AA, 24 (Oct 1961), 387402

Foster, Clifton Dale, “Microfilming Activities of the Historical Records Survey, 19351942,” AA, 48 (Win 1985), 4555

Fox, Edith M., “The Genesis of Cornell University’s Collection of Regional History,” AA, 14 (Ap 1951), 10516

Geselbracht, Raymond, “The Origins of Restrictions on Access to Personal Papers at the Library of Congress and the National Archives,” AA, 49 (Spg 1986), 142162

Goggin, Jacqueline, “Carter G. Woodson and the Collection of Source Materials for AfroAmerican History,” AA, 48 (Sum 1985), 261271

Gracy, David B. II, “Archives of Labor in the United States: History and Reminiscence” Ar, 4 (1977) (Southern Labor Archives)

Hamer, Philip M., “The Records of Southern History,” Journal of Southern History, 5 (Feb 1939), 317

Hart, Katherine, “Administering the Local History Collection,” Texas Libraries, 29 (Fall 1967), 187-202 Z/671/T46

*Henry, Linda, “Promoting Historical Consciousness: The Early Archives Committee of the National Council of Negro Women,” Signs, 7 (Aut 1981), 251259

McAllister, D. Theodore, “Collecting Archives for the History of Science,” AA, 32 (Oct 1969), 327332

_____, “A Manuscripts Collection Venture in the Middle West: Indiana, 195053,” AA, 17 (Oct 54), 30512

Morison, William J., “Creating a Local Records and Community Archival Center: The Case of the University of Louisville,” Public Historian, 1, #4 (Sum 1979), 2328

Noggle, Burl, Working with History: The Historical Records Survey in Louisiana and the Nation, 19361942 ([1981]) F369/N63

Powell, Charles H., “Racial Historical Societies and the American Heritage,” Journal of Negro History, 37 (Ja 1952), 1135

“Report of the Historical Manuscripts Commission,” AHA Annual Report, 1896, 1:46780 973.06/AM35A

*Smiley, David L., “The W.P.A. Historical Records Survey,” in Hesseltine and McNeil, In Support of Clio, 328 (see under GENERAL)

Stover, C., “Museum Archives: Growth and Development,” Drexel Library Quarterly, 19, #3 (1983), 6677

*Straus, Annabel, “College and University Archives: Three Decades of Development,” College and Research Libraries, 40 (Sep 1979), 432439

Wallace, Carolyn A., “The Southern Historical Collection,” AA, 28 (Ju 1965), 427436

Warner, Robert M., “The Role of the Secular Institution in Collecting Church Records,” AA, 28 (Ap 1965), 24754


*Bastian, Jeannette Allis, “A Question of Custody: The Colonial Archives of the United States Virgin Islands,” AA, 64 (Sp/Su 2001), 96-114

Nelson, Josephus, “Properly Arranged and Properly Recorded: The Library of Congress Archives,” L&CR, 45 (2010), 25-36


*Paltsits, Victor H., “An Historical Resume of the Public Archives Commission, from 1899 to 1921,” American Historical Association Annual Report, 1922, v.1, p. 152163 973.06/AM35A


*Bradsher, James Gregory, “An Administrative History of the Disposal of Federal Records, 17891949,” Provenance, 3, #2 (Fa 1985), 121

*_____, “A Brief History of the Growth of Federal Government Records, Archives and Information, 17891985,” Government Publications Review, 13 (1986), 491505

*Brooks, Philip C., “Archives in the United States During World War II, 19391946,” Library Quarterly, 17 (Oct 1947), 263280 Z671/C713

Cappon, Lester J., “The National Archives and the Historical Profession,” Journal of Southern History, 35 (Nov 1969), 477499

*Evans, Frank B., “Modern Methods of Arrangement of Archives in the United States,” AA, 29 (Ap 1966), 241263 (history of attempts to develop a scientific system for handling archives)

Geselbracht, Raymond, “The Four Eras in the History of Presidential Papers,” Prologue, 15 (Spg 1983), 3742 E 171/P7345

*Gondos, Victor, J. Franklin Jameson and the Birth of the National Archives (1981) CD/3023/G66/1981

**Jones, H.G., The Records of a Nation (1969)026.973/J717R

*Krauskopf, Robert W., “The Hoover Commissions and Federal Record Keeping,” AA, 21 (Oct 1958), 371399

Lovely, Louise, “The Evolution of Presidential Libraries,” Government Publications Review, 6 (1979), 2735

*McCoy, Donald, The National Archives (1979) CD/3023/M25

Penn, Ira A., “Federal Records Management in the 1980sIs Just Like It Was in the 1780s,” RMQ, 18, No. 3 (Jun 1984), 515

Peterson, Trudy Huskamp, “The National Archives and the Archival Theorist Revisited,” AA, 49 (Sp 1986), 125133

Schellenberg, T.R., Modern Archives: Principles and Techniques (1956) CD/950/S3

Viola, Herman, The National Archives of the United States (1984) CD/3023/U56

*Walch, Timothy, ed., Guardian of Heritage: Essays on the History of the National Archives (1986) CD/3023/G83

*Warner, Robert M., Diary of a dream : a history of the National Archives independence movement, 1980-1985(1995) CD 3024 W37 1995