Sweeney Elementary PTO

Board Meeting

Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 6:30 PM


·  John Mahal (Asst. Principal)

·  Todd Kirkland (President)

·  Brenda Kauhane (Treasurer)


·  Casie Kurtt – Sweeney Reading & Math Literacy Team

·  Joyce Mohlin - Sweeney Special Education Teacher

·  Robin Hanson - Sweeney Physical Education Teacher

·  Tami O’Neal – Sweeney 5th Grade Teacher

At 6:30 pm, T. Kirkland welcomed attendees. All attendees introduced themselves.

J. Mahal provided the Asst. Principal update:

·  Friendship Week was very successful.

o  A highlight was the performance by Kat Perkins, a contestant on The Voice from South Dakota

·  The Read-A-Thon fundraiser went well.

o  A possible suggestion for next year would be to have a “grade level” kick-off to start the program off with excitement.

·  Saber Squad started today and went very well.

o  This program is targeted help and “fun learning” for those students needing help towards the assessment tests in the spring.

T. Kirkland and B. Kauhane asked the teachers in the room how things are going and if there’s anything they would like to see from the PTO. Teachers were thankful for the supplies (tissues, Clorox wipes, etc.) so they didn’t have to purchase them on their own.

T. Kirkland moved on to old business:

·  There is still an opening for the Secretary position.

o  Gave a reminder that each term is for two years, and his term as President will end after this school year. This will create a need for a new President next year.

·  We need a chair for Gingerbread Night on December 9th.

·  We need a coordinator for donations.

o  We want to have one person spearhead the effort and coordinate when/where we ask for donations.

§  This will hopefully make us more successful if we’re not overlapping each other in donation requests.

T. Kirkland moved on to new business:

·  BINGO cards

o  J. Stanton is looking for new/used BINGO cards to be used at the event. Discussion was had on whether to purchase online or borrow from local businesses for one-time use (St. Mark’s Church, KC Hall).

o  C. Kurtt will send out a Google Survey to fellow teachers to see if they would have use for them in the classrooms making the purchase worthwhile.


o  NESCO cooker/roaster

§  We are in need of one…looking for donations or possibly purchase 1 or 2.

o  Popcorn Maker

§  Discussion was had re: whether to purchase a new one or if someone has access to borrowing one.

§  J. Mahal stated they would find uses for the machine, making the purchase of one worthwhile.


§  We need someone to chair the event

·  Thursday, November 3rd

·  Monday, November 7th

§  Volunteers are needed also each evening to make sure food is in the teacher’s lounge during conferences.

T. Kirkland moved on to Committees:

·  Box Tops

o  Reminder they are due to the PTO box by October 24th, not October 18th, as previously printed. The 18th was the kids deadline so teachers had time to organize them.

·  Year Books

o  Reminder that we’ll need photos taken throughout the year from teachers.

§  Classroom activities

§  Etc.

o  Photos should be emailed to the PTO Gmail account


·  Student Directory

o  Acknowledged that this is a priority to complete.

o  J. Horton is out of town and should be able to get this kick started within the next couple of weeks.

·  Family Dinner Night:

o  Looking to add a few more nights this year and partnering with some new locations including Chili’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Panera

B. Kauhane moved on to the Budget:

·  Discussed the current year expenses so far.

·  We’re still looking for a low-cost software to replace the excel spreadsheet we are currently using.

T. Savina made a motion to adjourn; Seconded by J.Stanton (the mom of twins in the 5th grade); None opposed; Motion carried; Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Todd Kirkland

President / Acting Secretary