Monsters Research Calendar- English IV

You will be completing a research paper comparing a monster from Beowulf (Grendel, Grendel’s Mother or the Dragon) to a modern real-life monster. Your paper needs to argue how your modern real-life monster is like a monster from Beowulf. This research paper will count for two test grades, as well as multiple daily grades. Students who choose not to complete the research paper will have a difficult time passing, not only the six weeks, but also the semester. It could then affect your ability to graduate in May.

If you fall behind, it will be necessary to complete portions of this assignment over the weekend or at home. The library is open three days a week after school, and the public libraries are open on the weekends. Due dates are FIRM. Your final paper is DUE on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7.

Organization is the key to a successful research paper. Please ask for help, come in to tutorials, or email me BEFORE you get behind. My email address is: or send me a Remind message.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

September 19 / September 20 / September 21 / September 22 / September 23
Library: Research
One page (front and back) notes and one source due / Library: Research
Two pages notes & two sources due / *HALF DAY*
Library: Research
Three pages notes & three sources due / Library: Research
Four Pages notes & four sources due / Library: Research
Five Pages notes & five sources due
September 26 / September 27 / September 28 / September 29 / September 30
Write Essay
Outline due / Write Essay
Intro & Body Paragraph 1 due / Write Essay
Body Paragraph
2 due / Write essay
Body Paragraph
3 due / Write essay
Conclusion due
October 3 / October 4 / October 5 / October 6 / October 7
Begin Typing Essay
Works Cited due / Library:
Type Essay
250 Words typed due / Library:
Type Essay
500 words typed due / Library:
Type Essay
750 words typed due / *PEP RALLY SCHEDULE*
Type Essay
1000 words typed- PAPER DUE
October 10 / October 11 / October 12 / October 13 / October 14
No School / No School / -10 points Late / -20 points late / -30 points late

Grading Rubric

This essay will count towards two test grades. The process grade will be evaluated on following instructions and understanding the process of composing a professional research paper. The content grade will be evaluated on the value of the ideas in the paper and the writing style of the author.

Process Grade

□  Works cited page with at least 5 sources including literature book (20 points)

□  1000 words typed (30 points)

□  Correct MLA Formatting including heading on first page (10 points)

□  Appropriate introduction and a conclusion (20 points)

□  Internal documentation of sources for every paragraph (10 points)

□  Thesis (10 points)

Content Grade

□  Well-organized paragraphs (at least 5) with comprehensible information and topic sentences (20 points)

□  Well-researched and organized information on the monster you have researched (30 points)

□  Thoughtful comparisons or contrasts between Beowulf monster and modern day monster (30 points)

□  Essay is free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors. (20 points)