How to: Formatting a Paper
Formatting a paper can be a learning process, especially if you do not have a lot of experience. Below is a breakdown of what your paper should include, and how it should look (think of it as a sort of “checklist” when constructing a paper):
**It is important to note that these instruction were created for students using Microsoft Word
- Title Page
- This page should be the first page in your paper
- It should be located in the center of your paper- in Times New Roman or Ariel font, 12 pt in size, and double spaced
- The Title page should include the following:
- Title of Paper
- Name(s)
- Class Period
- Body
- This page contains all of your research. Your first sentence should be indented.
- There should be more than one long paragraph in your paper. Each time you create a new paragraph, make sure to indent
- Since you have a title page, you do not need to title pages that follow the title page (other than your last page- “References”)
- Create a Header (insert or view> header and footer) and type your first and last name. Orient your name to the right side of the document. If done correctly, then your first and last name should appear on all of your pages
- You will need to take the header off of the title page. Here is how:
- Double click where the header is located. Find the header menu (it should say “header and footer tools” and the tab should say “Design”)
- Click the “Different First Page” box. This should erase the header on your title page
- Your font should be in Times New Roman or Ariel, 12pt in size, and double spaced
- References
- This page contains all of the websites used during your research
- Title this page “References.” This title should be centered, in Times New Roman or Ariel font, 12 pt in size, and double spaced
- Using (this is the best website I have seen so far) add in your website information (or book or video) as best as you can’
- Once completed, it will generate a citation. You will copy and paste the citation in your “References” page. When you cite further sources and paste them into your references page, you will need to make sure that the are in alphabetical order
Citing Sources Practice
Step 1:
Access the given article
Copy and Paste the link here:
Who’s the author?
What’s the title of the article?
What’s the date of the article?
What’s the name of online periodical?
What’s the volume number and/or the issue number?N/A
Step 2:
Find a quote that is useful within the article.
Copy and Paste the quote here:
Step 3:
Write a direct quote citation. (Remember to say According to Author Last Name (year), before your quote).
Step 4:
Check to see if your citation matches this citation set-up:
According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time" (p. 199).
Jones (1998) found "students often had difficulty using APA style" (p. 199); what implications does this have for teachers?
Step 5:
Access another given article
Copy and Paste the link here:
Who’s the author?
What’s the title of the article?
What’s the date of the article?
What’s the name of online periodical?
What’s the volume number and/or the issue number?
Step 6:
Find a quote that is useful within the article.
Copy and Paste the quote here:
Step 7:
Paraphrase the quote (If you are paraphrasing an idea from another work, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication in your in-text reference, but APA guidelines encourage you to also provide the page number (although it is not required.))
Step 8:
Check to see if your citation matches this citation set-up:
According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners.
APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners (Jones, 1998, p. 199.
Step 9:
Create a reference page. Here are the instructions for creating a reference in APA format for an electronic source using
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number(issue number if available). Retrieved from
Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved from
Your turn!
Using or another periodical of your choosing, find an article that is appealing to you.
TASK: Create a title page, summarize an article and include correct citations, and create a references page.
Make sure you create a new document for this assignment!
Your paper should include:
- Title page
- Body page with correct header
- Summary of article (5-7 sentences)
- Both forms of citations
- In-Text citation
- Paraphrasing citation
- References page with correct citation
- You are only required to have one citation for this article summary
- You may not use the same article you used previously when practicing how to cite sources
Once completed, submit your document onto Canvasunder the designated assignment area:
- Locate the “How to: Format a Paper” assignment on Canvas
- Click the assignment and locate the “submit assignment” button in the upper right hand corner
- Upload your assignment and title the assignment “Last name, First name, Formatting a Paper”
*Quick way to double space your entire document: select all the text in your paper, go to “paragraph> page layout” under “spacing- line spacing” hit the scroll down box and click “double.”