Town of Concrete
Town Council Meeting
November 13, 2017
6:00 p.m. Mayor Jason Miller called the meeting to order. Mayor Miller led the gallery in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Council Members: Rob Thomas, Jude Dippold (arrived at 6:10 p.m.), Mike Bartel, Marla Reed and Ginger Kyritsis.
Staff Present: Public Works Director Alan Wilkins, Town Attorney David Day, Clerk Treasurer Andrea Fichter, Town Engineer Cody Hart and Town Planner Marianne Manville-Ailles.
Audience Members Signed In: John Boggs, Drew Jenkins, Julie Hubner, George Theodoratus, Beth Easterday, Debbie Lloyd, Michelle Coda, Gary Dunlap and Marnie Russell.
Public Participation: Michelle Coda, Debbie Lloyd and Marnie Russell - Market Idea: Michelle, Debbie and Marie presented their idea for the Upriver Craftsman & Artisan Guild, which would include a Farmers Market at Silo Park. They handed out copies of the plan they have developed. They stated at this point they have a lot more things to get in order, but they are looking at Silo Park as the location right now. They stated that the parking, access to water and electricity, its historical value, closeness to the community garden, skate park, spray park and visibility from the highway makes this is the ideal location.
They stated there are strict qualifications for being part of the Washington State Farmers Market Association and they hope to join that eventually. They stated effectively they are aiming at goal #3 in their packets. They reviewed the information they included in their packet and their initial plan. They also stated that eventually they would like to have a store in the Town Center that would be open year-round outside of the summer farmers markets. They stated they want to buddy up with people and businesses in the town and cross-promote products and services. They stated the underlying aspect is the development of community and they believe this idea will match up well with the town’s Economic Development Plan.
They handed out another version of the plan that was distributed previously and includes comments and notes in the margins that better explain how their plan dovetails with the town’s economic development plan. They also stated they want to make sure the kids are involved and want to offer a community aspect, such as inviting the high school jazz band, the community choir and Scouts, and allowing kids to grow and sell their produce.
Audience member John Boggs asked if this is the same group as the Saturday Market and if not, why? The ladies stated they first approached the Saturday Market with their idea, but due to the by-laws and rules in place at the Saturday Market, it wasn’t something that could be worked out quickly.
Marianne Manville-Ailles suggested this group set up a pre-application meeting to discuss with staff the different aspects of this idea, so that when they come back to council with their final application, they will already have researched and discussed certain aspects with staff, and have their approval to move forward.
Events Application: None.
Special Presentations: Public Safety: Mayor Miller stated the October incident report is in their packets for review. Andrea stated that Sergeant Adams is out of the area and had asked a deputy to attend in his place, but they must be out on a call.
CRH Engineering-Cody Hart: Cody stated that he has a few project updates.
He reported the utility work for the spray park is almost complete. He stated the cultural monitoring portion is completed and the connections have been made. He also reported that he is having the contractor develop a couple change orders to see if we can get them to complete some other aspects of the project. He stated he will have to see if their quotes are within the funding available. He stated with the remaining budget the town may have to use more town staff and volunteer efforts than originally anticipated.
He also reported the First Street Waterline extension is progressing. He stated the boring took a little longer than anticipated and the contractor had to do a lot of it by hand. He stated they have now completed approximately 800 feet of the 900 feet needed. He stated the construction budget is still within the funding limits, but he stated a supplement for the engineering will be needed due to the fact that an additional 3 weeks of inspection and consultation had to occur on this project.
Cody also reported the TIB announcements should be coming out this week and he is hopeful the town will be awarded funds. He also stated that he will put together a scope of work to present to council for the I&I project.
Mayor Miller requested he provide a year-end report on all the projects for this year. He stated that he will use this report to take Beth Easterday, who will be the new councilmember next year, on a tour of town to show her all the town has been working on.
North Cascade Vintage Aircraft Museum Aviation Fuel Station and Hangar Proposal: Julie Hubner and Drew Jenkins discussed the proposal. Julie stated the museum is closing down. She stated the expenditures have exceeded revenues for a number of years and it’s been supported by a family trust. She stated that unfortunately there is just not enough time to build those revenues back up.
She stated the family is being generous with the hangars and fuel station. She stated the family is proposing selling the fuel station to the town for $1.00. She stated the fuel station is a for-profit business and is a good asset for the airport. Drew stated that most people that are purchasing the fuel are people who currently have hangars or leases at the airport. Julie stated that she would recommend the town take the fuel station over sooner rather than later so that current museum staff can train the town staff how to use the electronics portions of the fuel station and card system.
Julie also discussed the hangar the museum would like to sell to the town for $1.00 as well. Drew reported that Public Works had met with him and did a walkthrough of the hangar. He stated there may be some small items that Public Works will want to do to the hangar, such as putting a large door on the Airport Way side of the building so the town is not driving large equipment on the taxiway.
Julie stated the president of the museum wants these two items to go as a package deal. She stated if the council approves, they will work with the town on the paperwork side of it.
Drew also stated that training was offered to the Grassmere Fire Department on the fuel station for items such as leaks or if it caught fire. He stated the Concrete Fire Department was also invited to attend this training but that nobody had showed up, so he would recommend the fire department do this training since this fuel station is in their jurisdiction. He stated the station has an alarm on it and there is a maintenance schedule to go with it as well. He stated they have all the instructions and manuals that came with the fuel station they can turn over to the town. Drew also stated there is a phone line that is dedicated to the fuel station that will also need to be transferred over to the town.
Audience Member Gary Dunlap asked if the town will have to use the hangar for aviation purposes, the same as the leaseholders have to. Marianne stated the town will own the building and will not be giving itself a lease. She stated no, the town will not fall under the same rules and regulations as stated in the lease.
Jude Dippold asked about the insurance requirements for the fuel station and the cost for installing the door on the hangar. Andrea stated the cost for the insurance is minimal in the grand scheme. She stated the fuel station is actually on the town’s policy, but the museum reimburses the town the $600 annually for the fuel station portion. Mayor Miller directed Alan to get a quote on a door for the hangar. Andrea stated the town has a line item in the budget for the construction of a new Public Works shop and a portion of this budget could be used to make improvements to this hangar since it will basically be a new Public Works shop.
Marla Reed made a motion to approve the proposal and to move forward with the purchases. Ginger Kyritsis seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Consent Agenda:
Town Council Workshop Minutes: October 14, 2017
Town Council Minutes: October 23, 2017
Town Council Workshop Minutes: November 4, 2017
Approval of Claims Checks: #3763 to #3804
Rob Thomas made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Marla Reed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearings: 2018 Utility Rates and Fees - Resolution #2017-10: Ginger Kyritsis stated she was asked about the water delinquent fee of $20.00 and if that could be lowered. Andrea Fichter stated that she would not recommend lowering it. She stated this fee is not assessed until they are already 3 months behind.
Mayor Miller opened the public hearing at 6:57 p.m. for public comment.
No comments from the public were given.
Mayor Miller closed the public hearing at 6:59 p.m.
Mayor Miller pointed out an error on page 9 of the fee schedule that should state $111.00 for December. He stated this is corrected on the version he will sign.
Rob Thomas made a motion to approve. Marla Reed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
2018 Property Taxes – Resolution #2017-11: There were not any questions or discussion from council.
Mayor Miller opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m.
No comments from the public were given.
Mayor Miller closed the public hearing at 7:01
Marla Reed made a motion to approve. Jude Dippold seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
2018 Budget – 1st Hearing, No Action: Mayor Miller stated this is the first of two required hearings on the budget. He stated that no action will be taken this evening on this.
There were not any questions or discussion from council.
Mayor Miller opened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m.
No comments from the pubic were given.
Mayor Miller closed the public hearing at 7:03 p.m.
Old Business: Office Space Lease Agreement – East County Water Rescue: Andrea Fichter stated the only change is the dates.
Marla Reed made a motion to approve. Rob Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Backhoe Proposals: Andrea stated that Rich has been looking around at used equipment, but it is hard to find something of good quality at the funding level the town has. She reported Rich spoke with a company about a possible funding option for purchasing brand new equipment. Andrea stated at this amount the town will have to advertise, but she wanted to double check with the council that they were agreeable to the possibility of this option first.
It was the consensus of the council to move forward with putting this out for bid.
New Business: Ordinance #772 – Amend CMC 10.12.010(5): Mayor Miller stated this is the addition in the code for no parking on the south side of Main Street between North Superior and Grassmere Road.
Rob Thomas made a motion to approve the ordinance. Ginger Kyritsis seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Discussion Items: None.
Council Reports: Airport: Mike Bartel: Nothing new to report.
Parks: Marla Reed: Mayor Miller reported that he met with Marla last week to discuss trees and where they should be planted at Silo Park.
Community Garden: Mike Bartel: Nothing new to report.
Historic Preservation and Landmarks Commission: Ginger Kyritsis: Nothing new to report.
Health Care: Jude Dippold: Nothing new to report.
Economic Development Commission: Ginger Kyritsis: Ginger reported the EDC has narrowed the flag submittals down to 4 out of the 114 that were submitted. She stated that Eric is bringing those 4 choices to the council on November 27. She also reported they discussed using the other flag submittals as banners, post cards and posters. Mayor Miller stated that he has attended one of the art classes at the elementary so far to thank the kids for their entries. He also reported that Eric will also bring the year-end report on what the commission has completed this year on the 27th.
Department Reports: Planning Commission/Historical Preservation: Marianne Manville-Ailles: Marianne reported that PSE has many projects coming up in the near future. She stated that she attended a meeting today regarding the Lake Shannon day-use and boat launch area, on which they want to get input from the town. She stated this will also be another avenue and asset to encourage economic development in town, which is a good thing.
She also reported on a meeting tomorrow regarding PSE’s involvement in the Baker River boat launch and to discuss with them how to work through annexation and the land donation. She stated that PSE requested when the time comes they may need a support letter from the town for their projects as well.
She also reported that next year, PSE will be starting on their clubhouse project. She stated they need to apply for a comprehensive plan amendment by the end of January because the area is not currently zoned for allowing this type of use. She stated she will recommend they apply for this area to be zoned public.
Marianne also reported that she and other staff are working diligently on the Main Street project and trying to get that project wrapped up.
Administration/Finance Report: Andrea Fichter: Andrea stated that she did not have anything further this evening. Mayor Miller stated the October Treasurer’s report is in their packets.