PTA Meeting 6-May-2011

Present: Anna Matthews,Becki Cooke, Ali Sparks, Anna Taylor, Sharon Murphy, VanessaSmith, Maxine Balch

Apologies: Paul Miller, Jess Crocker

Previous minutes signed and agreed.

Chairmans Report

Terry Higson-Guy has put in a request for £250 for new kit for the athletics team. It was agreed this was a good idea and the request will be signed off.

Treasurers Report

Current balance is approximately £4000.

Ali reported that if a deposit for the swimming pool improvements is required then the PTA will not be able to support any further requests for money this year.

Forthcoming Events

  • Summer Fayre – Saturday16thJuly

Plans for atraditional, old fashionedevent.

Ideas suggested so far include,

  • Hog roast
  • Cream teas
  • Toffee apples
  • Apple bobbing
  • Raffle
  • Dressing up to the theme, could you be a buxom wench???

Need more ideas along a similar theme and plan to discuss further at next meet.

  • Sponsored Event

There is an event planned for sports week but could possibly do something separate also. Will get more information about what is planned.

Swimming Pool Committee Feedback

A coffee morning was held before this meeting to allow parents to share their views on how the school pool is used and what their thoughts are on the committee’s latest ideas. An information sheet is to be sent home in book bags and information is also available on the web site. A decision on how to progress will be made at the next meeting after any feedback has been reviewed.

It was noted that Yr. 6 usually make use of the pool as part of their leavers party.

Allocate Actions

Ali Sparks to pay cheque into school for athletics kit when required.

Outstanding Actions

Ali Sparks to find out how the sponsored kick goes at Barwick school.

Anna Matthews to discuss sponsored bounce as part of sports week with Terry Higson-Guy. Ongoing.

Jess and Hannah to ask Julian Bennett if he could make a tombola drum. Hannah can provide wood. Ongoing.

Hannah Wilson (with Mr. Hilliar) to organise repair of the play trail. Ongoing

Hannah Wilson has offered used of a skip, just need to sort out what is rubbish and help load it in their truck. Ongoing


Date of next meeting: Friday13thMay, 12.30pm at The White Hart, Yetminster.

Maxine Balch (09/05/11)

PTA Secretary