/ Referee beginners course
July 4/5, 2014
Rule Questions «D»
Nb. / Question / Correct / Wrong
1 / A defender lies on the floor fighting for the ball. He gets to ball in two hands, then stands up. The referees call travelling ? / X
2 / A5 dribbles to the opponents basket, there is no defender left between him and the basket. B5 causes a contact from behind on A5 in order to prevent B5 from scoring. This is an unsportsmanlike foul ? / X
3 / An attacking player throws the ball deliberately to the foot of his defender who does not move. The refeers call a foot violation ? / X
4 / Following an out-of-bounds A4, receives the ball for a throw-in, handed by the referee. A4 puts the ball on the floor outside the court, then A5 picks up the ball to do the throw-in. This is a legal action ? / X
5 / During a championship game of the „Minis“ category, the game ends with a tie. Will there be an overtime ? / X
6 / A player dribbles while standing. He ends the dribble taking the ball into 2 hands. He can now choose to pivot on any foot ? / X
7 / During a jumpshot a shooter jumps forward and lands on a defender. The defender reached his defensive position after the shooter had already been airborne. The defensive player is responsible for this contact ? / X
8 / A free-throw shooter can directly run to the basket after the ball leaves his hands ? / X
9 / A shooter jumps for a three-point shot. After the ball leaves his hands, a defender jumps up from the two-point area and touches the rising ball. The ball goes in and the referees count three points ? / X
10 / The act of shooting finishes with the ball touching the ring ? / X
Nb. / Question / Correct / Wrong
11 / After a rule violation (travel, 3 seconds, out-of-bounds...) during play both teams can operate a player substitution ? / X
12 / An inbound goes directly into the basket. The referees count the basket. / X
13 / When calling a violation the correct order of signals is:
1) direction of play
2) stopping the clock
3) category of violation / X
14 / A player holds the ball in his frontcourt. He feints a movement and touches the midcourt line with one of his feet. The referees call a backcourt violation. / X
15 / Team A is entitled to a throw-in in its frontcourt according to the alternating possession rule. The inbounder is allowed to pass the ball to a teammate in their backcourt ? / X
16 / After a dribbling a player shoots the ball to the basket. The shot does not go in. The ball touches the ring then the same player takes the rebound and starts a new dribble. Legal ? / X
17 / After a made basket by the opposing team, the inbounder will have the right to move for 5 seconds all the way along the endline. / x
18 / A ball rolling on the top edge of the backboard is considered out-of-bounds ? / X
19 / A ball is considered out-of-bounds when it touches an end- or sideline ? / x
20 / A defender holds his arms down, above his opponent. While taking a jumpshot, the shooter makes contact to the arms of the defender. The referee calls a foul against the defensive player. / x
21 / When calling a foul the correct order of signalisation to the table (scorer) is:
1 When a basket was scored : valid / not valid
2 Number of the fouling player
3 Category of the foul
4 Number of free throws or direction of play / x
Nb. / Question / Correct / Wrong
22 / An airborne player catches a ball then lands on both feet simultaneously. He can now choose any foot as a pivot foot. / x
23 / A4 dribbles, then takes a shot. B3 legally blocks the shot but A4 gets the rebound. A4 then starts to dribble, is this legal ? / x
24 / The intermission (break) between the fourth quarter and an overtime would be 2 minutes ? / x
25 / When calling a foul the correct order of signalisation to the table (scorer) is:
1 Number of the fouling player
2 Category of the foul
3 Number of free throws or direction of play
4 When a basket was scored : valid / not valid / X
26 / While trying to dunk a ball, A4 manages to get the ball in the basket but the ball goes back out from the top. Basket counts ? / X
27 / The backboard consists of the frontside, backside, upper edge, lower edge and both side edges. When a ball touches the upper edge the ball is out-of-bounds. / X
28 / Playing time of an overtime for a Minis/Fillettes game will be 4 minutes ? / X
29 / Each team is entitled to 2 time-outs in both the first and second quarter ? / X
30 / When a shooter jumps up for a shot he is allowed to return to the floor without shooting or passing the ball ? / X
31 / A dribbling ends when the ball comes to rest in one or two hands of the dribbling player. / x
32 / A5 is bleeding from a cut, he must be substituted ? / x
33 / Playing time for a Minis game is 4 x 7 minutes, for Scolaires game it is 4 x 8 minutes ? / X
34 / A technical foul is called against coach B. Team A will obtain one free-throw plus inbound on midcourt line ? / x
Nb. / Question / Correct / Wrong
35 / When A4 starts a dribble, the referee calls a travel violation against A4. Simultaneously the other referee calls a personal non-shooting foul against B4. The travel violation will be ignored, team A will receive the ball ? / x
36 / During a lay-up the ball goes through the ring from below, then falls back through the net from the top. The referees count this basket ? / x
37 / If they wish, referees are allowed to use their own signals, the official signs are not mandatory ? / x
38 / A player is standing on the out-of-bounds line. A teammate passes the ball to him. The referee calls out-of-bounds ? / x
39 / On an inbound, the game clock is started as soon as a player on the court touches the ball ? / x
40 / A three-second violation can be called without a running game clock ? / x
41 / At a jumpball, players are allowed to touch the ball as soon as the referee throws up the ball ? / x
42 / If a live ball becomes stuck between backboard and ring there is a jumpball situation ? / x
43 / A player holds the ball then falls to the floor with the ball. The referee calls a travel violation ? / x
44 / A team can be granted a time-out after their opponents score a basket ? / x
45 / In a situation of a closely guarded player, the referee starts the count of the five seconds of a when a player holds or dribbles the ball ? / x
46 / An offensive player hits the ball with a fist to a teammate who then scores a basket. The referees validate the basket. ? / x
47 / The referee can call an offensive foul against a player without the ball ? / x
48 / A hard foul normally is a unsportsmanlike foul ? / x
49 / The midcourt line is part of the frontcourt of a team ? / x
50 / The referee, standing out-of-bounds is touched by a live ball. The referee decides to keep on playing, no out-of-bounds ? / x