UMBC Disaster Plan for Veterinary Resources
Rapid Communication System
In the event of a crisis, UMBC Police Department will automatically institute their “Rapid Communication System” as follows:
Personnel To Contact:
University Police – 410-455-3133
Director Veterinary Resources – Louis DeTolla (office: 410-706-3540;
Emergency pager number: 410-748-4569)
Chief Veterinarian – Krishnan Kolappaswamy (office: 410-706-2684)
Director Biology – Suzanne Rosenberg (office: 410-455-2237)
Director Psychology – Zoe Warwick-Forsyth (office: 410-455-2360)
Laboratory Service Manager – Robert Dietrich (office 410-455-3130)
Human and Animal Research Protections Office -
Timothy Sparklin (office: 410-455-2737)
Fire Department – 911
Maintenance Department – 410-455-3219
Physical Plant – 410-455-3219
Potential Emergencies covered by the plan:
- Bomb Threat / Bombing
- Break Down of Air Handling System
- Break In
- Fire
- Flooding
- Hurricane
- Interruption of Chilled Water Supply
- Interruption of Steam Supply
- Power Outage
- Protests Against Animal Research / Animal Activist Threat
- Tornado
Procedures for providing the basic elements of animal care and support are described in each situation.
In the event of any of the following emergencies, CALL CAMPUS POLICE (5-5555) as quickly as possible.
Call CAMPUS POLICE (5-5555)
1. Call CAMPUS POLICE (5-5555)
2. Restrict contamination area: close windows and doors
3. Vacate space and post RESTRICTED DO NOT ENTER SIGNS
4. Vacate building and pull fire alarms
1. Pull fire alarm
2. Call CAMPUS POLICE (5-5555)
3. Vacate building
1. Pull fire alarm
2. Call CAMPUS POLICE (5-5555)
3. Vacate building
1. Call CAMPUS POLICE (5-5555)
2. Make no attempt to clean up spill
3. Close windows and doors
4. Vacate room and post RESTRICTED DO NOT ENTER signs
Bomb Threat / Bombing
If a bomb threat is received, the call should immediately be reported to the University Police. Please use the information resource, “What to do in Case of a Bomb Threat” (see the Appendices) which staff should be familiar with and complete during, or, as soon as possible, after the call. The sheet recommends questions to ask, requests the exact wording of the threat, and asks questions on the tenor of the caller’s voice, background noises, and threat language.
The University Police will determine what action should be taken in the event of a bomb threat (evacuation of building, etc.).
Rapid Communication System
In the event of a crisis, UMBC Police Department will automatically institute the following procedure:
- Dispatch officers to the scene.
- Evacuate the building/area.
- Officers along with person knowledgeable of the area will determine if there is a foreign object/device, which cannot be identified.
- Upon locating a device, the UMBC Police will immediate notify the following people:
- BaltimoreCountyBomb Squad
- BaltimoreCounty Fire Department
- Environmental Health & Safety Office for UMBC campus
- Director of Public Affairs for UMBC
Animal Observation and Health Maintenance
All animals will be checked as soon as access to the facility is permitted by the fire and police safety personnel. Animals suffering from injuries or smoke inhalation will be examined as quickly as possible and treated or euthanized as necessary. Dead animals will be removed from cages and put into freezers. If the freezers are damaged by the bomb, the dead animals may be taken to a cold room in another facility and stored until arrangements can be made.
If a bomb (or subsequent fire) has destroyed proper housing ability in either facility, any remaining animals will be transported to another facility on campus.
Feed is monitored to keep approximately a one-month supply on hand at all times. Should a bomb or subsequent fire or water damage destroy any or all of the feed supply, we will have feed shipped overnight to us. Spoiled/contaminated feed will be discarded and replaced as soon as possible.
In a case where a bomb destroys the regular tap water supply, water will be brought from other areas on campus. Water may be temporarily stored in plastic barrels, carboys, etc., and carboys can be fitted to automatic water racks.
Personnel to Care for Animals
If a bombing or bomb threat occurs during working hours, all employees must vacate the facilities immediately and report to a predetermined place and wait for further instructions. If a bombing occurs after regular operating hours an attempt will be made to notify all employees to report to work
Environmental Support
If needed generator(s), gasoline for generators, electric cords, lights and fans will be taken to animal facilities.
Contamination Control
Contamination Control will be handled by cleaning up of any bomb, smoke and/or water damage. Any dead animals will be placed in cold storage. If the air handling system is functioning, all air filters in the affected areas will be changed.
Assistance from the UMBC police department and maintenance department will be requested in securing the building.
Research Support
Research investigators will be notified of the status of their animals as soon as possible and any alterations in routine plans of proper care for them (room or building relocation, etc.).
What to do in Case of a Bomb Threat
Questions to ask:Caller’sVoice:
1.When is bomb going to explode?CalmNasal
2.Where is it right now?ExcitedLisp
3.What does it look like?RapidDeep
4.What kind of bomb is it?LoudClearing throat
Laughter Deep breathing
5.What will cause it to explode?CryingCracking voice
6.Did you place the bomb?DistinctAccent
8.What is your address?If voice is familiar, whom did it sound like?
9.What is your name?
Exact wording of the threat:Threat Language:
Well spoken (educated)
FoulMessage read
Irrationalby threat
Sex of caller: Race:Remarks:
Age:Length of call:
Number at which call is received:Report call immediately to:
Time:Date:Phone number:
Background Sounds:
Street NoisesFactory Machinery
CrockeryAnimal NoisesDate:
PA SystemStaticPosition:
MusicLocalPhone number:
House NoisesLong Distance
Office Machinery
Break Down of Air Handling System
Animal Observation and Health Maintenance
Depending upon the estimated time for repair, animals may be relocated to a more suitable area. Animals that cannot be readily relocated (e.g. in testing chambers) will be monitored frequently.
Not anticipated to be a problem.
Not anticipated to be a problem.
Personnel to Care for Animals
On call staff will be notified by the Facility Manager and will assess any possible problems.
Not anticipated to be a problem.
Environmental Support
Request will be made to Physical Plant for assistance. Large and small circulating fans will be used to circulate air in facilities, and chillers and/or heaters may be requested.
Not anticipated to be a problem.
Research Support
Attempts will be made to contact all research investigators to inform them of the status of their animals as soon as possible.
Break In
Animal Observation and Health Maintenance
Any animals that may be loose in the facility will be captured, identified, and returned to cages or euthanized depending on the condition of the animal. Any animals killed as a result of vandalism will be disposed of. If the freezers are damaged by vandalism, the dead animals may be taken to a cold room in another facility and stored until arrangements can be made.
If the feed was destroyed by an act of vandalism we will have vendors overnight ship feed to us.
If the water system is compromised due to vandalism, water will be brought in from other buildings.
Environmental Support
Call physical plant for assistance. If needed generator(s), gasoline for generators, electric cords, lights and fans will be taken to the animal facilities. The generator will supply power to run the exhaust ventilations and emergency power outlets.
Contamination Control
Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) will be notified of any contamination that may be the result of vandalism (e.g. chemical spills, etc.). Spills will be cleaned up per EHS instructions. Other possible sources of contamination such as standing water or spoiled feed will be cleaned up and disposed of.
UMBC police will be notified as soon as possible and a request will be made for assistance until the facility is secured.
Research Support
Attempts will be made to contact all research investigators to inform them of the status of their animals as soon as possible.
Animal Observation and Health Maintenance
All animals will be checked as soon as access to the facility is permitted by the fire safety personnel. Dead animals will be removed from cages and put into freezers. If the fire damages the freezers, the dead animals may be taken to a cold room in another facility and stored until arrangements can be made.
Animals that need to be relocated due to fire damage to a facility will be moved as soon as possible to another suitable housing facility.
Animals suffering from smoke inhalation will be examined as quickly as possible and treated or euthanized as necessary.
Feed is monitored to keep approximately a one-month supply on hand at all times. Should a fire or subsequent water damage destroy any or all of the feed supply we will have vendors overnight ship feed to us. Spoiled/contaminated feed will be discarded and replaced as soon as possible.
If the water system is compromised due to fire, water will be brought in from other building in plastic water containers such as plastic barrels, carboys, etc.
Personnel to Care for Animals
If a fire occurs during working hours, all employees must vacate the facilities immediately and report to a predetermined placed and await further instructions. If a fire occurs after regular operating hours, an attempt will be made to notify all employees to report to work. The Facility Manager (or designee) will be notified of any fire and report to assess any resulting damage.
If a fire has destroyed proper housing ability in any facility, any remaining animals will be transported to another facility on campus. Undamaged equipment and supplies will be taken to the storage areas.
Environmental Support
If needed generator(s), gasoline for generators, electric cords, lights and fans will be taken to the animal facilities. The generator will supply power to run the exhaust, emergency exit signs and emergency power outlets.
Contamination Control
Contamination control will be handled by cleaning up of any smoke and/or water damage and putting any dead animals in cold storage. If the air handling system is functioning, all air filters in the affected areas will be changed. Physical plant will be consulted regarding cleanup and safety and re-occupation of space.
Assistance from the UMBC police department and maintenance department will be requested in securing the building.
Research Support
Research investigators will be notified of the status of their animals as soon as possible and any alterations in routine plans of proper care for them (room or building relocation, etc.).
Animal Observation and Health Maintenance
At this time the facilities that house research animals are on upper levels of buildings and, hence, flooding is highly unlikely.
Feed is monitored to keep approximately a one-month supply on hand at all times. Should prolonged power outages occur (>24 hrs) all feed would be closely monitored for spoilage. Spoiled/contaminated feed will be discarded and replaced as soon as possible. If a flood within the facility was to destroy the feed supply we will have vendors overnight ship feed to us.
If the water supply in the animal facilities is affected by flooding, distilled water will be brought in from other buildings or purchased. Water supplied by the Water Treatment Plant will undergo quality testing if widespread flooding occurs.
Upper-floor bridge should allow access to all animal facilities.
Environmental Support
Sand bags will be obtained from Physical Plant to aid in keeping water from coming in under the doors.
If needed, generator(s), gasoline for generators, electric cords, lights and fans will be provided from the Physical Plant department and taken to the animal facilities. The generator will supply power to run the exhaust, emergency exit signs and emergency power outlets.
Contamination Control
Any standing water will be cleaned up immediately.
UMBC police department will be contacted for help in securing the facility if damage to the entrance doors occurs.
Research Support
Attempts will be made to contact all research investigators to inform them of the status of their animals as soon as possible.
Animal Observation and Health Maintenance
All food hoppers and water bottles on cages containing animals will be filled.
All extra water bottles will be filled with tap water as per investigators’ needs.
All racks and caging will be changed, if possible (time permitting).
Feed is monitored to keep approximately a one-month supply on hand at all times. Should prolonged outages occur (>24 hrs) all feed would be closely monitored for spoilage.
Spoiled/contaminated feed will be discarded and replaced as soon as possible.
If a hurricane was to destroy the feed supply we will have vendors overnight ship feed to us. If it is not possible for direct delivery we will arrange for it to be delivered to the closest accessible location and pick it up.
All possible large plastic containers will be filled with tap water in advance. All water bottles will be filled with tap water to fit the needs of the investigators. Sinks will be washed out and filled with tap water. If stockpiled supplies are exhausted prior to re-establishment of clean water supply, water will be purchased or brought in from outside the hurricane-damaged area.
Personnel to Care for Animals
If a hurricane is predicted to come into this area the following procedures will be followed:
All possible staff members will report to work to prepare for the storm.
Individuals will be assigned to come in to provide care and take care of problems.
Following the hurricane, animal care staff not already at the facility will report to work, if possible, to assist in caring for the animals, securing the facilities, and any clean up that is needed.
Environmental Support
If needed, generator(s), gasoline for generators, electric cords, lights and fans will be provided from the Physical Plant department and taken to the animal facilities. The generator will supply power to run the exhaust, emergency exit signs and emergency power outlets.
Contamination Control
Any dead animals will be removed from cages and put into freezers. If the freezers are damaged, the dead animals may be taken to a cold room in another facility and stored until arrangements can be made.
If all cold storage rooms on campus are damaged, attempts to contact the appropriate Baltimore County Emergency Department will be made in order to obtain their assistance.
Any standing water will be cleaned up as soon as possible.
Assistance from UMBC police department and maintenance department will be requested in securing the building.
Research Support
Attempts will be made to contact all research investigators to inform them of the status of their animals as soon as possible.
Interruption of Chilled Water Supply
In the unlikely event of failure of provision of chilled water during the warmer months, portable chiller units will be requested from the Physical Plant.
Animal Observation and Health Maintenance
Depending upon the estimated time for repair, animals may be relocated to a more suitable area. Animals, which cannot be readily relocated (e.g. in testing chambers) will be monitored frequently.
Personnel to Care for Animals
Facility Managers will be notified by UMBC Physical Plant Department when an unplanned chilled water interruption occurs.
Environmental Support
The main reason UMBC may loose chilled water would be due to a major power failure. If the chilled water is totally shut down, a request will be made to Physical Plant to supply portable chillers. Should they not have the quantity that we need we will combine animals into larger groups in rooms that have the portable chillers.
Contamination Control
The freezers/refrigerators in the animal facilities will not be affected by an interruption of chilled water supply.
Interruption of Steam Supply
If there is a steam outage in UMBC during the cooler months, portable space heaters will be requested from Physical Plant.
Environmental Support
If a steam outage occurs during cooler months portable space heaters will be placed in the animal rooms. If there is an interruption of the steam supply during the warmer months, it will not create a problem.
Research Support
Attempts will be made to contact all research investigators to inform them of the status of their animals as soon as possible.
Power Outage
Animal Observation and Health Maintenance
Emergency portable lighting should be available from physical plant.
Environmental Support
Air handlers and fans for the animal rooms in the animal facilities that are connected to each individual buildings emergency power supply, their air supply and ventilation will continue to be provided. If the power failure occurs in the animal facilities only, steam and chilled water will continue to be supplied to the facility. If a power failure occurs campus wide, we will lose the chilled water supply. This could cause an increase in room temperature if the failure occurs during the warmer months of the year. Should this be the case, we will monitor the animal room temperatures and request fans and/or portable chillers from campus maintenance as needed. Animals will be relocated as deemed necessary.
If needed, generator(s), gasoline for generators, electric cords, lights and fans will be obtained from campus maintenance and taken to the animal facilities.
Contamination Control
The freezers for dead animals in the animal facilities are connected to the building’s emergency power. Animal carcasses being stored in these freezers will be removed to other facilities on campus.
Assistance from the UMBC police department and maintenance department will be requested in securing the building.
Research Support