Updated 10/31/2008
ARANA Outreach Subcommittee Guidelines
- Purpose
The purpose of the American River Outreach Subcommittee is to strengthen the unity of the American River Area groups and the service structure in keeping with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service. Outreach Subcommittee members offer support, compassion and guidance in accordance with the Traditions and Concepts of NA. We are not here to fix, police or act as a watchdog of groups.
- Subcommittee Functions
- Contact or visit groups not represented at the Area Service Committee (ASC) meeting two or more consecutive times.
- Assist “new” groups to register with A.R.A.N.A. ASCand World Service Office (WSO).
- Present Outreach workshops at learning events.
- Upon a group’s request, conduct workshops for individual groups on group level service.
- Responsible for inmate correspondence.
- Conduct quarterly Trusted Servants Workshops.
- Provide NA membership support to groups that request it.
- Subcommittee Membership
Any member of Narcotics Anonymous may attend or become a member of this subcommittee. There is no clean time requirement to become an Outreach Subcommittee member.
- Voting
Members must attend two consecutive meetings of the Outreach Subcommittee to become a voting member. Absence from two consecutive meetings will result in the loss of voting privileges.
- Trusted Servants
The chairperson is elected by the members of the ASC as per its guidelines.
- Requirements:
- A minimum of two years clean time.
- Willingness and means to commit to the position for one year.
- Should have a working knowledge of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of NA Service
- Duties:
- Attends and facilitates all meetings of the subcommittee.
- Attends the ASC Admin business meeting.
- Prepares a report for each ASC meeting, makes all motions on behalf of and is the voice of the Outreach Subcommittee.
- Coordinates, delegates, and is accountable; for training and work done by the subcommittee.
- Is available to answer questions from Area groups.
- Coordinates meeting location.
- Responsible for paying rent.
- Assists in Group Service Representative (GSR) buddy system.
- Furnishes contact information to section coordinators of groups missing two consecutive ASC meetings and/or requesting support.
The Vice-Chairperson is elected by the members of the ASC as per its guidelines.
- Requirements:
- A minimum of one year clean time.
- Willingness and means to commit to the position for one year.
- Should have a working knowledge of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service.
- Assist Chairperson in providing guidance and training to new Outreach Subcommittee members.
- Duties:
- Should attend all meetings of the subcommittee.
- Works with the Chairperson to ensure the smooth operation of the Outreach Subcommittee.
- Coordinates inmate correspondence.
- Assumes the duties of the Outreach Chair in their absence.
The Secretary is elected by the Outreach Subcommittee.
- Requirements:
- A minimum of one year clean time.
- Willingness and means to commit to the position for one year.
- Duties:
- Must keep accurate minutes of all Outreach Subcommittee meetings. Minutes should be ready for approval at the next subcommittee meeting.
- Organizes and keeps records, files and archives of this subcommittee.
- Keeps an updated phone/e-mail list of all active members of the Outreach Subcommittee.
4)Trusted Servant Workshop Coordinator:
The Trusted Servant Workshop Coordinator is elected by the Outreach Subcommittee.
- Requirements:
- A minimum of two years clean time.
- Willingness and means to commit to the position for one year.
- A working knowledge of the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of NA Service.
- Duties:
- Conduct quarterly Trusted Servants Workshops (TSW) as approved by the subcommittee.
- Find an adequate facility.
- Set agenda for the TSW.
- Seeks panel or speakers for TSW.
- Obtain refreshments within budget limits.
- Must coordinate the set-up and clean-up of the TSW.
- Responsible for making and copying of flyers with the NA logo.
5)Section Coordinators:
The Section Coordinators are elected by the Outreach Subcommittee.
- Requirements:
- A minimum of six months clean time.
- Willingness and means to commit to the position for one year.
- Willingness to read and get familiar with the Local Guide to Service.
- Duties:
- Contacts groups that have missed two consecutive ASC meetings.
- Coordinates volunteers of Outreach Subcommittee for group support.
- Maintains phone list of willing volunteers to support meetings with in the ARANA.
- Reports back to the subcommittee the results of any interactions with targeted groups.
6)Subcommittee Liaison Members:
The Liaison Members are elected by the Outreach Subcommittee.
- Requirements:
- Willingness to serve.
- A minimum continuous clean time of thirty days.
- Willingness and means to commit to the position for six months.
- Duties:
- Will be the communication link between Outreach and other Subcommittee meetings.
- Must attend all Outreach Subcommittee meetings.
- Must attend all designated subcommittee meetings for which you are the liaison.
- Procedures
- Section Coordinators: When Checking on Groups
- Call GSR.
- Explain concern/why we’re calling.
- Ask for group needs.
- Offer an attitude of support.
- If no resolution is reached with the GSR, visit the group, and seek out the meeting secretary and seek a resolution.
- Consult A Guide to Local Service when needed.
- Suggest to the group that they purchase the following literature. If they can not afford them we will supply the literature; The Group Booklet and A Guide to Local Service.
- Offer to conduct a group level workshop, as required.
- Topics for Discussion:
- Do we still want a group? Discuss pros and cons.
- How well does a group function with and/or without trusted servants?
- What is and NA Group? IP – The Group Booklet
- Seventh Tradition and the fund flow. Refer to the Local Guide to Service.
- Why should a group be active in an area?
- What are possible solutions to the group concerns and/or issues?
- When assisting “new” groups to register with ARANA ASC and the WSO.
- Be present at the Outreach table during the ASC meeting.
- Describe the registration process as listed below with the group.
- Starter kits are provided by Outreach Subcommittee.
- See the ASC secretary to receive group number.
- See Public Information to be added in the schedule, phone line, and website.
- Introduce new GSR to the ASC Subcommittees:
- Newsletter
- Literature
- Treasurer (Area Service Committee donation)
- Suggest the new group attend the “New GSR Workshop”.
- When presenting Outreach Workshops at learning events:
- Outreach Subcommittee is responsible for hosting workshops at Celebration of Service events.
- Seek advise from Outreach Subcommittee chairperson; vision.
- Coordinates with Celebration of Service committee members as to roles they might play in the workshop.
- Plans out event including setup and cleanup of assigned area of workshop.
- When corresponding with inmates:
- Purpose of inmate correspondence is to share the experience, strength and hope of the NA program with inmates.
- When corresponding, it is suggested that men write to men women write to women.
- We introduce ourselves by qualifying briefly in out opening letter.
- Clean time
- Sponsorship
- Meeting attendance
- Home group
- We let the inmate know that s/he is not alone.
- We share recovery from addiction only.
- In the spirit of our twelfth tradition, we respect the anonymity of correspondents.
- We encourage inside NA group activity and stress a meeting the first day the inmate leaves confinement.
- Correspondents must use ARANA’s P.O. Box for receiving mail rather than their home address.P.O. Box 418222, Sacramento, CA95841-8222
- We believe it best that no romantic involvements develop.
- Suggested topics for correspondence:
- The only requirement for membership.
- Do we drink alcohol?
- Steps/Traditions/Concepts
- Selfishness/Self-Centeredness
- Obsessive/Compulsive behavior
- Gratitude
- Fear
- Accepting responsibility
- One day at a time
- Footwork
- Prayer
- Reaching out
- Sponsorship
- Spiritual principles
- Spirituality
- Meditation
- Addiction
- Recovery/Relapse
- Do the right thing
- Process of recovery
- Refer to NA literature for others.
- If any inmates are asking for sponsorship through the mail, they can write to the following address:
P.O. Box 23700
San Jose, CA95153
- Addressing the envelope
- Return address is to be as follows:
First Name & Last Initial – Subcommittee
P.O. Box 418222
Sacramento, CA95841-8222
- Inmate Address
Full Name – Inmate #
Unit Name and Number
City, State Zip Code
- While maintaining volunteer phone lists:
- Each section coordinator develops a volunteer phone list by attending meetings in the section.
- Ask for volunteers to give their name and phone number if they are willing to attend meeting in the local area that need support.
- Contacts volunteers by phone when meetings need support.
- Periodically visits groups in their section and bring other addicts whenever possible.