Advice for Newcomers and Beginners
Acknowledgement: The advice and information in this leaflet has been compiled for the Badsworth & Bramham Moor by the Mastership and Members, past and present. Thanks are expressed to all, for their contributions.
This leaflet is for all those who ride to Hounds. It is hoped you will spare the time to read it and that in so doing, appreciate the reasons and traditions behind some of the etiquette. This is applicable whether you are a Newcomer, or perhaps just need to refresh your memory if you have hunted for years. The information will enable you to behave in a safe and correct manner
whilst following Hounds. Hunting is not only a sport, but also it is a tradition and, indeed, in the countryside it could be regarded
as a way of life. As with any other traditions, customs have become associated with hunting, not least of these being the
behaviour that is expected of the Followers. There is no need to regard hunting as something old fashioned as in fact, most
of the associated traditions, etiquette and behaviour are very practical.
Traditions / Customs
The Badsworth & Bramham Moor meet by arrangement and are therefore easily recognisable and accountable. Mounted and
car followers enjoy access to large areas of countryside – this privilege requires that all followers respect the traditions and customs of the Badsworth & Bramham Moor and farmers. This leaflet covers most of the information which may be of interest,
or be helpful, to the Newcomer – But, to begin, if you only have time to pay attention to just the basic customs and suggestions highlighted below, you will be a safer rider, you will enjoy your day out and you will be welcome on any Hunting Field.
When you have the time, you may wish to continue reading this advice leaflet and learn more about Hunting.
- Please be prepared to follow any requests and instruction from the Masters. They are responsible for conducting the day’s activities and they are regulated by the MFHA (Masters of Foxhounds Association). When riding to hounds, their authority is absolute and their instructions should be cheerfully obeyed.
Please do not obstruct the Huntsman or Whipper-ins.
- Polite, sensible behaviour is expected from all followers. Avoid over- loud conversation, inappropriate and offensive language are not acceptable. Please use common sense and be responsible, if having a drink.
- Sensible clothes and tack (brightly coloured fashion statements are inappropriate for both riders and horses) Turnout should be always neat, clean and safe – hair should be neatly tied back or in a net and ties should be secured.
- Consider footwear –wear suitable / safe riding boots: if you have half sole boot repairs, the ridge may prevent your foot leaving the stirrup in the event of a fall. Your horse - Consider fitting studs to prevent your horse slipping. When riding on the road take care when turning corners – your horse may lose it’s footing.
- Keep up with, but behind, the Field Master. If you lose the Field Master and are unsure where you are, ride on the roads and tracks until you can catch up.
- Do not gallop away from obstacles (gates, narrow /steep places etc) whilst other riders are still negotiating the obstacle – just walk away quietly. Do not leave a person alone to close a gate, it is safer, easier and polite to wait and help – it may be you left alone at a gate next time!
- If you know your horse is not a reliable jumper, please do not push to the front of the Field, refuse and then block the jump. If a jump is narrow, form an orderly queue and do not cut in. If your horse refuses, you should pull away immediately and go to the back of the queue – do not barge in ahead of your turn. Please, do not set off to jump until the horse in front has completed the jump and vacated the exit.
- Always turn your horse to face hounds to prevent horses kicking hounds.
- If your horse has a red or green ribbon, for safety, please keep to the back of the Field.
- Show consideration to other road users and remember to thank people.
- If you are a child or young person – please remember that it will be really appreciated if you offer to help at gates etc you will be much more agile and can get back on your horse / pony quicker than some of the older Members.
- Parents should never send a child hunting alone – a responsible adult must accompany.
- Mobile phones, whilst very useful, should preferably be switched to silent mode.
- Hollering is a habit, now best kept quietly in your heart.
If you are unsure of the expected and appropriate dress for riding out with the Badsworth & Bramham Moor
This will help –
A) Dress for Autumn Hunting (before the Opening Meet)
Tweed riding jacket
Bowler hat or velvet riding cap (usually black or dark blue) or riding helmet with black velvet cover.
Shirt, collar and tie or shirt with coloured / spotted hunting tie (i.e. stock)
Buff / beige jodhpurs / breeches.
Brown or black boots
B) Dress for the Season (after Opening Meet)
Black Hunt coat (ladies sometime wear dark blue)
Black bowler or black velvet cap ladies wear dark blue with the blue coat) or riding helmet with black velvet cover.
Shirt and white hunt tie (i.e. stock)
Buff / beige jodhpurs / breeches (ladies sometimes wear cream / yellow)
White breeches are only worn with the red coat.
Black boots.
Children - tweed riding jackets and buff / beige jodhpurs all year.
Terminology and explanations (some examples)
- MFH – Master of Foxhounds a traditional, historical title refers the keepers of the King’s hounds.
- Masters, Huntsman, Whippers-in & invited Subscribers wear scarlet (red) coats. A Lady Master wears dark blue.
- ‘WARE’ – look out for a risk e.g. Ware wire. Ware hole. Ware glass. Ware soft going etc.
- Covert – wooded area.
- Couple – hounds are counted in two’s, so one couple = two hounds.
- Point – a corner of a covert or field where riders are sent by the Master to observe and report on hound activity.
- Speak – the noise that hounds make when they pick up the scent.
- Stern – hound’s tail
- Red ribbon in a horse’s tail – warning that the horse may kick, please give plenty of room.
- Green ribbon in a horse’s tail – warning that the horse is young and inexperienced, please give plenty of room.
- Blank day – when no scent has been found.
- Bye-day – a day extra to the days as advertised on the Meet Card.
- The Cap – the money that is collected at the Meet by the Secretary from visitors.
- Field Money – the money paid to the Secretary at the Meet by Subscribers.
- ‘Hounds Please’ – the announcement at the Meet that the hounds are leaving the Meet and the day is about to begin all horses should be turned to face hounds.
- ‘Good Night’- on leaving to go home (time of day does not matter) the accepted farewell is ‘Good Night’.
- Whipper-in – Person (s) who helps the Huntsman supervise the hounds.
- Hold hard – please slow down and be prepared to stop quickly. Also signed by riders ahead holding a hand up.
- Crowding – riders getting too close together at a jump or gate – could cause injury to horse and /or rider.
- The Field – collective name for the mounted followers.
20. Check – Hounds pause and /or stop during a run, usually to pick up a lost or poor scent.
Before attending, it is expected courtesy for you to ring the Hunt Secretary to ask if you may join the Hunt for the day.
- It is advisable to park half a mile, or so, from the Meet so as to give your horse a chance to settle down. Never park in a gate, in front of a hunt jump or anywhere where your vehicle can be a nuisance to other Hunt Members, Farmers or the general public. Try to arrange suitable parking before you arrive, preferably the day before – the Secretary will advise.
- On arrival at the Meet, as a matter of courtesy, one should bid ‘Good Morning’ to the Master(s) and Huntsman.
- Please seek out the Hunt Secretary or the person who is collecting the Field Money / Cap and pay promptly. Endeavour to have the correct money ready and available for ease of payment.
- We are fortunate, the Badsworth and Bramham Moor have many people who like to entertain the Hunt and offer to put on Meets. Please remember to thank your host before leaving with Hounds. A ‘Thank You’ is always appreciated and only takes a moment.
- Whilst at the Meet, the atmosphere can be rather ‘busy’ this may affect how your horse behaves. Make sure that your horse does not kick out whilst at the Meet and always keep your horses’ head pointed towards hounds. If your horse is proving difficult to handle, for safety reasons, withdraw, if possible, to the edge of the Meet away from people, horses and hounds.
- Those who follow hounds are advised not to enquire of the Master(s) or Huntsman what the plans for the day are. The day requires a great deal of planning and at the Meet, the Master(s) and Huntsman have enough to consider.
One of the joys of Hunting is the unknown adventure to come.
- Every possible effort should be made to ensure that you are not late for the Meet. It is not only discourteous, it can cause inconvenience or annoyance. Stragglers are not only a nuisance, frequently, though unintentionally, they can get the Hunt a bad name. Remember, you are a guest on someone’s property. You should make sure that you know how long it is going to take to reach the Meet, where you can park and allow sufficient time.
- It is essential that the Mounted Field stay with the Field Master and follow instructions. In working out the draw, the Master and the Huntsman have decided from where they wish to go. Their decision may be affected by the wind, or it may be that for one reason or another they have to pick up the scent in a certain direction or have access difficulties in some areas. If the Field is not kept together then riders may interfere with Hounds and prevent them working effectively or horses may cause damage to crops.
Members of the field straggling around are, therefore, not only interfering with the Master’s plans, but equally they are disturbing the Hounds which are distracted by noise on all sides. In planning the day, the Master has used his knowledge of prevailing conditions, both in weather and in the surrounding countryside, to ensure that the best possible sport can be provided. Co-operation is therefore paramount.
- It is obviously impossible to expect people to be absolutely silent when Hounds are drawing; nevertheless, it is true that the Hound’s concentration is inevitably disturbed by a lot of noise. It can make it difficult for the Huntsman to hear. Members of the Field, therefore, should keep as quiet as possible. Unless the Master can hear what is going on, worse still if he cannot hear the Huntsman, then it is very easy for the Field to get left and miss a good run.
- Especially at the first draw it is important to keep a horse under proper control as a fresh horse is more likely to cause a nuisance by kicking or barging into others. Always allow yourself some room from the horse in front.
- If the Huntsman brings Hounds towards the mounted Field, move to one side to allow them to pass, always have your horses’ head pointed towards Hounds. This avoids Hounds being kicked and injured.
- If anyone has information that he /she thinks may be useful, it must always be given personally to a Master, and to nobody else.
- No Member of the Field should speak to a Whipper-in or anyone who has been sent on point duty. These people are doing a job by the request of the Master or Huntsman and need to concentrate. Distracting them from their work could cause problems.
- If invited to go on point having been given instructions on what is required, follow them
8. Never criticise the actions of the Masters or the Staff, they are acting upon local, perhaps private information which may affect the day’s activities. If any person is not happy and disapproves of the way the day has been organised they should retire gracefully and put any comments in writing for the attention of the Hunt Secretary. The comments will then be dealt with and a response arranged.
Mounted Followers -
- When Hounds go away, the Field should keep behind the Field Master who is aware what the landowners requirements
and which routes should not be taken. The Field Master / Masters should always be given precedence, especially at jumps.
- When riding to Hounds it should never be forgotten that one is following Hounds. People (‘Skirters’) who make straight off in a direction where, perhaps, they know there is a nice line of country or some easy gates are not being very helpful. If Hounds turn they can well be in the way. This may make it impossible for the Huntsman to keep the Hounds on the line and the run is spoilt for everyone. Stragglers also cause inconvenience. Many Hunts have foot followers who are happy to close gates when the Field have gone through. Their task is made very difficult if some riders are going so slowly that it is almost impossible to keep behind them.
- Although there may be gate closers, it is nevertheless the responsibility of every member of the Field to satisfy him / herself that no gate is ever left open. When going through a gate, the Field Master may pass the call of ‘GATE PLEASE’ down the Field. The messages must be passed from rider to rider, down the entire Field and the last rider through must stop and ensure the gate is closed. It is not always easy in the middle of a good run to pull up either to shut a gate or wait for the person following behind to make sure that stock does not take advantage of the open gate to pass through it. It is, essential that you do stop. Gates that are left open often cause trouble for the farmer / landowner and so creates bad feeling towards the Hunt, resulting in unnecessary work for the Masters and the Hunt Secretary.
- The Field should not ride over crops or seeds. If you see people riding round a field in single file then you must do the same. When the call of ‘SINGLE FILE’ or similar is issued by the Field Master this instruction must be passed down the line by everyone in turn and the instruction followed. This is necessary because the field may be sown or because the Master has knowledge to the fact that the farmer does not want the Hunt over that particular field. It is the responsibility of anyone who follows Hounds to recognise a field that is sown or that it is a new lay and thus realise that it has to be avoided.
- Damage to fences can cause a great deal of trouble. It may, therefore, be brave but it is not very helpful if a rider puts his/her horse at a fence, particularly at rails, worst of all at a gate, knowing that his/her horse cannot jump it cleanly. Not only can stock get through a gap, but also mending fences these days is a very costly business. Such thoughtless action, therefore, can cause bad feeling between the Hunt and the farmer and between the Member of the Field and the Master. If you damage a fence or see damage to a fence it is essential that you inform the Master as soon as possible, so that repairs can be made. On the other hand, if you approach a quite straight- forward fence which can be jumped anywhere; it is irresponsible to choose to jump where there is a gap, with the likelihood of making the gap larger.
- It is frustrating if a fence can only be jumped in one or two places, but nothing annoys other Members of the Field more than people barging in instead of waiting their turn. It is the same when the field is going through a gateway. There is no other answer than to be patient and wait your turn. If your horse refuses at a jump, then you must go back to the end of the queue and not cut in.
Occasionally a narrow place is due to the Huntsman or Master removing a strand of wire. This is only done if absolutely vital and must never be done by anyone other than the Master or Huntsman who will then know exactly where it has to be replaced. Members of the Field should only carry wire clippers if they have been invited to do so.
- If Hounds check, the likelihood is that the Field Master will be there to hold the Field back so that the Huntsman can make his cast. Should the Field Master not be there, for some reason, then it is up to the Members of the Field to hold well back. Hounds need plenty of room when they are casting. They cannot possibly concentrate on their job if mounted followers are all around them.
8. Even when Hounds are running, it is essential to give them plenty of room. Anything that detracts from their concentration will inevitably slow them down unless there is an exceptional scent. The number of good scenting days in a season is very limited; on most days Hounds need all the help that they can get. Galloping too close to them and frightening them does not help at all. In fact, Hounds that have been galloped over will frequently not wish to hunt again.