Aquatic Technical Operations Training Course

Aquatic Operation and Development Australasia (“AODA”) have been delivering industry specific training courses for public swimming pool and spa pool operators around Australia for the past 20 years.

All courses are designed to provide the knowledge and skills required to professionally operate and maintain public aquatic facilities, as well as meet the requirements of the DHS in all states.

Participants who successfully complete the course will be issued with a nationally accredited Statement of Attainment issued through Sport SA, RTO and partner with AODA in providing the four units of competency from the Sport & Recreation Industry Training Package listed below.

·  SISCAQU001 - Test pool water quality

·  SISCAQU003 - Maintain aquatic facility plant and equipment

·  SISCAQU004 - Develop and implement pool water maintenance procedures

The course includes a comprehensive training manual and set of resource materials.

Lunch and refreshments are provided.

Course Facilitator

All courses are facilitated by Barry Hutchison, manager and principal lecturer of Aquatic Operation and Development Australasia. Barry has 30 years experience in the operation and management of water treatment and plant equipment in Public Aquatic Facilities together with 20 years experience in training swimming pool and spa pool operators. Barry holds the following qualifications:

·  Aquatic Management Certificate -Australian Institute of Swimming and Recreation

·  Swimming Pool Plant Operators Certificate.

·  Certificate of Competency, Water Treatment - Department of Human Services South Australian Health Commission.

·  TAE Certificate IV - Training and Assessment

·  Certificate IV Community Recreation


·  Water circulation

·  Filtration and disinfection systems

·  Salt water systems

·  Ozone and ultraviolet light treatment

·  Microbiological aspects of swimming pool water treatment

·  Water Chemistry & Water Testing, including:

o  Chlorine, pH and total alkalinity,

o  Breakpoint chlorination,

o  Water Balance

·  Maintenance of Water Clarity

·  Requirements for Water Replacement

·  Control of common pool pollutants and algae

·  Maintenance of plant & amenities

·  Hot water environments – spa pools & hydrotherapy pools

·  Plant room design

·  State Health Regulations

·  General WHS/E requirements


Aquatic Technical Operations Training Course

Personal details

/ Mr /
/ Miss /
/ Mrs /
/ Ms /
/ Dr
First name
Mailing Address
Suburb / State / Postcode
Phone number / Mobile number
Email address

EFT Details: BSB: 633 - 000 Account No: 148335086 Bendigo Bank

Payment Options

/ Cheque /
/ / Money Order / Total / Invoice Payable: $395.00
Course is GST Exempt!
Please make cheques payable to: Aquatic Operation and Development Australasia: Mob 0438 119 856
Order No:
Other Requirements
If you suffer from a physical disability or impairment or have a literacy or numeracy issue which would otherwise require special assistance in attending this course, please provide written details.

Course Duration: 8.30am – 4.30pm Daily

Course Registration (please tick)
Gawler Swimming Centre
March 30 & 31, 2017

Postal Address below.

Aquatic Operation & Development Australasia

5 Van Leeuwen Drive Pooraka SA 5095