Please note that this version of the self-assessment form is to be used exclusively by organisations, already certified as Sending Organisations. It is to be used as a supplement to the evidence-based self-assessment form to be submitted in the framework of the EU Aid Volunteers certification mechanism for Sending Organisations.
In submitting this application the legal representative of the already certified Sending Organisation declares that the third-country operation does not have its own separate independent legal entity status (i.e. they are not legally registered with the competent national authorities in order to function with administrative and financial independence in the said third country).
The application should include the declarations on honour from Sending Organisation and third-country office.
- Certified Sending Organisation
PIC NUMBER(mandatory)
Number of full time/permanent employees
Accreditation as FPA or FAFA partner of DG ECHO(please attach evidence)
EU Aid Volunteers initiative Certification number
Contact person
Name / Position
Phone / Email
Legal Representative
Phone / Email
- 3rd Country Office Applicant
Number of full time/permanent employees
Contact person
Name / Position
Phone / Email
- References
Please provide details of your three references.References endorse the commitment of applicant organisations to meeting the requirements.The references should be from a minimum of two of the group of stakeholders defined in Article 32 of Implementing Regulation (IR) No 1244/2014.
Reference 1Name
Reference 2
Reference 3
- Self-assessment form
Regulation (EU) No 1398/2014 (the 'Delegated Regulation' – DR)
- Duty of care and Safety and Security measures (Article 28 IR)
Please provide an overview of how your organisation ensures the safety and security of international volunteers it hosts (max. 5000 characters):
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
1.1.Will the hosting organisation ensure that the volunteer is updated about any change in the operating environment and the consequent amendments in any of the security procedures or protocols? (Article 28 (13) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
1.2.Will the hosting organisation be aware of the location of the volunteer, and the contact number to reach them,
at all times including when on leave? (Article 28 (14) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Health and Safety (Article 30 IR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
2.1.Will the hosting organisation ensure that duty of care is integrated in day-to-day volunteer management and, during the induction, provide the volunteer with(Art. 30(7) IR):
- up-to-date information on local resources concerning health and safety such as contact details of doctors, hospitals, paramedical services;
- guidance on local customs and norms as part of their in-country briefing in order to limit risks to safety and to facilitate integration?
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Volunteer task assignments (Article 4 IR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
3.1.Will the hosting organisation, based on a needs assessment (see Article 10 (1)(2) DR)propose, in accordance with the requirements set out in point 1 of Annex I, the task assignment for the volunteer, including flexible elements to take account the volunteer's input once recruited? (Art. 4 (1) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Procedures for pre-deployment preparation of candidate volunteers (Articles 11 and 18 IR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
4.1.Will the hosting organisation ensure that all volunteers receive a thorough and appropriate in-country induction upon arrival in the country of deployment, covering as a minimum the following(Art. 18(1) IR):
- organisation and management structure and processes; teams involved in the project (including project management officer, operational and technical team, crisis management officer, support teams such as human resources and finance); project site(s);and organisational mission and objectives in relation to the initiative;
- comprehensive information on the hosting organisation’s mission, remit and projects; communities involved; operational context; and expectations on outputs and results from the volunteers’ task assignment and the needs assessment that underpins it;
- relevant local legal framework applicable to the volunteer;
- mandatory context-specific security briefing and health and safety briefing as provided for in Articles 28 and 30;
- supervision and performance management system and procedure and support mechanisms in place, including mentoring and other support as provided for in Articles 19, 20 and 21;
- cultural briefing on the country, region and locality of deployment, including guidance on appropriate behaviour;
- in-country debriefing process as provided for in Article 23?
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
4.2.Will the hosting organisationensure that all information provided during the in-country induction process is read and understood by the volunteer and remains easily accessible throughout their participation in the initiative?
(Art. 18(2) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Performance management (Articles 19 and 31 IR)
Please explain how volunteers are currently managed and supported during their stay with your organisation
(max. 5000 characters):
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
5.1.Will the hosting organisation designate a line manager who will be responsible for supervising the volunteer and organising a reasonable and practical number of supervision meetings? (Art. 19(4) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
- Mentoring (Article 21 IR)
Please indicate which references cover the requirements of this section: /
6.1.Will the hosting organisation designate one or more mentors for the volunteer to provide support in areas such as:
- development of professional skills and improvement of performance and knowledge(Art. 21(1) IR);
- cultural integration and acclimatisation;
- coaching related to the task assignment; and
- dealing with psychosocial issues?
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
6.2.Will the hosting organisation ensure that the designated mentor(s) have access to, and base their support on,
the volunteer’s learning and development plan and task assignment and meet regularly with the volunteer
to reflect on his/her progress and help solve any placement-related and personal issues? (Art. 21(2) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
6.3.Will the hosting organisation ensure that the mentoring takes account of local realities and will, where possible,
be appropriate for local volunteers as well? Remote mentoring may be considered where appropriate,
in particular by using the network for the initiative. (Art. 21(3) (5) IR)
The organisation is committed to meeting the requirement and making relevant staff aware of it. /
If necessary, comment on gaps/measures needed to ensure compliance with the requirement:
Specify whether you have attached any optional evidence to this self-assessment form.
If yes, please specify which requirements such optional evidence covers:
Page 1 | SELF-ASSESSMENT FORM EU | Aid Volunteers certification mechanism - Hosting organisations (simplified)