2018-2019 Calendar Proof

International Development Studies

  • General Information
  • Programs of Study

Mailing Address: / International Development Studies Program
c/o Faculty of Arts
University of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B.,
Canada, E3B 5A3
Phone: / (506) 458-7305
Email: /
Website: /
Co-ordinator / Dr. Carolyn Bassett


  • Susan Blair, Associate Professor (Anthropology)
  • Evelyn Plaice, Associate Professor (Anthropology)
  • Alekhya Das, Part-time Instructor (Anthropology)
  • Sophie Lavoie, Associate Professor (Critical Cultural Studies)
  • Weiqiu,Yu, Professor (Economics)
  • Constantine E. Passaris, (Economics)
  • Ted McDonald, Professor (Economics)
  • Carolyn Bassett, Associate Professor (Political Science)
  • Gary Bowden, Associate Professor (Sociology)
  • Nancy Nason-Clark, Professor (Sociology)
  • Jacqueline Low, Professor (Sociology)
  • Lucia O'Sullivan, Professor and Canada Research Chair (Psychology)
  • Thom Workman, Professor, (Political Science)
  • Sasha Mullally, Associate Professor (History)
  • KoumariMitra, Professor (Anthropology)
  • Suzanne Hindmarch, Assistant Professor (Political Science)
  • Paul Peters, Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair (Sociology)
  • M CostanzaTorri, Associate Professor (Sociology)
  • Anna Hamling Senior Teaching Associate (Critical Cultural Studies)

General Information

The IDS program is administered by the IDS Coordinator and includes faculty members from various Faculty of Arts departments. The IDS program offers its own core courses, and relies on other departments for supporting courses:

Tier 1 / Tier 2 / Tier 3
IDS 2003 3 ch
IDS 3003 3 ch
IDS 4103 3 ch
IDS 4203 3 ch
IDS 4900 3 ch / Chosen from the list of courses below. / Chosen from a list of courses available annually from the IDS program.

Tier 2 courses are core courses offered on a rotational basis by the IDS-supporting departments.

Discipline / Course / Course Description
Anthropology / ANTH 3694
ANTH 3704
ANTH 4502
ANTH 4702 / Latin America
South Asia
Issues in Medical Anthropology
Gender and Health
Comparative Cultural Studies / CCS 3455
CCS 3974
CCS 3904
CCS 4062 / Latin America in Cinema
Contemporary Spanish American Narrative
Background of Latin American Cultures
Spanish and Latin American Women Artists
Economics / ECON 3016
ECON 3705 / Introduction to Development Economics
Canada and the New Global Economy
English / ENGL 3813 / Literatures of Africa, the Caribbean and South Asia
History / HIST 3011
HIST 3012 / European Imperialism, 1815-1914
EuropeanImperialism, 1914-1975
Political Science / POLS 3635
POLS 3643
POLS 3711
POLS 3713 / Critical Conflict Studies
The United Nations
Political Economy of Development in Africa
The Global Economy: Production, Profits, Power and People
Sociology / SOCI 3523
SOCI 3563
SOCI 3801
SOCI 4264 / Sociology of International Development
Global Perspectives in Environmental Health
Food Studies in Sociological Context
Health Care in International Context

Tier 3 courses are on topics of interest to IDS students and can be used to complete program electives.

Students can undertake a Minor, Double Major or Joint Honours, combining IDS with a disciplinary degree program in the Faculty of Arts.

A Minor in International Development Studies can be taken by an UNB student. For information on the Minor, Double Major and Joint Honours, see the BA General Regulations.

Admission into the Double Major or Joint Honours program is open to any student who has successfully completed 60 credit hours towards the BA degree; students require a minimum of GPA of C+ (2.3) for admission to the Joint Honours program. Students considering International Development Studies as part of a Double Major or Joint Honours program should consult with the Coorindator.

Inquiries about the International Development Studies program should be directed to Dr. Carolyn Bassett, Coordinator of International Development Studies, Faculty of Arts UNBF. 458-7192. E-mail .

Program of Study

A grade of C (2.0) or better in each individual course used for IDS credit is required for Minors and Double Majors; students in Joint Honours program require a grade of C+ (2.3) or better on each individual course used for IDS credit.


For a Minor in International Development Studies a student must complete the following courses for a total of 24 ch:

  • IDS 2003 IDS: Concepts and Perspectives (3 ch)
  • IDS 3003 International Development: Policies and Practices (3 ch)
  • 18 ch of courses approved for IDS credit

Double Majors

Double Majors taking International Development Studies must complete the following for a total of 30 ch:

  • IDS 2003 IDS: Concepts and Perspectives (3 ch)
  • IDS 3003 International Development: Politics and Practices (3 ch)
  • IDS 4103 Advanced Topics in International Development Studies (3 ch)
  • IDS 4203 Development Project Design (3 ch)
  • 18 ch from Tier 2 and Tier 3 course lists, of which at least 12 ch will be from the Tier 2 course list

Joint Honours

Joint Honours taking International Development Studies must take the following courses, for a total of 36 ch:

  • IDS 2003 IDS: Concepts and Perspectives (3 ch)
  • IDS 3003 International Development: Policies and Practices (3 ch )
  • IDS 4103 Advanced Topics in International Development Studies (3 ch)
  • IDS 4203 Development Project Design (3 ch)
  • IDS 4900Honours Thesis in International Development Studies (6 ch)
  • 18 ch from Tier 2 and Tier 3 course lists, of which at least 12 ch will be from the Tier 2 course list

Upon registration in IDS 4900, the student must identify a thesis supervisor from the list of IDS affiliated faculty members and develop a thesis proposal. A copy of the thesis proposal must be provided to the Coordinator.

Please note that those students who are required to complete both an Honours thesis in a departmental discipline and one in IDS cannot have the same supervisor for both.