Father: My friends and parishioners of St. John’s and Our Lady, today is a day of great celebration and rejoicing for our parishes. Today we formally begin the process of welcoming into our faith and communion those who have come to inquire about our Catholic faith. Those who have been baptized into other Christian faiths are seeking full communion, and others are seeking baptism, so let us welcome those who will come forward.

Joey: My dear candidates and Catechumens, we welcome you in the name of Christ. Please come forward with your sponsor as I call you name.

Candidates: Respond, “PRESENT” and come forth with their sponsors standing behind them hand on shoulder both facing altar.

Father: What are you asking of God’s Church?


Father: Are you ready with the help of God to live the life He has called you to?

Candidates: I AM WITH HIS GRACE.

Father: Are you sponsors ready to help and guide these men and women to serve as their mentors and examples of Catholic living?

Sponsors: WE ARE.

Father – Prayer:

God of Mercy, we thank you for the men and women you have called here today. May your love sustain, guide and direct them as they continue to search in living their life in your Catholic Church. We ask all this through Jesus who lives and reigns forever and ever, AMEN.


Father: God is our creator and in Him all living things have their being. He enlightens our minds so that we may come to know and worship Him. He has sent his faithful witness, Jesus Christ, to announce to us what He has seen and heard, the mysteries of heaven and earth. Since you acknowledge with joy that Christ has come, now is the time to hear his word, so that you may possess eternal life by beginning, in our company, to know God and to love your neighbor. Are you ready, with the help of God, to live this life?

Candidates: I AM!


Father: Dear candidates, your answers mean that you wish to share our life and hope in Christ. To admit you as catechumens I now mark you with the sign of Christ’s cross. The whole community welcomes you with love and stands ready to help you.

Father: Receive the cross on your forehead. It is Christ himself who now strengthens you with this sign of His love. Learn to know Him and follow Him.

…. on your ears,that you may hear the glory of God.

…. on your eyes,that you may see the glory of God.

…. on your lips,that you may respond to the glory of God.

…. on your heart,that Christ may dwell there by faith.

…. on your shoulders,that you may bear the gentle yolk of Christ.

…. on your hands,that Christ may be known in the work that you do.

(To the Group)

Father: I sign you with the sign of eternal life in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Catechumens: AMEN!


Let us pray,

Almighty God and Father,

Your Son carried His cross for our salvation,

Give new life and strength to these men and women

as they prepare to walk in the footsteps of our Lord,

We ask this through Jesus who lives and reigns forever and ever.


Father: We now dismiss you to break open the word of God in order that it might guide and strengthen you on your journey.

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