Edexcel GCSE French Foundation Scheme of Work

Coverage of Edexcel themes and topic areas

(Scroll down for coverage of themes and topic areas by Edexcel GCSE FrenchFoundation module.)

DV = Déjà vu; CO = Contrôle oral; CE = Contrôle écrit

Edexcel themes (Speaking/Writing)
Edexcel theme / Module and unit / Pages
Media and culture
Music/film/reading / M2:DV, CO, CE / 30–31, 44–47
Fashion/celebrities/religion / M1: U4 / 18–19
Blogs/internet / M2: U6 / 40–41
Sport and leisure
Hobbies/interests / M1: DV2, U4, U5, U6, CO, CE
M2: DV, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6
M5: CE
M6: DV, CO, CE
M7: U2 / 10–11, 18–27
104–105, 114–117
Sporting events / M2: U4 / 38–39
Lifestyle choices / M4: U5, CO, CE
M8: whole module
M9: whole module / 78–83
Travel and tourism
Holidays / M3: U4, CO, CE
M4: U3, U4
M7: U1, U2, U3, U4, U6, CO, CE / 58–63
74–75, 76–77
122–129, 132–137
Accommodation / M7: U1, M7 U3, M7 U4 / 122–123, 126–129
Eating/food/drink / M4: DV2, U2
M7: U5 / 68–69, 72–73
Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs / M5: U5, CO
M6: U1, U2, U3, U4, CO, CE / 96–99
Product or service information / M7: U1, U3, U6 / 122–123, 126–127, 132–133
Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Edexcel topic area / Module and unit / Pages
Out and about
Visitor information / M3: U4, CO, CE
M7: U1, U4, CO, CE / 58–63
122–123, 128–129, 134–137
Basic weather / M7 DV, M7 CO / 120–121, 134–135
Local amenities / M3: U2, U3, U4, CO, CE
M4: U1
M7: U2, U3, U4, U5, CO, CE
M9: U2, U4, CO, CE / 54–63
124–131, 134–137
158–159, 162–167
Accommodation / M3: DV, U1
M7: U1, U3, U6, CO, CE / 50–53
122–123, 126–127, 132–137
Public transport / M3: U3, CO, CE
M4: U3
M7: U1, U6, CO, CE
M9: U2, M9 CO / 56–57, 60–63
122–123, 132–137
158–159, 164–165
Directions / M4: DV1, U1 / 66–67, 70–71
Customer service and transactions
Cafés and restaurants / M7: U5 / 130–131
Shops / M4: DV1, DV2, U5, CO, CE / 66–69, 78–83
Dealing with problems
Personal information
General interests / M1: DV2, U4, U5, U6, CO, CE
M2: DV, U4, U5, U6, CO, CE
M4: U5, CO, CE
M6: DV / 10–11, 18–27
30–31, 38–47
Leisure activities / M1: DV2, U6, CO, CE
M2: whole module
M7: U2, U6 / 10–11, 22–27
124–5, 132–133
Family and friends / M1: DV1, U1, U2, U3
M2: U2, U3
M4: U4
M8: CO / 8–9, 12–17
Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise) / M8: DV1, DV2, U1, U2, U3, CE / 140–149, 152–153
Future plans, education and work
Basic language of the internet / M2: U6 / 40–41
Simple job advertisements / M6: U3 / 110–111
Simple job applications and CV / M6: U3, CE / 110–111, 116–117
School and college / M5: whole module
M6: CE
M8: CO / 86–101
Work and work experience / M5: U5, CO, CE
M6: U1, U2, U3, U4, CO, CE / 96–101

Coverage of Edexcelthemes and topic areas by Edexcel GCSE French Foundation module

Module 1 Moi / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Déjà vu 1
Je me présente …
(pp. 8–9) / Personal information
Family and friends
Déjà vu 2
Les choses que j’aime faire …
(pp. 10–11) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
1 Je m’entends avec …
(pp. 12–13) / Personal information
Family and friends
2 Mes parents
(pp. 14–15) / Personal information
Family and friends
3 Mes copains et mes copines
(pp. 16–17) / Personal information
Family and friends
4 Les champions sportifs
(pp. 18–19) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests
Media and culture
Fashion/celebrities/religion / Personal information
General interests
5 La semaine dernière
(pp. 20–21) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
General interests
6 Mes loisirs
(pp. 22–23) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
Contrôle oral – picture discussion
Your hobby
(pp. 24–25) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
Contrôle écrit
Your favourite hobby
(pp. 26–27) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
Module 2 Mon temps libre / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Déjà vu
Qu’est-ce qu’on passe?
(pp. 30–31) / Media and culture
Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
1 Ça te dit?
(pp. 32–33) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
Leisure activities
2 Désolé, je ne peux pas
(pp. 34–35) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
Leisure activities
Family and friends
3 Ce n’était pas mal
(pp. 36–37) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
Leisure activities
Family and friends
4 Vainqueur ou perdant?
(pp. 38–39) / Sport and leisure
Sporting events
Hobbies/interests / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
5Le week-end prochain
(pp. 40–41) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies /interests / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
6 La technologie est partout!
(pp. 42–43) / Media and culture
Sport and leisure
Hobbies/interests / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
Future plans, education and work
Basic language of the internet
Contrôle oral – interaction
Going to the cinema
(pp. 44–45) / Media and culture
Music/film/reading / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
Contrôle écrit
Writing a film review
(pp. 46–47) / Media and culture
Music/film/reading / Personal information
General interests
Leisure activities
Module 3 Là où j’habite / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Déjà vu
Ma maison
(pp. 50–51) / Out and about
1 Où j’habite
(pp. 52–53) / Out and about
2 Ma ville
(pp. 54–55) / Out and about
Local amenities
3 Mon quartier
(pp. 56–57) / Out and about
Visitor information
Public transport
4 Ma ville préférée
(pp. 58–59) / Travel and tourism
Holidays / Out and about
Visitor information
Local amenities
Contrôle oral – presentation
Your local area
(pp. 60–61) / Travel and tourism
Holidays / Out and about
Visitor information
Local amenities
Public transport
Contrôle écrit
A web page to advertise your area
(pp. 62–63) / Travel and tourism
Holidays / Out and about
Visitor information
Local amenities
Public transport
Module 4 Allons-y! / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Déjà vu 1
C’est où?
(pp. 66–67) / Out and about
Customer service and transactions
Déjà vu 2
On fait les magasins!
(pp. 68–69) / Travel and tourism
Eating, food and drink / Customer service and transactions
1 Tout près d’ici
(pp. 70–71) / Out and about
Local amenities
2 On prépare une fête
(pp. 72–73) / Travel and tourism
Eating, food and drink / Customer service and transactions
3 Bon voyage!
(pp. 74–75) / Travel and tourism
Holidays / Personal information
Public transport
4 C’est la fête!
(pp. 76–77) / Travel and tourism
Holidays / Personal information
Family and friends
5 À la mode
(pp. 78–79) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Customer service and transactions
Personal information
General interests
Contrôle oral – interaction
Shopping for clothes
(pp. 80–81) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Customer service and transactions
Personal information
General interests
Contrôle écrit
Win a fashion makeover!
(pp. 82–83) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Customer service and transactions
Personal information
General interests
Module 5 Au collège / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Déjà vu
L’emploi du temps
(pp. 86–87) / Future plans, education and work
School and college
1 C’est comment?
(pp. 88–89) / Future plans, education and work
School and college
2 Ma journée
(pp. 90–91) / Future plans, education and work
School and college
3 Vive la différence!
(pp. 92–93) / Future plans, education and work
School and college
4 Respectez les règles!
(pp. 94–95) / Future plans, education and work
School and college
5 Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire?
(pp. 96–97) / Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs / Future plans, education and work
School and college
Work and work experience
Contrôle oral – interaction
Visiting a school in France
(pp. 98–99) / Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs / Future plans, education and work
School and college
Work and work experience
Contrôle écrit
An article about your school
(pp. 100–101) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies/interests / Future plans, education and work
School and college
Work and work experience
Module 6 Il faut bosser! / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Déjà vu
L’argent, l’argent
(pp. 104–105) / Sport and leisure
Hobbies/interests / Personal information
General interests
1 Avez-vous un petit job?
(pp. 106–107) / Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs / Future plans, education and work
Work and work experience
2 Au boulot!
(pp. 108–109) / Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs / Future plans, education and work
Work and work experience
3 C’est de la part de qui?
(pp. 110–111) / Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs / Future plans, education and work
Simple job advertisements
Simple job applications and CV
Work and work experience
4 Les stages en entreprise
(pp. 112–113) / Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs / Future plans, education and work
Work and work experience
Contrôle oral – interaction
An interview for a job in France
(pp. 114–115) / Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs
Sport and leisure
Hobbies/interests / Future plans, education and work
Simple job applications and CV
Work and work experience
Contrôle écrit
Writing about your work experience
(pp. 116–117) / Sport and leisure
Business, work and employment
Work experience/part-time jobs / Future plans, education and work
School and college
Work and work experience
Module 7 Tourisme / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Déjà vu
La météo
(pp. 120–121) / Out and about
Basic weather
1 Choisir un hôtel en France
(pp. 122–123) / Travel and tourism
Accommodation / Out and about
Visitor information
Public transport
2 Mes projets pour les vacances
(pp. 124–125) / Travel and tourism
Sport and leisure
Hobbies/interests / Out and about
Local amenities
Personal information
Leisure activities
3 Camping de la Forêt
(pp. 126–127) / Travel and tourism
Accommodation / Out and about
Local amenities
4 Visitez la Côte d’Amour, Bretagne
(pp. 128–129) / Travel and tourism
Accommodation / Out and about
Visitor information
Local amenities
5 On déjeune
(pp. 130–131) / Travel and tourism
Eating, food and drink / Out and about
Local amenities
Customer service and transactions
Cafés and restaurants
6 Plage, mer et soleil
(pp. 132–133) / Travel and tourism
Holidays / Out and about
Public transport
Personal information
Leisure activities
Contrôle oral – picture discussion
Talking about a holiday
(pp. 134–135) / Travel and tourism
Holidays / Out and about
Visitor information
Basic weather
Public transport
Contrôle écrit
Writing about a past holiday
(pp. 136–137) / Travel and tourism
Holidays / Out and about
Visitor information
Local amenities
Public transport
Module 8 Mode de vie / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
Déjà vu 1
Ce qu’on mange et ce qu’on boit
(pp. 140–141) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Personal information
Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)
Déjà vu 2
Ça ne va pas!
(pp. 142–143) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Personal information
Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)
1 Garder la forme
(pp. 144–145) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Personal information
Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)
2 La dépendance
(pp. 146–147) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Personal information
Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)
3 Veux-tu te marier?
(pp. 148–149) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Personal information
Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)
Contrôle oral – presentation
Young people’s lifestyles
(pp. 150–151) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Personal information
Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)
Family and friends
Future plans, education and work
School and college
Contrôle écrit
Healthy living
(pp. 152–153) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Personal information
Lifestyle (healthy eating and exercise)
Module 9 Le monde en danger / Edexcel theme (Speaking/Writing) / Edexcel topic areas (Listening/Reading)
1 On peut le faire!
(pp. 156–157) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices
2 Les problèmes locaux
(pp. 158–159) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Out and about
Local amenities
Public transport
3 L’environnement va mal!
(pp. 160–161) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices
4 Avant et après
(pp. 162–163) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Out and about
Local amenities
Contrôle oral – picture discussion
Environmental problems
(pp. 164–165) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Out and about
Local amenities
Public transport
Contrôle écrit
A letter to a newspaper
(pp. 166–167) / Sport and leisure
Lifestyle choices / Out and about
Local amenities