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Update: 26 Jul 2016

Personal Information:

First Name : Ali

Last Name : Rahmani

Place of Residence : Tehran

Nationality : Iranian

Birth : 1962/04/05

Marital Status : Married

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... Office address:

Department of Education Development Center and Nursing Faculty, Baqyatallah University of Medical Sciences , Mollasadra street ,Tehran, Iran.

Tel: +98 2188620880-+98 9123406780

Fax: (+98 21) 88600047


Academic Status:Assistant Professor

Affiliation: Atherosclerosis Research Center and Nursing Faculty Baqiyatallah University of MedicalSciences


Educational History:

Degree / University / Major / City / Country / Year
BSc / Mashhad University of Medical Sciences / Nursing / Mashhad / Iran / 1987
MSc / Tarbiat Modares University / (Medical- Surgical) Nursing education / Tehran / Iran / 1992
PhD / Allameh Tabataba'i University / Curriculum Studies / Tehran / Iran / 2011


Research Interest:

-  Cardiovascular Disorders

-  Blood Disorders

-  Trauma

-  Research Methodology

-  Curriculum Planning

-  NBC


Teaching Experience:

-  Nursing Care in Trauma

-  Research Methodology

-  Curriculum Planning

-  Intensive Cardiac Care in the Coronary Care Unit (CCU)

-  Nursing Care in Cardiovascular disease

-  Nursing Care in Blood disease

-  Nursing Care in CBRN=Chemical,Biological,RadioLogical and Nuclear


Professional Memberships:

-  Manager of curriculum planning Committee

-  Dean of Department of Military Nursing

-  Faculty Research Assistant

-  Faculty Education Assistant

-  General Manager of Education & Postgraduate education

-  Member of Medical & Nursing Faculty Research Council

-  Chief editor of “Iranian Bimonthly of Education Strategies In Medical Science Journal”



More of 85 lectures or Posters Presentation in Congresses. 33 Articles in Journals, 10 Books.


List of book publications:

1 – Intensive Cardiac Care in the Cronary Care Unit (CCU)

2 - ECG change Interpretation for emergency medicine

3 - Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

4 - Health care in the family

5- Nursing in body trauma

6- Medical Surgical Disease

7- Cardiovascular Disease

8- Introduction to War and Accident’s Trauma For Nurses

9- Self Aid and buddy Aid on land and sea

10- Management of Trauma victims in war and accidents


List of Journal publications:

1 - Vahabi, S., Ebadi, A., Rahmani, R., Tavallaei, A., Khatouni, A., Tadrisi, S., . . . Heydaranlou, E. Comparison of the status of clinical education in the views of nursing educators and students. Education Strategies in Medical Sciences, 2011, 3(4), 179-182.

2- Rahmani, R., Sh, M., Zareei Zavaraki, E., Abbaspour, A., & Maleki, H. (2012). Military medicine's role in the armed forces and the need to develop specialized education programs in Iran military medicine. Journal Mil Med, 2012, 13(4), 247-252.

3 – Nehrir, B., Rahamni, R., Ebadi, A., Sadeghi, M., & Feyzi, F. Comparing the life quality of coronary artery disease patients after treatment with coronary bypass artery disease and percutaneous coronary intervention. Trauma Monthly, 2009(03, Autumn), 175-178.

4 - Rahmani, R., Motahedian Tabrizi, E., & Rahimi, A. To assess the effect of planed meeting on the physiologic indicators of the patients who suffer from Acute Coronary Syndrome. Journal of Critical Care Nursing, 6(1), 57-64.

5 - Rahmani, R., Sh, M., Zarei, A., Rahmani, S., Salari, M., & Yousefi, M. Related factors to comprehensive basic medical sciences’ examination result of medical students. Iranian Quarterly of Education Strategies, 2011, 4(1), 7-13.

6 - Rahmani, R., Mehrvarz, sh. General Physician Curriculum Reviewing with Military Medicine Approach. Education Strategies in Medical Sciences, 2014, 7(2), 99-105.

7 - Bakhshi, M., Rahmani, S., & Rahmani, A. Lasers in esthetic treatment of gingival melanin hyperpigmentation: a review article. Lasers in Medical Science, 2015, 30(8), 2195-2203.

8 - Mortazavi, H., Rahmani, A., & Rahmani, S. Importance, Advantages, and Objectives of Taking and Recording Patient’s Medical History in Dentistry. International Journal of Medical Reviews, 2015, 2(3), 287-290.

9 - Rahmani, R., Tabar, S. Y. M., Siyavash, Y., & Karamali, M. Epidemiology of Physical Injuries in Iranian Soldiers During Military Training Courses. Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci, 2014, 3, 146-150.

10- - Rahmani, R., Mehrvarz, Sh., Hashemi, s. Pre-internship comprehensive test status in medical students and its related factor. Iranian Quarterly of Education Strategies, 2012 (5 (1)), 39-43.

11- Rahmani, R., Mehrvarz, Sh., Zare’ei, E., Abbaspour, A., Maleki, H., Ebrahimnia, M. Curriculum designing of military emergency medicine course in a military university. Iranian Journal of Military Medicine, 2012 (14, (1)), 7-14.

12- Rahmani, R., Mehrvarz, sh., Rahmani, S., Salari, M. and Yousefi, M. Related factors to comprehensive basic medical sciences’ examination result of medical students. Bimonthly Of Education Strategies In Medical Sciences, 2011 (4, (1) Spring), 7-13.

13- Nehrir, B., Rahmani, R., Sadeghi, M., Ebadi, A., Babatabar, H. Quality Of Life Of Coronary Artery Disease Patients Treated With Drug And Surgical Methods. Iranian Journal Of Critical Care Nursing, 2009(02,Summer),67-70.

14- Rahmani, R., Moqaddam, I., Salari, M., & Ebadi, A. Frequency of hyponatremia and patients' characters in forces of a military training center in Isfahan. Trauma Monthly, 2009(02, Summer), 109-114.

15- Mahmoudzadeh, F. ,Rahmani,R. Necessity To Formative Evaluation In The Educational System. Bimonthly Of Education Strategies In Medical Sciences, 2009((2) 1), 19-27.

16- Rahmani ,R. ,Hamidi, Z., & Salari, M. Evaluation Of Trigger Factors Incidence Of Time And Delaying Factors In Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction. Trauma Monthly, 2006(3, Autumn), 273-278.

17- Rahmani, R., Mohammadian, M., Ghaneei, M., Salari, M., & Tadrisi, S. Effect Of Accupressure On Decreased Breathing Problem From Chemical Agents, Kowsar Medical Journal 9 (2), 143-148.

18 – Rahmani, R., Incidences Of Post-Operative Complications In The First 24 Hours After Surgery With General Anesthesia At The Baqiyatallah Hospital. Iranian Journal Of Pediatrics, 2014, Vol24(Suppl 1).

19 - Rahmani, R., Survey of the incidence of complications of spinal anesthesia at the Baqiyatallah Hospital first 24 hours after surgery. Iranian Journal Of Pediatrics, 2014, Vol24(Suppl 1).

20- Reza Yarmohammadi1, Hamed Mortazavi2, Ali Rahmani3, Somayeh Rahmani4. Tooth Loss Related to Systemic Diseases. International Journal of Medical Reviews, Volume 2, Issue 4, Autumn 2015; 331-337


Supervision of Doctoral or Master studies:

Master degree Student: 15

Ph.D Student: 2

Research Design: 15