MTP 2016-2017
Blocks: 5 and 6 / Title: World War II / Year Group: Year 2
As Mathematicians, we will complete Maths No problem chapter reviews and a Maths Puma Test.
  • 3-D Shapes
  • Fractions
  • Time
  • Volume
/ As Readers, we will complete an accelerated reader quiz each week and complete two star reader tests.
  • Listen to a range of texts.
  • Become familiar with a wide range of texts of
different lengths.
  • Discuss books.
  • Use the class and school libraries.
  • Listen to short novels over time.

As Writers, we will write for purpose completing a big write every two weeks.
  • Write instructions.
  • Write recounts.
  • Write non-chronological reports.
  • Write stories that mimic significant authors.
  • Write narrative diaries.
  • Write stories set in places pupils have been
/ As Scientists, we will investigate effects of heating, cooling, stretching, bending and squashing different materials.
Everyday Materials
12. Use observations to group objects, living things, or events e.g. groups different animals based on the number of legs, group solids that dissolve or don’t
13. Understands how some materials are used for more than one thing eg metal can be used for coins, cans, cars
14. Know that the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting & stretching. e.g. Observe which materials stretches more
15. Describe the effects of heating, cooling, stretching, bending and squashing
eg Water will boil safely in a metal kettle. It wouldn’t if it was made from plastic
Describe basic movements.
Working Scientifically
1. Make some suggestions about how to find things out or how to collect data to
answer a question e.g. “You could see which one stretches more”
2. Compare objects, materials and living things e.g. compare the limbs of different animals; texture/hardness of different materials
3. Decide how to sort and group them & observe changes over time
4. Use and interpret simple tables where appropriate e.g. blocks graphs, pictograms
5. Use what they see and their own ideas to suggest answers to questions e.g. says that a plant will die without water
Connected Learning
As Artists, we will produce an image of a war time plane using digital media.
Milestones (digital media):
  • Use a wide range of tools to create different textures, lines, tones, colours and shapes.
/ As computer programmers, we will produce a database of evacuees.
Milestones (collect):
  • Using simple databases to record information in areas across the curriculum.

As Design Technologists, we make a war inspired recipe.
Milestones (Food):
• Cut, peel or grate ingredients safely and hygienically.
• Measure or weigh using measuring cups or electronic scales.
• Assemble or cook ingredients. / As Geographers, we will create a map of World War allies and enemies.
• Identify the key features of a location in order tosay whether it is a city, town, village, coastal orrural area.
• Use world maps, atlases and globes to identifythe United Kingdom and its countries, as well asthe countries, continents and oceans studied.
• Use aerial images and plan perspectives torecognise landmarks and basic physical features.
• Name, locate and identify characteristics of thefour countries and capital cities of the UnitedKingdom and its surrounding seas.
As Historians, we will write a letter from an evacuee to their parents.
  • Investigate and interpret the past through asking and answering questions.
  • Use artefacts, pictures, stories and online sources and databases to find out about the past.
  • Understand chronology and place events and artefacts in order on a timeline.
  • Use dates where appropriate.
  • Communicate historically showing an understanding of a nation’s history.
/ As Musicians, we will to play the glockenspiel.
Charanga Musical School
Unit: Glockenspiel Stage 1
Style: Learning basic instrumental skills by playing tunes in varying styles
PPA Cover/ PE/ RE
As Athletes, we will develop practical skills in order to participate, compete ready for Sports Day events.
Games (bat and ball) (12 lessons):
  • Use the terms ‘opponent’ and ‘team-mate.’
  • Use rolling, hitting, running, jumping, catching and kicking skills in combination.
  • Develop tactics.
  • Lead others where appropriate.
Athletics (12 lessons):
  • Athletic activities.
/ PURPLE VALUES (PSHE/ British Values).
We will learn to be Proud, Unique, Reflective, Positive, Loving and Empowered.
We will learn about the British Values of;
  • Rule of Law,
  • Individual liberty,
  • Mutual respect,
  • Tolerance,
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs and
  • Democracy.

As Theologists, we will learn about storytelling through sacred writings and showing kindness and goodness.
We will study the main stories of Christianity.
We will study at least one other religion.
We will study other religions of interest.