
Attachment 1

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California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-002 (REV. 01/2011) / memo-exec-gad-apr16item01
Date: / March 18, 2016
TO: / MEMBERS, State Board of Education
FROM: / TOM TORLAKSON, State Superintendent of Public Instruction
SUBJECT: / State Legislative Update, Including, but not Limited to, Information on the 2015-2016 Legislative Session

Summary of Key Issues

The California Department of Education (CDE) Government Affairs Division has identified bills that may affect policy related to the State Board of Education (SBE). Inclusion in this list does not constitute an SBE or CDE position for the legislation.


Attachment 1: Legislative Update (12 pages)

Legislative Update

These bills address relevant policy areas and/or impact the role of the State Board of Education (SBE). Inclusion in this list does not constitute an SBE or California Department of Education (CDE) position for the legislation.

The status of each bill is provided as of March 18, 2016.

Standards, Curriculum Frameworks, & Instructional Materials

AB 740 (Weber) – Academic Content Standards: Update of Adopted Standards

This bill would establish a process to update the academic content standards in all subject areas where current standards exist. AB 740 requires the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) to recommend a schedule for the regular update of content standards to the SBE by January 1, 2017. The schedule would be consistent with the eight-year cycle of curriculum framework updates and instructional materials adoptions.

This bill provides that, when the standards in a given subject area come up for review, the SBE would determine if the standards require an update based on the amount of time since they were adopted or updated, recent research, and the impact on existing curriculum, instructional materials, and assessments.

Upon determination by the SBE and funding appropriation by the Legislature, an academic content standards advisory committee (ACSAC) would be convened to recommend updates to the content standards in that subject area. The ACSAC would consist of 21 members, with at least 50 percent of the members being current classroom teachers. The members shall be appointed by the Governor (10 members), the Senate Rules Committee (4 members), the Speaker of the Assembly (4 members), and the SSPI (3 members).

AB 740 would provide 120 days for the SBE to adopt or reject the proposed updates recommended by the ACSAC upon their completion of the standards review. The bill would require that the proposed updates be posted on the CDE’s website for a minimum of 60 days before final action is taken by the SBE.

Status: Two-year bill, Senate Appropriations Committee

AB 1689 (Low) – School Curriculum: Service Learning

This bill would require the SSPI to develop, and submit to the SBE, curriculum standards for courses that incorporate a service learning component on or before

March 1, 2018. In developing the standards, the SSPI would be required to consult with experts and leaders of community organizations.

AB 1689 would require the SBE to adopt or reject the curriculum standards on or before July 1, 2018, and require school districts to implement the standards commencing with the 2018-19 school year.

This bill would also require that at least one of the courses completed by a student to satisfy the graduation requirements must include a service learning component, commencing in the 2020–21 school year.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

AB 1719 (Rodriguez) – Pupil Instruction: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

Commencing with the 2017–18 school year, this bill would require school districts and charter schools offering instruction to pupils in grades 9 through 12 to provide instruction on performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The instruction must include an instructional program based on national evidence-based emergency cardiovascular care guidelines and training for pupils on the psychomotor skills necessary to perform CPR. The bill encourages school districts and charter schools to provide general information on the use and importance of an automated external defibrillator (AED) to their students. AB 1719 requires the CDE to provide guidance on the implementation of this legislation before the start of the 2017-18 school year.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

AB 2016 (Alejo) – Pupil Instruction: Ethnic Studies

This bill would require the SSPI to oversee the development of, and the SBE to adopt, a model curriculum to ensure quality courses in ethnic studies. The bill would require the Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) to advise, assist, and make recommendations on the development of the model curriculum to the SSPI. Beginning the school year following the adoption of the model curriculum, the bill would require school districts maintaining grades 9 through 12 to offer a course of study in ethnic studies, based on the model curriculum, as an elective in the social sciences.

A similar bill, AB 101 (Alejo, 2015), was vetoed last year. Unlike the current bill, AB 101 required an Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee to advise, assist, and make recommendations to the SSPI regarding the development of the model curriculum.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

AB 2864 (Chau) – Pupil Instruction: Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: Geary Act of 1892

This bill would encourage all state and local professional development activities for teachers to include content background and resources to assist them in teaching about the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the Geary Act of 1892, and other specified laws relating to the discrimination against, and mistreatment of, Chinese and other minority groups. The bill would require those laws be considered when the history-social science curriculum framework and its accompanying instructional materials are adopted.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

SB 1435 (Jackson) – School Curriculum: Health Education: Healthy Relationships

This bill requires, when the health framework is next revised after January 1, 2017, the IQC to include comprehensive information on the following:

·  For grades 9 through 12, information on affirmative consent standard, as defined, sexual harassment and violence, and information on the process by which pupils report sexual harassment and violence.

·  For grades 1 to 8, information on the development of healthy relationships that is both age and developmentally appropriate.

Status: Senate Education Committee


AB 491 (Gonzalez) – English Learners: Proficiency Assessment: Report

Current law requires the CDE to review and analyze the criteria, policies, and practices that a representative sample of school districts in the state use to reclassify English learners (ELs). Current law also requires the CDE to recommend in a report to the Legislature and the SBE changes the department determines are necessary to identify when ELs are prepared for the successful transition to classrooms and curricula that require English proficiency by January 1, 2014. This bill would change the issue date of the above report to January 1, 2019, and would remove the requirement that the report be updated by January 1, 2017. The bill would require the CDE to recommend, and the SBE to adopt by July 1, 2022, the department’s recommendations and best practices pursuant to the department’s report.

Status: Two-year bill, Senate Education Committee

AB 1876 (Lopez) – Diploma Alternative: Language Options

Beginning July 1, 2017, this bill would prohibit the CDE from approving or renewing approval of a contractor or testing center to administer the high school equivalency test unless the contractor or testing center provides the test in the top five primary languages used in the contractor or testing center’s service area. The bill would require an examinee to be able to take the test in the offered language of his or her choice.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

SB 1145 (Hueso) – Language Arts: Reading: Assessments and Plans

On or before December 31, 2017, this bill would require the SBE to develop a reading assessment that may be used by public schools to assess pupils in grades 1 through 3 in their ability to read, towards the goal of reaching proficiency by the end of third grade. The bill would require public schools that enroll pupils in these grades to ensure that each pupil’s reading competency is measured using the reading assessment by the start of the 2018–19 school year.

SB 1145 would require the development of a reading plan for any pupil who has a significant reading deficiency. The plan would require the collaboration of the pupil’s parent and teacher. The reading plan would be reviewed at least annually by the school and updated or revised as appropriate.

This bill would also require the After School Education and Safety Program to provide tutoring and homework assistance in language arts for pupils in elementary school.

Status: Senate Education Committee

Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) & School Finance

ACA 10 (Melendez) - Budget Stabilization Account

Assembly Constitution Amendment

This measure would increase the State’s General Fund proceeds of taxes required to be transferred from the General Fund to the Budget Stabilization Account for each fiscal year from 1.5 percent to 3 percent. This measure would also increase the maximum balance of the Budget Stabilization Account for each fiscal year from 10 percent to 15 percent of the amount of General Fund proceeds of taxes for the fiscal year as estimated by the Department of Finance.

Status: Not yet referred, introduced on 2/19/16

SB 460 (Allen) Pupils Redesignated as Fluent English Proficient: Local Control Funding Formula: Local Control and Accountability Plans

Until statewide pupil redesignation standards are adopted after January 1, 2016, by statute or regulation, or until July 1, 2019, whichever occurs first, this bill would include a student who is redesignated as fluent English proficient as an unduplicated student and authorizes a county superintendent of schools, school district, or charter school to receive supplemental and concentration grant add-ons for students redesignated as fluent English proficient for two consecutive fiscal years following redesignation.

SB 460 expands the reporting requirements for a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) to include a description of the annual goals to be achieved for each state priority for pupils redesignated as fluent English proficient, as specified. The implementation of this bill is contingent upon funding appropriation.

Status: Two-year bill, Assembly Appropriations Committee

Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) & School Improvement

AB 1153 (Calderon) – School Accountability: Local Control and Accountability Plans: Posting: Evaluation Rubrics Data

This bill would require the SBE, by January 31, 2017, to consider a revision to the LCAP template to include a section or appendix to monitor each district’s or county office of education’s (COE’s) progress toward each of the state priorities. This bill would also require the posting of the populated evaluation rubrics on the websites of each school district or COE, unless the SBE revises the LCAP template to include the appendix.

Status: Two-year bill, Senate Appropriations Committee

AB 2259 (Medina) – School Accountability: Dropout Recovery High Schools

Current law allows up to 10 dropout recovery schools to report the results of an individual pupil growth model, proposed by the school, and certified by the SSPI, in lieu of other accountability indicators. This bill would extend the date of repeal of this provision from 2017 to 2020.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

AB 2443 (Baker) – Local Control and Accountability Plans: State Priorities: School Climate: School Psychologists

This bill would add the number of practicing school psychologists working on school climate issues to the measures of pupil engagement within the LCAP.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

AB 2527 (Weber) – School Accountability: Model Surveys

This bill would require the CDE to convene a stakeholder advisory committee to provide guidance and recommendations on the creation of model questions for surveys of pupils, parents, and teachers. By July 1, 2017, the CDE would be required to recommend model surveys to the SBE for consideration and adoption. Once adopted by the SBE, the model surveys would be made available to LEAs and the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) as a resource to meet the local survey requirements for safety and school connectedness measures of LCAP.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

AB 2548 (Weber) – School Accountability: Statewide Accountability System

This bill would require the SBE to adopt a statewide accountability system aligned with the state priorities and federal law with a reliance on data from key indicators established by the evaluation rubrics. The bill would also require the SBE to work in concert with the CCEE to utilize a multi-tiered system of review, support, collaboration, and intervention to align the level of support to the needs of the LEA or individual school.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

AB 2680 (Bonilla) – Parent, Pupil, and Family Engagement Support and Services: Plans

This bill would require any LEA, state special school, or state subsidized child development program provider, accepting funds under the provisions of this bill to support family, parent, and pupil engagement, to develop a plan that is aligned to the LCAP identifying how the funds will be spent. Planned actions and expenditures must be developed using research-based family engagement practices and standards. Provisions of the bill would be subject to a one-time appropriation in the Annual Budget Act.

Status: Assembly Education Committee

SB 871 (Liu) – California Collaborative for Educational Excellence: Professional Development Training: Pilot Program

This bill would require the CCEE to establish a statewide infrastructure to provide professional development training to LEAs to assist in the successful implementation of the evaluation rubrics adopted by the SBE. The training would include information on how the evaluation rubrics will be used, in conjunction with the LCAP, to establish a system of continuous improvement.

SB 871 would also require the CCEE to implement a pilot program to inform its long-term efforts to advise and assist LEAs in improving pupil achievement. The SSPI would be required to assign the CCEE to assist LEAs in the pilot program, but the participation by LEAs would be voluntary.

Status: Senate Appropriations Committee

Charter Schools

SB 322 (Leno) – Charter Schools: Pupils: Suspension and Expulsion: Admissions: Departures

This bill would modify the existing charter school admissions requirements and also create additional pupil suspension and expulsion provisions for charter schools.

SB 322 would authorize a chartering authority to permit admission preferences on an individual school basis, if the preferences meet certain criteria. Additionally, the bill would require that: