Windham Wolverines Board Meeting – March 5, 2015
Attendees: Lou Zollo, Yori Kasperzak, John Oliveira, Scott Mueller, Kyle McInnis, Laura Ostrowski, Holly Breton, Matt Blair, Kerri Olenik, Dan Potter, Tim Flanagan, Tricia Waldron, Matt Blair, Scott Mueller, Frank Garcia, Lily Palmer, Michelle Sheppard Tracy Flynn
Not in attendance: Angela Sullivan, Russ Schramm
- Accepted February meeting minutes
- Matt Blair needs to be added to Wolverines email system
- Registration
- Reviewed registrations as of March 5th
- In person registration date March 21st 9 am – 11 am @ WHS
- Scott, Lou, John, Matt, Lily, Tricia, Tracy and Michelle all agreed to be there
- To help registration for the younger teams, a flier will be created and handed out at voting; an ad will go in the Windy Indy, and fliers are being printed for coaches to hand out at spring sports
- Parent request to move child from 7th grade team up to 8.
- Dan Shattuck has a son on the 7th grade team and made a request to the board to have his son moved up.
- Yori made a motion to not accept the request, Dan second and the Board unanimously voted down the request.
- Fundraising
- Yori presented initial ideas for 2015 fundraising efforts
- Corn hole tournament
- Harley Davidson raffle
- Social at Searles Chapel
- All ideas were well received.
- Suggestions from board: combine the Social and the Corn Hole tournament; hire a corn hole tournament vendor to help manage; research option for tournament location (high school, Searle Chapel, etc).
- Yori to come to the April meeting with more details to finalize the plan.
- Update on Head Coaches Meetings
- Coaches meeting took place on Feb 16th
- Coaches requested to be able to participate in board meetings
- Football Head Coaches Candidates presented by Kyle
2/3 / Dennis Brearley / New
4 / Steve DePietro / Returning
5 / Mike Sweeney / Returning
6 / Chris Arinello / Returning
7 / Scott Mueller / Returning
8 / Ron Emerick / New
- Discussion on new structure for 8th grade team was presented. The goal is to have seasoned coaches for 8th grade, and take existing, experienced coaching staff and filter back into the other younger teams.
- New structure well received.
- Discussions on Chris Arinello as a returning coach. Concerns with safety, team management and perceptions on winning were presented.
- Coaches were voted on:
- 2/3 approved
- grade 4 approved
- grade 5 approved
- grade 6 not approved (6 to 8 in favor)
- grade 7 approved
- grade 8 approved
- Dan made a motion to open up discussions on Chris; Kyle second.
- Board members felt they did not have enough information to vote in Chris. New concerns were raised about 2 issues: 1) a football being thrown at a child and 2) grabbing of a jersey.
- The parents did not make a complaint so nothing was presented to the board earlier.
- Tricia made a motion to asking to allow Kyle, Kerri and John to speak to Chris and let him explain the 2014 season and allowing Kerri, John and Kyle to make the decision if Chris comes back as a coach based on the meeting. John second the motion, all in favorexcept for Tim, he was opposed.
- The motion had 3 requests:
- Meet with Chris
- Do it in a timely manner
- Create and action plan if John, Kerri and Kyle agree to have Chris back as a coach
- The decision needs to be unanimous (with John, Kerri, and Kyle)
- Coaches attending Board Meetings
- Football head coaches made a request to attend board meetings
- Discussed that not all meetings are appropriate; we can determine month by moth which meetings invite coaches to.
- Photos
- Team photos have been scheduled for the Saturday before the 1st game
- State Update
- Scott shared that although the state has stated we will remain grade based, there may be organizations that contour to fight for age based.