Study Group Quiz #4 - Answers

  1. COMMENTS: Batting the ball in any direction in the end zone is a foul. Team B will most likely accept the penalty to be enforced at the spot where the dead ball would belong to them, which is the A-6. The half-the-distance enforcement will give Team B the ball at the A-3. First and goal for Team B at the A-3. REFERENCES: 6-3-7, 6-3-13, 9-4-1-c
  1. COMMENTS: The result of the play is a forward fumble out of bounds, so the clock starts on the ready. B52’s action is legal since he may legally recover the ball. The basic spot for A78’s foul is the A-45, which is the enforcement spot since the foul is beyond this spot. Second and 15 at the A-35 following enforcement of the holding penalty. REFERENCES: 3-3-2-d-2, 7-2-4-b, 9-3-3-c-Exc. 3, 10-2-2-d-1-b
  1. COMMENTS: The down is repeated due to the offsetting fouls and the clock starts on the snap because of the kick. Offsetting fouls, repeat third down. Game clock starts on the snap. REFERENCES: 3-3-2-d-8,7-1-4-a, 7-1-5-b, 10-1-4
  1. COMMENTS: There is no running-into or roughing by B92. After the play B92 and A10 are both guilty of fighting. The dead-ball fouls offset so the down and distance are the same as if the fouls had not occurred. Team B will ignore the touching by A76 and take the ball where B44 is tackled. Team B’s ball, first and 10 at the B-5. B92 and A10 are disqualified. REFERENCES: 2-32-1, 9-1-16-a-6, 9-5-1, 10-1-5-Exc.
  1. COMMENTS: A78 has not fouled—his action is not OPI and he has not gone more than three years downfield. Legal play. First and 10 for Team A at the B-45. REFERENCES: 7-3-8-b-1, 7-3-10
  1. COMMENTS: The touching by A88 is forced, so it is ignored. Team B may accept the offside penalty and have it enforced at the dead-ball spot where the ball belongs to them. Team B’s ball, first and 10 at the A-31. REFERENCES: 6-1-2-a, 6-1-4, 6-1-8, 6-2-2
  1. COMMENTS: The action by A12 is legal since he spikes the ball immediately after he controls it and before it touches the ground. Legal play, fourth and goal at the B-3. Clock starts on the snap. REFERENCES: 7-3-2-e
  1. COMMENTS: Because Team B had fouled before last gaining possession (i.e., it’s hands are not “clean”) the exception to 10-1-4 does not apply and there is no option for B to decline offsetting fouls. The fouls offset—no option. Repeat third and 10 at the B-30. REFERENCES: 10-1-4
  1. COMMENTS: This is an unsuccessful field goal attempt so Team B will have the ball at the previous spot. NOTE: While Team B might accept the penalty for the illegal batting, they will not do so because there is no loss of down by rule, therefore the down would be repeated. Illegal touching by A42. The ball is dead when it hits the ground in the end zone. Team B’s ball at the B-30. REFERENCES: 6-3-2, 6-3-9, 8-4-2-b, 9-4-1.
  1. COMMENTS: The illegal forward pass foul causes the clock to stop so the 10-second runoff applies. However, the clock also stops because Team B will next snap the ball, which causes the clock to start on the snap. By 3-3-2-f, the clock starts on the snap. Following the yardage penalty and the 10-second runoff Team B will have first and 10 at the B-25. The clock starts on the snap. REFERENCES: 3-4-4, 3-3-2-d, 3-3-2-f
  1. COMMENTS: The foul is committed beyond the neutral zone and behind the basic spot, so it is a spot foul. The clock starts on the ready because there are not fewer than two minutes in the half.15-yard penalty at the spot of the foul. Clock starts on the ready. REFERENCES: 3-3-2-e-3, 9-1-5, 10-2-2-c, d
  1. COMMENTS: The player commits a foul by having gone more than three years downfield, even if he returns to the neutral zone before the pass is thrown. There is no loss of down as part of the penalty. Five–yard penalty at the previous spot. Second and 13 at the A-40. REFERENCES: 7-3-10
  1. COMMENTS: The down is repeated after a five-yard penalty. The clock starts on the snap because the result of the play is a touchdown. First and 15 at the B-30. Clock starts on the snap. REFERENCES: 7-1-4-c, 3-3-2-c
  1. COMMENTS: B38 touching the ball means that scrimmage kick rules apply. Thus the kick is treated the same as a punt, and the play results in a touchback. Team B’s ball, first and 10 at the B-20. REFERENCES: 6-3-8, 8-4-2-b-2, 8-6-1-b
  1. COMMENTS: While clipping in general is allowed in the blocking zone, a player may not clip an opponent below the knee. Clipping is a personal foul, so the penalty is enforced at the previous spot. Foul for clipping. Fifteen-yard penalty at the previous spot. Third and 27 at the A-30. REFERENCES: 9-1-5-Exc.1-a, 10-2-2-b
  1. COMMENTS: In overtime for any foul after a change of possession the penalty is declined by rule. There are some exceptions, but this foul is not one of the exceptions. The penalty is declined by rule. Team B starts its possession series at the original 25-yard line. REFERENCES: 3-1-3-g-1
  1. COMMENTS: Either team may advance the ball if it does not cross the neutral zone. By rule a fumble that goes forward and out of bounds is returned to the spot of the fumble. The clock starts on the snap following a kick down. Fourth and five for Team A at the A-30. Clock starts on the snap. REFERENCES: 3-3-2-d-8, 3-3-2-f, 6-3-1, 7-2-4-b
  1. COMMENTS: The momentum exception to a safety only applies to recovering an opponent’s fumble, etc. Following simultaneous recovery the ball belongs to the team last in possession—in this case, Team B. Safety; two points for Team A. REFERENCES: 7-2-2-b, 8-5-1
  1. COMMENTS: Team A’s possession series ends when possession changes. Thus even though Team A recovered the fumble it is not allowed to continue its series. Team A’s possession series is over. First and 10 for Team B at the original 25-yard line. REFERENCES: 3-1-3-d and e, A.R. 3-1-3-VI
  1. COMMENTS: Unlike the play in No. 9, possession does not change. Team A legally recovers the ball following the touching by B47, so it retains possession. Team A’s possession series continues. First and 10 for Team A at the B-17. REFERENCES: 3-1-3-e, A.R. 3-1-3-IX