- National Research Work in Tropical Meteorology (18th report for 1979) (out of print)
- Technical Report on “Advance in Tropical Cyclone Research” (by Professor W.M. Gray (out ofprint)
- Informal Meeting of Experts on Semi-Arid Zone Meteorology and Tropical Droughts (Geneva, December 1980) (out of print)
- National Research Work in Tropical Meteorology (19th report for 1980) (out of print)
- Informal Meeting of Experts on Tropical Disturbances and the Associated Rainfall (New Delhi, December 1981) (out of print)
- Technical Report on “Tropical Droughts – Meteorological Aspects and Implications for Agriculture” (edited by Professor R.P. Pearce) (out of print)
- Extended Abstracts of Papers presented at the MSJ/JMA/WMO/AMS Regional Scientific Conference on Tropical Meteorology (Tsukuba, October 1982) (out of print)
- National Research Work in Tropical Meteorology (20th report for 1981) (out of print)
- Statistical Methods for Tropical Drought Analysis based on Rainfall Data (prepared by DrsR.DStern and I.C. Dale) (out of print)
- Technical Consultation of Experts on the PRTM Project AZ3 Pilot Studies (Niamey, October 1982) (out of print)
- National Research Work in Tropical Meteorology (21st Report of Activities in 1982)
- Technical Consultation of the Steering Committee on Tropical Limited-area Prediction Modelling (New Delhi, 12-13 December 1983)
- First Meeting of the Steering Committee for Long-term Asian Monsoon Studies (TMP Project M2) (New Delhi, 14-16 December 1983)
- Second session of the CAS Working Group on Tropical Meteorology (Geneva, 9 to 13April1984)
- Extended abstract presented at the Second WMO Symposium on Meteorological Aspects of Tropical Droughts (Fortaleza, 24-28 September 1984) (out of print)
- Extended Abstracts of Papers presented at the WMO Regional Scientific Conference on GATE, WAMEX and Tropical Meteorology in Africa (Dakar, 10-14 December 1984) (out of print)
- Report of the Second Meeting of the Steering Committee for Long-term Asian Monsoon Studies (TMP Project M2) (Kuala Lumpur, 17-20 December 1984)
- Topic Chairman and Rapporteur Reports of the WMO/UNDP/OFDA International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC) (Bangkok, 25 November – 5 December 1985 ) (Vols I, II and III)
- Lectures Notes for the WMO Regional Workshop on Asian Summer Monsoon (New Delhi, 4 to 8November 1985) (out of print)
- National Research Work in Tropical Meteorology (22nd report of activities in 1983) (TD No. 90)
- Proceedings of the WMO International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC) (Bangkok, 25November – 5 December 1985) (TD No. 83)
- Extended Abstracts of Papers presented at the WMO/AMS/UCS International Workshop on Rain Producing Systems in the Tropics and the Extra-tropics (San José, Costa Rica, 21 to 25July1986)
- Report of the Technical Consultation Meeting of the Steering Committee on Limited-area Weather Prediction Modelling (Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 28 to 29 July 1986)
- Report on the Implementation of Project AZ2 Radiation Flux Studies in the Tropics (scientific background pilot studies and outline of long-term project)
- Collection of papers presented at the first WMO Regional Workshop on Asian Summer Monsoon (New Delhi, 4-8 November 1985)
- A Documentation on Two Simple Tropical Models (by Kok-Seng-Yap, Department of Meteorology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
- Report of Third Meeting of the Steering Committee on Tropical Limited-area Weather Prediction Modelling (Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 22-23 June 1987)
- WAMEX-related Research and Tropical Meteorology in Africa (Dakar, Sénégal, 10 to 14December 1984)
- Report of the RAII/RAI Seminar on Local Weather Systems Prediction for the Red Sea Countries (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 19-22 January 1986)
- Lecture Notes for the Second WMO/MOSTE Regional Workshop on Asian Winter Monsoon (Kuala Lumpur, 27 June – 1 July 1988)
- Report of the CAS Working Group on Tropical Meteorology (Third session, Geneva, 28 to 31March 1988) (TD No. 240)
- Report of the Steering Committee for Project M2 WMO/CAS Long-term Project for Asian/African Monsoon Studies (Third Meeting, Kuala Lumpur, 28 to 29 June 1988)
- Topic Chairman and Rapporteur Reports of the Second WMO International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-II) (Manila, 27 November to 8 December 1989) (TD No. 319)
- Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Steering Committee on Tropical Limited-area Weather Prediction Modelling (Pune, 25-26 November 1988) (TD No. 322)
- The West African Monsoon Experiment (WAMEX) Atlas (TD No. 373)
- Extended Abstracts of Papers presented at the Third WMO Symposium on Meteorological Aspects of Tropical Droughts with Emphasis on Long-range Forecasting (Niamey, Niger, 30April to 4 May 1990) (TD No. 353)
- Proceedings of the Second WMO International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-II) (Co-sponsored by UNDP, OFDA and AIDAB) (Manila, 27 November to 8 December 1989) (TDNo.361)
- Scientific Assessment of some Important Research Fields of Tropical Meteorology (by Professor R.P. Pearce)
- Documentation of the Florida State University Limited Area Model (by A. Kumar) (TD No. 365)
- Documentation of the UB/NMC (University of Belgrade and National Meteorological Centre, Washington) (by L. Lazic and B. Telenta) (out of print)
- National Research Work in Tropical Meteorology (23rd Report) (1984-1989)
- Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Steering Committee on Tropical Limited-area Weather Prediction Modelling (Trieste, Italy, 24-25 October 1990)
- Report of the Fourth Meeting of the Steering Committee for Project M2 WMO/CAS Long-term project for Asian/African Monsoon Studies (Pune, India, 5-7 February 1991)
- Proceedings of the Third WMO/IMD Regional Workshop on Asian/African Monsoon Emphasizing Training Aspects (Pune, India, 4-8 February 1991) (TD No. 454)
- Report of the CAS Group of Rapporteurs on Tropical Meteorology Research (First Meeting) (TDNo. 547)
- Rapporteur Reports of the Third WMO/ICSU International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-III) (Huatulco, Santa Cruz, Mexico, 22 November – 1 December 1993) (TD No. 573)
- Report of the Fifth Meeting of the Steering Committee for Project M2 (Yokohama, Japan, 20 to 21July 1993) (TD No. 601)
- Proceedings of the Fourth Regional Workshop on Asian/African Monsoon Emphasizing Training Aspects (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 5-10 October 1992) (TD No. 626)
- Proceedings of the Third WMO/ICSU International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-III) (Huatulco, Santa Cruz, Mexico, 22 November –1 December 1993) (TD No. 624)
- Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Steering Committee for Project M2 (New Delhi, India, 31January – 1 February 1995) (TD No. 683)
- Proceedings of the Second WMO/ICTP International Workshop on Tropical Limited-area Modelling (Nairobi, Kenya, 30 August – 3 September 1993) (TD No. 695)
- Proceedings of the Fifth Regional Workshop on Asian/African Monsoon Emphasizing Training Aspects (New Delhi, India, 30 January – 3 February 1995) (TD No. 698)
- Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Steering Committee on Application of LAM to Tropical Countries (Project LAM1) (Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 26 to 28 June 1995) (TD No. 729)
- Extended Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Expert Meeting on the Interaction Between Tropical and Mid-latitude Weather Systems (Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 18 to 20December1995) (TD No. 731)
- Report of the WMO Expert Meeting on Interaction between Tropical and Mid-latitude Weather Systems (Tallahassee, Florida, USA, 18-20 December 1995) (TD No. 749)
- National Research Work in Tropical Meteorology (24th report for 1991-1994) (TD No. 753)
- Preprint of Abstracts of Papers for the First WMO International Workshop on Monsoon Studies (Denpasar, Bali Island, Indonesia, 24-28 February 1997) (TD No. 786)
- Report of the CAS Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3 to 7March 1997 (TD No. 843)
- Topic Chairman and Rapporteur Reports of the Fourth WMO International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone (IWTC-IV) (Haikou, China, 21-30 April 1998) (TD No. 875)
- Proceedings of the Fourth WMO/ICSU International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-IV) (Haikou, China, 21-30 April 1998) (TD No. 961)
- Proceedings of the Sixth Regional Workshop on Asian/African Monsoon Emphasizing Training Aspects (Nairobi, Kenya, 18-22 January 1999) (TD No. 965)
- Proceedings of the Workshop on the Extra-tropical Transition of Tropical Cyclones (Kaufbeuren, Germany, 10.-14 May 1999) (TD No. 999)
- Proceedings of the Workshop on the West African Monsoon Variability and Predictability (WAMAP) (Dakar, Sénégal) (1-4 June 1999) (TD No. 1003)
- Proceedings of the Fourth WMO International Workshop on Tropical Limited-area Modelling (Tallahassee, FL, USA, 15-26 November 1999) (TD No. 1020)
- Scientific Documentation ETA Model (TD. No. 1044) Not published
- Report of the CAS Working Group on Tropical Meteorology Research (Cairns, Australia, 29May to 1 June 2001) (TD No. 1098)
- Topic Chairman and Rapporteur Reports of the Fifth WMO International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-V) (Cairns, Australia, 3-12 December 2002) (TD No. 1136)
- Proceedings of the Fifth WMO International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones (IWTC-V), Cairns, Queensland, Australia, (3-12 December 2002) (TD No. 1165)
69.Proceedings of the Second WMO International Workshop on Monsoon Studies (New Delhi, India, 23-26 March 2001) (TD No. 1192)
70.Report of the International Committee of the Third International Workshop on Monsoons (IWMIII) (2-6 November 2004, Hangzhou, China) (TD No. 1266)
Color Figures
- Report of the International Workshop on Tropical Cyclone Landfall Processes (Macao, China, 21 to 25 March 2005) (WMO TD No. 1281)