IT Security & Compliance

PDF Encryption with Adobe Acrobat 9

Using Adobe Acrobat Pro, you have the ability to secure sensitive documents using 256-bit AES encryption. Storing or transmitting electronic documents that have been encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption meets compliance regulations of HIPAA/HITECH for safeguarding of protected health information (PHI).
Because Adobe Reader is so widely distributed and available to most everyone, using encrypted PDF documents is a good option for transmitting sensitive documents. As with all password encryption options, it is important to use complex passwords that are at least (8) characters in length. Acrobat Pro 9 has the ability to support pass-phrases of up to 127 characters in length.
Adobe Acrobat Pro also has the ability to utilize more advanced methods of encryption such as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) encryption, however that discussion will not be included in this guidance document.

Caution: If you lose or forget the password, it cannot be recovered. Encrypted data cannot be recovered without your password.

STEPS for Encryption a PDF document using Adobe Acrobat Pro 9
Open the file you wish to encrypt using “File/Open” option within Acrobat Pro.

(It can be a Microsoft Word document, an Excel document, or even an already saved PDF document that has not yet been encrypted.)

Select the “Secure” option then choose “Encrypt with Password

Select “YES”

(If this is the first time you’ve used the Acrobat Pro security settings, you will be presented with the following message screen)

Select Password Settings.

Compatibility: Choosing Acrobat 9.0 or higher will use 256-bit AES encryption.

(version 8.0 or less uses 128-bit AES)

You must select either a document password or permissions password to encrypt your document. While either will result in encryption of the document for transmission, choosing “Document Open Password” will ensure that the document cannot be opened or viewed without a password, once it has been received.

(You may use a separate document password and a permission password in combination)

You will be presented with the following message if you do not check a box to select one of the password options.

Save Document

You must save your document for encryption and password security options to take effect.

(You will be prompted with following save document message.)

Important Tip: When communicating the password to another party, send a follow-up email, chat, or phone call with the password. Do not include it with the document you have encrypted.