Approximations for Radioactive Decay Formulas - Old and New

Frank Massey and Jeffrey Prentis

1. Introduction. A radioactive decay chain

(1.1) 

is a series of radioactive nuclei where each one decays into the next. An example is the first four decays of the 238U series


The rate of decay of a nucleus Xn is proportional to the amount. The proportionality constant n is the decay constant, it's reciprocal, 1/n, is the average lifetime and τn = ln(2)/n is the half-life. For (1.2) one has (Adloff [1,pp.125128])

k / k / 1/k 1.44τk / τk = ln(2)/k 0.69/k
1 / 1.54  10-10 year-1 / 6.49  109 years / 4.5  109 years
2 / 0.0288 day-1 =10.5 year-1 / 34.8 days =0.0952years / 24.1 days
3 / 0.592 min-1 =312000 year-1 / 1.69 min =3.2110-6 years / 1.17 min =2.22106years
4 / 2.83106year-1 / 353,000 years / 245,000 years


(1.3)Nn(t) = the amount of Xn present at time t

The Nn(t) satisfy the radioactive decay equations:

(1.4)N = -1N1

(1.5)N = n1Nn1 - nNn for n 2

It is often more convenient to work with

(1.6)An(t) = nNn(t) = the rate of decay of Xn at time t

rather than Nn(t) itself. The An(t) satisfy equations similar to (1.4) and (1.5), namely

(1.7)A = -1A1

(1.8)A = nAn1 - nAn for n 2

For simplicity we shall assume N1(0) = 1 and Nn(0) = 0 for n 2. Then A1(0) = 1 and An(0)= 0 for n 2. Using these initial condition, equations (1.7) and (1.8) give

(1.9)A1(t) = 1e-1t

(1.10)An(t) = ne-nt * An-1(t)

where * denotes convolution, i.e.


Formula (1.10) implies

(1.12)An(t) = 1e-1t* … * ne-nt

Parentheses are omitted on the right since convolution is commutative and associative. Integration gives

(1.13)1e-1t* 2e-2t = e-1t + e-2t

Using induction one obtains

(1.14)An(t) = An(t;1,...,n) = c1e-1t+ +cne-nt

(1.15)ck = ck(1,...,n) =

Unless stated otherwise, when we write An(t) we shall assume the decay constants are 1,...,n, i.e.An(t)=An(t;1,...,n). In the 238U series (1.2) one has (assuming t is in years)

A4(t) = - 4.72  10-26e-312000t + 4.15  10-17e-10.5t – 1.54  10-10e-2.83  10-6t

+ 1.54  10-10e-1.54  10-10t

Here is a graph of A4(t) using a range of t on the order of the largest half-life. It looks like 1e-1t.

Here is a graph of A4(t) using a range of t on the order of the second largest half-life. It looks like 1(1e4t).

Here is a graph of A4(t) using a range of t on the order of the second smallest half-life.

Here is a graph of A4(t) using a range of t on the order of the smallest half-life. The scale on the vertical axis is in units of 10-25.

In order to get a more complete picture of A4(t) over a range of t running from the smallest half-life to the largest, we make a plot of log[ A4(t) ] vs log t. Notice that there are portions where the graph appears to be a straight line segment. In these portions A4(t) is approximately proportional to a power of t, i.e. A4(t)Ctm for some C and m. More generally, we shall show the following. Let μ1μ2…μn be the values 1, ..., n arranged in increasing order. Then

(1.16)An(t)  μ1μmtm-1/(m-1)!

for 1/μm+1t < 1/μm and 1 mn. ((1.16) holds for t< 1/μn if m = n.) For simplicity, we shall assume in the remainder that μ1μ2…μn. Then the relative error in the approximation (1.16) is less than for t whenm = 1, 2, 3, …, n-1 and for t when m = n; see Theorems 3 and 5. Here at means bt for some ba. In (1.2) one has A4(t)14t for 9.6 yearst7,000 years and A4(t)124t2/2 for 5.7 hourst1 day and A4(t)1234t3/6 for t < 4 sec, all with an error less than 2%

For (1.2) we noted above that A4(t) 1e-1t for large t. In general

(1.17)An(t)  e-1t  1e-1t

The left hand approximation holds with relative error less than  for t; see Theorem 4(d). In the case of (1.2) the error is less than 2% for t > 1.4  106 years. (1.17) can be generalized to An(t) Am(t;1,...,m) for t1/μm+1; see Theorem 4(e).

For (1.2) we noted above that A4(t) 1(1 – e-4t) when viewed on a time scale of the second largest half-life. In general

(1.19)An(t)  1(1 – e-2t)

with relative error is less than for t; see Theorem 5(b) and (c). In (1.2) one has A4(t)1(1 – e-4t) with an error less than 2% for 10 yearst1.3108years. (1.19) can also be generalized; see Theorem 6.

2. Properties of An(t). Let

Fn(t)=Fn(t;1,...,n)=e1t**ent = An(t)/(1n)

(2.1)Qn(t)=Qn(t;1,...,n) = =

(1,...,n; )=1n / [ (1)(n) ]

Qn(t) is the total amount of the nuclei X1,X2,,Xn at time t if at t = 0 there is one unit of X1 present and none of the other Xk. When we write Fn(t) or Qn(t) the decay constants are assumed to be 1,...,n.

Theorem 1. If 1...n. then the following are true. (a) Q(t) = - An(t). (b)[eαtf1(t)]**[eαtfn(t)] = eαt[f1(t)**fn(t)] for any  and f1(t), , fn(t). (c)Fn(t;1,...,n)=eαtFn(t;1,...,n) and An(t;1,...,n)=eαt(1,...,n;)An(t;1,...,n) for any . (d)Fn(t;0,...,0)=1**1=tn1/(n-1)! and Fn(t;,...,)= tn-1e-t/(n-1)!. f(t) * 1 = for any function f(t) andf(t) * tn-1/(n-1)! is obtained by integrating f(t) from 0 to t a total of n times. where the integral is an (n-1)-fold multiple integral over with #=1+1(21)+…+n-1(n-n-1) and d=d1…dn-1 and 1n. (f)Fn(t)tn1e1t/(n1)! for t 0. (g)If the j are non-negative then for t≥ 0.

Proof. (a) This follows from (1.4) and (1.5). (b) The case n = 2 is proved by a direct computation, while the case n > 2 is proved by induction on n. (c) follows from (b). (d) The formula for Fn(t;0,...,0) is a straight forward computation and the formula for Fn(t;,...,) follows from the formula for Fn(t;0,...,0) and (c). The formula for f(t) * 1 follows from the definition of convolution and the formula for f(t) * tn-1/(n-1)! follows from this and the formula for 1**1. (e)Simonsen [2] showed that (1)n1Fn(t) is the (n1)st divided difference with respect to  of the function et. The (n1)st divided difference of an arbitrary function g() is given by

(2.2)g[1,...,n] = = g(n-1)()/(n-1)!

where g(k)() = dkg/dk; see Issacson [1,pp.249-250]. The result follows from this. (f)Since ejte1t it follows that Fn(t) Fn(t;1,...,1) = tn1e1t/(n1)!. (g)It follows from (e) that Since # ≥ 0 for all , one has ≥ 0 and the result follows.//

Theorem 2. Assume 0 < 1...nand f(t)0 for t0. (a)If f(t) is nondecreasing for t0 then f(t)*An(t) f(t) for t0. (b)Suppose there is an  such that 1 and eαtf(t) is nondecreasing for t0. Then f(t)*An(t)(1,...,n;)f(t) for t0. (c)If 1...m and 11, then eα1tFm(t;1,...,m) is increasing for t0 and Fm(t;1,...,m)*An(t)(1,...,n;1)Fm(t;1,...,m) for t> 0. (d)An(t;1,...,n)(m+1,...,n;1)Am(t;1,...,m) for t > 0. (e)Qn(t)(2,...,n;1)e1t for t> 0.

Proof. (a) One has f(t)*An(t)=f(t) . The result follows since the integral on the right is less than 1 which is because An(t) is a probability density function. (It is the probability density function of the sum of n independent exponential random variables with densities je-jt.) (b)Theorem 1(b) and (c) give . By part a one has (etf(t))*An(t;1-,...,n-) ≤ etf(t) from which the result follows. (c) Theorem 1(c) gives e1tFm(t;1,...,m)=Fm(t;0,21,...,m1) which equals . The integrand is positive for t > 0, so e1tFm(t;1,...,m) is increasing. The inequality then follows from part b. (d) One has An(t)=1mFm(t;1,...,m)*Anm(t;m+1,...,n), so the inequality follows from part c. (e)By part (d) one has Aj(t)/j(2,...,j;1)1e1t/j for 2 jn. Therefore Qn(t)ce1t where c=1+. It is not hard to show that c=(2,...,n;1), so the result follows. //

3. Approximation theorems.

Theorem 3 (Small t). Let 1,…,n be non-negative, be the mean of 1,…,m and f(t)  0 and 1 mn - 1. Then for t 0 one has

(3.1) (1 - nt)  An(t) 

(3.2) [ f(t)*tn-1 ] (1 - nt)  f(t)*An(t)  f(t)*tn-1

(3.3) [ An-m(t;m+1,...,n)*tm-1 ] (1 - mt)  An(t)  An-m(t;m+1,...,n)*tm-1

Proof. The right inequality in (2.1) follows from Theorem 1f. To prove the left inequality we need to show

(3.4) -  Fn(t)

If n = 1, this is the well known inequality 1te-t. Assume it is true for n and write Fn+1(t)=Fn(t)*e-n+1t. Convoluting the left inequality in (3.4) with e-n+1t gives

(3.5) * e-n+1t - * e-n+1t  Fn+1(t)

Since 1n+1te-n+1t it follows that

(3.6) * 1 - n+1 * t  * e-n+1t

Since * 1 = and * t = it follows that - n+1 * t * e-n+1t. Since e-n+1t 1 it follows that

* e-n+1t  * 1 =

Combining this and (3.5) with (3.6) gives tn/n! - (1 +  + n+1) tn+1/(n+1)!  Fn+1(t), which proves (3.4) for n+1.

In order to show (3.2) we need to show

(3.6) * f(t) - nt [ * f(t)]  Fn(t) * f(t)  * f(t)

To prove this, note that from (3.4) it follows that

(3.7) * f(t) - n * f(t)  Fn(t) * f(t)  * f(t)

One can estimate the second term on the left by

tn * f(t) =  t = t [tn-1 * f(t)]

Combining this with (3.7) gives (3.6).

Finally, note that (3.3) follows from (3.2) by taking n = m, An(t) = Am(t), and f(t)=An-m(t;m+1,...,n) and using the fact that Am(t) * An-m(t;m+1,...,n) = An(t). //

Theorem 4 (Large t). Assume 0 < 1...n. Let # and m be defined by and . Then the following are true. (a)Suppose f(t)  0 and f(t) is nondecreasing for t0 and there is an  such that 1 and etf'(t) is non-decreasing for t0. Then

f(t)f(0)Qn(t) f(t)*An(t) f(t)

for t0. (b) If q 1 then [1q/(#t)] tqtq*An(t)tq for t0. (c) If 0 1...m and 11. Let  = 1. Then

[1]Fq+1(t;0,1,...,q)  Fq+1(t;0,1,...,q) *An(t)  Fq+1(t;0,1,...,q)

for t0. (d)

[1 - (3-1,...,n-1;2-1)e(21t] (2,...,n;1)1e1t  An(t)  (2,...,n;1)1e1t

for t 0. (e)

[1 - ] (m+1,...,n;1)Am(t)  An(t)  (m+1,...,n;1)Am(t)

for t0.

Proof. (a) The right inequality is Theorem 2(a). If one integrates by parts and uses the fact that Q = - An (by Theorem 1(a)) one obtains f(t)*An(t) = f(t) - f(0)Qn(t) - f(t)*Qn(t). Theorem2(b) gives f(t)*Aj(t)(1,...,j;)f(t)(1,...,n;)f(t) which implies f(t)*Qn(t)(1,...,n;)f(t)/#. Combining with the previous gives the left inequality in(a). (b) follows from (a) by taking f(t) = tq and  = 0. (c) Let f(t) = Fq+1(t;0,1,...,q). Thenf(t)=Fq(t;1,...,q), so it follows from Theorem 2(c) that etf(t) is increasing. So f(t) and  satisfy the hypotheses of part (a) and f(0) = 0. By Theorem1(i) one has f(t)/f(t)q/t. So (c) follows from (a). (d) The fact that An(t)≤(2,...,n;1)1e1tfollows from Theorem 2(d). Using Theorem 1(b) and (c) one can write An(t)=(2,...,n;1)1e1t[1*An1(t;21,...,n1)]. By Theorem 1(a) one has 1*An1(t;21,...,n1)=1Qn1(t;21,...,n1). Using Theorem 2(e) one obtains 1(31,...,n-1;2-1)e(21t≤1*An1(t;21,...,n-1) which proves the left inequality in (d). (e) From Theorem 2(d) we get An(t)≤(m+1,...,n;1)Am(t). Using Theorem 1(b) and (e) one can write An(t)=(m+1,...,n;1)1me1t[Fm(t)*Anm(t)], where Fm(t)=Fm(t;0,21,...,m1) and Anm(t) = Anm(t;m+11,...,n1)]. By part (c) one has

(1) Fm(t) ≤ Fm(t)*Anm(t).

When combined with the previous, this proves the left inequality in part (e). //

Theorem 5 (Intermediate t.). Suppose 012n and let  be defined by . Then for t > 0 and 2 mn1 one has

[ 1 - - mt] An(t)

Proof. The right inequality is included in Theorem 3. Combining Theorem 3 and Theorem 5b gives [ 1 - ] [ 1 - mt] An(t). The left inequality follows from this and the fact that (1-a)(1-b)  1 – a – b if a 0 and b 0. //

Theorem 6 (Intermediate t.). Let 012n and 2mm+rn-1. Let b = 1 if m > 1 and b = (r+2n;2) if m = 1. Let

Hn,m(t) = Hn,m(t;1,...,n) = * An(t;1,...,n)

Then for t > 0 one has

[ 1 - - mt]1mHr,m(t;m+1,…,m+r) <An(t)1mHr,m(t;m+1,…,m+r)

Proof. We prove the case m > 1. The proof for m = 1 is similar. By (3.3) one has where g(t)=Anmr(t;m+r+1,...,n)*U(t) with Apply Theorem 4(c) with Fq+1(t;0,1,...,q) = U(t) to obtain 1(m+r1)/(m+r+1t) < g(t)/U(t) < 1. Combining this with the previous inequality and using the fact that U(t)=1mHr,m(t;m+1,…,m+r) proves the inequalities. //


[1]E. Issacson, H.B. Keller, Analysis of Numerical Methods, Wiley, New York, 1966.

[2]W. Simonsen, On divided differences and osculatory interpolation, Skandinavisk Aktuarietidsskrift 31 (1948) 157.