Author :Simon Wystawnoha
Date : September 2016
Date of Review: September 2017
The Curriculum at Brownhill Learning Community supports the mission statement of creating a nurturing environment by giving the pupils the opportunity to develop in a supportive and creative environment in which the focus is on recognising achievement and supporting progression where pupils feel safe and happy. The curriculum is personalised, creative, innovative and flexible allowing the needs of all pupils to be met.
The school is committed to a broad and balanced curriculum, based on the National Curriculum. This is blended with opportunities to develop functional skills, independence skills and skills for working life. Some subjects are taught discreetly whilst others are covered by a creative curriculum approach.
The timetable and curriculum are reviewed regularly (yearly) to ensure compliance with current legislation and guidance and taking into account best practice within both special needs education and PRS.
We endeavour to provide opportunities for pupils with either specific needs or identified as being gifted and talented to develop their interest, skills and abilities in an area.
The curriculum is designed to provide continuity and progression. It enables pupils to make connections and transfer skills to think creatively and solve problems. It also develops pupils to work independently and collaboratively.
Our pupils have complex needs. In addition to the academic curriculum, we allow pupils to withdraw from lessons for interventions. We know that our pupils on the autistic spectrum are happiest and achieve most when their routine is clear and when learning builds on their skills and talents. To this end, we tailor the curriculum, particular on the Darnhill site, to help pupils progress in a way that best suits them.
- That pupils make outstanding progress against targets.
- That pupils acknowledge achievements with pride.
- That pupils develop literacy and numeracy through the “all-through” curriculum.
- Pupils develop skills for independence and the workplace.
- Pupils have opportunities to participate in a range of enrichment activities within and beyond the curriculum.
- Pupils develop an awareness of the local community and can make a positive contribution.
Literacy & Numeracy
Literacy and numeracy are taught discreetly and consciously through an “all-through” skills based curriculum.
Literacy and numeracy are key skills in integrating pupils into mainstream schooling.
Pupils reading skills are developed with appropriate age schemes.
Creative Curriculum
The creative curriculum provides pupils with a range of activities and learning outcomes to develop Personal Learning and Thinking Skills within a topic based framework.
We aim that pupils will develop their skills as:
- Independent Engineers
- Effective participants
- Creative thinkers
- Team workers
- Self managers
- Reflective learners
All topics covered will support literacy and numeracy.
14-19 Curriculum
We see the development of independence skills and skills for working life as vital to our pupils. To that and vocational learning, Careers Advice and Guidance are a focus on the timetable. A progression officer ensures a transition into post 16 education.
PSHE is a timetabled session throughout the week, having different focuses and being able to draw on what happens both locally and nationally.
The curriculum map for PSHE highlights how these impact on pupils.
Religious Education
Religious Education themes and topics are covered via PSHE and through ASDAN. Children of any faith or no faith are encouraged to value everyone and their beliefs equally.
Sex & Relationship Education
Sex and relationship education is taught through PSHE at a level appropriate to the level of understanding of the pupils. We liaise with the school nursing team and other professionals to support pupils.
Parents can request their child to be excused from Sex education.
Learning outcomes are accredited by GCSE examinations (various awarding bodies), NCFE functional Skills Level 1, BTEC, ASDAN AWARDS and Entry Level.
The curriculum is enriched by educational trips and visits to the local community and beyond. The youth team and the extended schools programme provided a wide range of activities ranging from go karting to music workshops.
Class teachers are responsible for:
- Short term planning.
- Differentiation to meet the individual needs of pupils.
- Summative and formative assessment.
- Using a range of teaching and learning strategies.
- Directing Teaching Assistants.
Curriculum Leads are responsible for:
- Medium and long term planning.
- Moderating assessment data.
- Analysing progress data.
The Headteacher and leadership team are responsible for:
- Observing lessons.
- Work scrutiny
- Learning walks.
- Analysis progress data
Resources are allocated in line with School Priorities as indicated in Development Plan.
All staff are provided with professional development opportunities in line with the Schools Development Plan. Training links will be linked to the schools Performance Management process.
Equal Opportunities
The school supports the rights of all pupils to equal access and opportunities regardless of age, culture, religion, gender, ability, disability or sexuality. The school promotes the ethos of respect for everyone.
O:\Staff Handbook\Policies and Procedures\Curriculum\General Curriculum\Curriculum Policy 190916.docx