The Plymouth Airport Commission held their regular Commission meeting on Thursday, December 3, 2015. Present were Chairman Kenneth E. Fosdick and Commissioners William D. Burke, Kenneth L. Laytin, Dennis R. Smith, Paul G. Worcester and Thomas G. Hurley. Also present were Consulting Engineer Jeff Adler and Airport Manager Thomas Maher.
Approve the Minutes of the November 12, 2015 meeting: Tabled.
Cape Cod Community College (CCCC) Update, gate 6 signage concepts: Mike Wallace, Director, CCCC, requested to erect a sign at gate 6. Brenner Signs has been hired and is obtaining the necessary permits. Mr. Wallace advised that the Federal Aviation Admin. (FAA) conducted an inspection and is pleased with the progress to date. They plan to start classes January 25th for the Spring Semester.
Commissioner Smith made the motion to approve the sign concept with the expectation that it may need to be moved in the future and is subject to the Sign Policy. Commissioner Burke seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
DuBois & King, Inc.
Land Acquisition Beaton Bog – Tabled. Nothing new.
Runway 33 Extension project – Mr. Adler, Consulting Engineer, advised that the selective tree clearing has been identified and they will reevaluate upon completion, otherwise, the tree clearing is done. The contractor, Lawrence Lynch, intends to get the top soil and seeding complete prior to stopping for the winter. The project is scheduled to begin again April 1st. The contractor will have 75 days, from the spring start date, to complete the project. Mr. Adler advised that the Contract includes additional plantings to be integrated along the buffer on Federal Furnace Road. After viewing the area earlier in the day it was apparent that more plantings may be necessary. Mr. Adler, along with the Commission, is committed to establishing an appropriate buffer and indicated that a berm may also be necessary. Mr. Doug Hawthorne, an abutting neighbor, attended the meeting and advised the Commission that he was worried about the buffer to Carol Boulevard. He indicated that he was a member of the Plymouth Airport Advisory Group (PAAG) and wondered if the scope of the tree clearing had changed from what had been presented to the group. He said that he and some of his neighbors were shocked by the clearing and they have concerns regarding noise. Mr. Alder advised that the clearing is true to the plan but he understands that the visual result often can’t be anticipated from a drawing so the area abutting Carol Boulevard will be evaluated and if necessary plantings or even a berm can be considered there also. Chairman Fosdick suggested that the Commission review all of the clearing as soon as possible and make a determination. Sunday, December 6, 2015 at 10:00 A.M. was scheduled for a tour of the areas.
Administration Building, update: Manager Maher expects to have a timeline on the building project after the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) meeting next week with Mass DOT Aeronautics.
New Hangar Construction, update
Driftway Realty (Mike Orla), update, lease update, notice of lease – The Federal Aviation Admin (FAA) approved the 7460 application for Mr. Orlas’ building.
Rick Ellis/Richard Carrera, update – Manager Maher has sent a letter to Mr. Ellis withdrawing the Commissions’ approval due to their withdrawing their permit.
Noise/Safety Complaints, monthly review: Manager Maher advised that there was one noise complaint for November and he sent a letter to the pilot.
Airport Infrastructure update: Manager Maher indicated that the main focus has been equipment related to, and to prepare for, the snow season. Additionally, major repairs are needed for one of the plows that will require it to be sent by trailer.
Aviation Fuel supplier RFP: Manager Maher will wait till after the CIP meeting with Mass DOT Aeronautics next week to make a decision on how to proceed.
Airport Policy Review: Manager Maher listed some of the policies that could be added to our website. Commissioner Smith will review his list against the website and note any recommendations.
Other Business:
Marsh Carter, Request to renew Water Main Reimbursement Extension agreement – Commissioner Smith made the motion to approve the extension agreement. Commissioner Laytin seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.
Commissioner Hurley suggested the airport extend a helping hand to the 400 Committee. Manager Maher has been and will continue to keep in contact with the Committee.
Mr. Adler advised the Commission that Gate 3 should be operational by the next Commission meeting thanks to FAA funding. Most of the components will be upgraded and it will be compatible with the current key card system.
As there was no further business at this time the meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Kenneth E. Fosdick