Approval of New Education Program Endorsements

Requests for new education program endorsement areas must be approved by the Board of Education. Requests must include the Request for New Education Program Endorsement Area form, the Accountability Measurement of Partnerships and Collaborations Based on PreK-12 School Needs (8VAC20-542-40.7.a), Education Programs (excluding Administration and Supervision Programs) form or the Accountability Measurement of Partnerships and Collaborations Based on PreK-12 School Needs (8VAC20-542-40.7.b), Administration and Supervision Programs form, the matrices verifying competencies have been appropriately addressed, and course syllabi. Your proposal to add a new endorsement must be submitted electronically to the Director of Teacher Education, Department of Education, Division of Teacher Education and Licensure. Within one week of submission, you will receive an electronic confirmation that your request was received. If the confirmation is not received, please contact the Director of Teacher Education to ensure that the request was received.

Requests for new education program endorsements to be considered for the fall ABTEL meeting must be submitted on or before May 26of each year. Only those proposals that are complete and meet all criteria will be submitted to ABTEL the following September. [Please note that summer contact information must be included on the Request for New Education Program Endorsement Form.]

The proposal must be complete before it may be submitted to the Advisory Board on Teacher Education and Licensure (ABTEL). After the Advisory Board makes a recommendation, the proposal will be scheduled for submission to the Board of Education for review and final approval.



P. O. BOX 2120

RICHMOND, VA 23218-2120




(separate proposal and cover page for each new program)
MAJOR, DEGREE ASSOCIATION & CIP CODE (Classification of Instructional Program):______




ADDRESS: ______




____ Face to Face___ Advanced

____ Hybrid___ Initial

____ Online

Please submit all application forms and supporting materials via flash drive by May 26, 2017 to:

Dr. Joan B. Johnson

Director of Teacher Education

Division of Teacher Education and Licensure

P.O. Box 2120

Richmond, Virginia 23218

(804) 371-2475

All applications must contain the cover page (Part l) and the supporting proposal documentation (Part ll) outlined below.Separate proposals must be submitted for each endorsement area that is to be reviewed (no more than 6 pages for each proposal).

The application was created using Microsoft Word, Arial, 11 point font. When submitting the proposal, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. The document format should align with the Proposal Guidelines outline in Part II.
  2. Use 11 or 12 point font (Arial or Times New Roman)
  3. Number each page (i.e., 1 of 6 etc.)
  4. Each page must include a footer with the name of the institution, program, and date of submission.
  5. The proposal and supporting appendices must be submitted on a memory jump drive. The jump drive should be labeled with the institution name.
  6. Remember the proposal audience will be multiple reviewers including content specialist and department staff.
  7. Ensure a well written document is submitted

Proposal Guidelines (Part II)

I.Rationale for the additional endorsement, including

  • current, or if a new program, projected enrollment data
  • local division or service area demand data
  • statement of institutional support (e.g., from dean, provost, president, or designee)
  • statement of local school division support

II.Requirements of the program including academic and professional studies

  • indicate degree and major
  • list required courses in the major and course work for professional studies (include course descriptionspotential advising sheet etc.)
  • include proposed program course syllabi for all required courses

III. Program competencies (matrix appendix)

  • provide required (1) academic and (2) professional competencies (professional studies) on matrices provided by the Department of Education
    *Contact Dr. Johnson for the specific program templates
  • separate matrices must be submitted for graduate and undergraduate level
  • matrix must contain date of submission
  • matrix must also contain required course name, number, and catalog descriptions for all required courses (see sample)
  • matrix must include observation, practicum and/or student teaching
  • course alignment can reflect general education and academic major courses used to address competencies
  • describe attention to current research, literature, professional organizations
  • see sample matrix for possible format

IV.Program evaluation

  • list assessment measures used to evaluate competencies of education candidates
  • align each assessment measure with the respective course or practical experience

V.Faculty assigned to the program

  • list faculty assigned to the specific teaching endorsement area (include a brief vitae as appendix)
  • identify courses taught, advising assignments, and responsibility

for supervision of field experiences

Institutions must submit certification of areas required for biennial program approval reporting requirements, including partnership agreements form.






INSTITUTION: Spring University SUBMISSION DATE: May 20, 2017
Check the Delivery Format: Online______Face to Face_______ Hybrid______

MAJOR & DEGREE: Dance, BS degree

Graduate ______or Undergraduate________

Endorsement Competencies / Courses and Experiences*
The program in dance arts shall ensure that the candidate has demonstrated the following competencies:
1. Understanding of the knowledge, skills, and processes of the dance arts discipline as defined in the Virginia Standards of Learning and how they provide a foundation needed to teach dance arts; / DANC118 World Dance
DANC131 or 231 Beginning or Intermediate Jazz
DANC150 Dance Improvisation
DANC170 Orientation to Dance Production
DANC251 Dance Composition I
DANC252 Dance Composition II
DANC270 Dance Production Lab
DANC325 Intermediate Modern Dance
DANC345 Intermediate Ballet
DANC370 Dance Performance
DANC425 Advanced Modern Dance
DANC445 Advanced Ballet
2. Understanding of the knowledge, skills, and processes for teaching dance arts to meet the developmental levels [and academic needs] of students in preK-12, including the following:
a. Knowledge of and experience in planning, developing, administering, and evaluating a program of dance arts education; / DANC453 Teaching Creative Movement
DANC454 Methods of Teaching Dance
b. Knowledge and understanding for teaching dance arts, including: performance and production, cultural context and dance history, judgment and criticism, and aesthetics; / DANC170 Orientation to Dance Production
DANC270 Dance Production Lab
DANC 370 Dance Performance
DANC390 Dance History I
DANC391 Dance History II
DANC453 Teaching Creative Movement
DANC454 Methods of Teaching Dance
Elective: 3 Credits
PE 217 Fundamental Movement Skills and Dance or DANC 497 Tutorial in Folk Dance.
c. Ballet, folk, jazz, and modern dance with area of concentration in one of these areas; / DANC118 World Dance
DANC131 or 231 Beginning or Intermediate Jazz
DANC325 Intermediate Modern
DANC345 Intermediate Ballet
DANC425 Advanced Modern
DANC445 Advanced Ballet
d. Scientific foundations, including human anatomy, kinesiology, and injury prevention and care for dance arts; / DANC210 Dynamic Alignment
DANC480 Introduction to Lab an Movement Analysis
e. The relationship of dance arts and culture and the influence of dance on past and present cultures, including history of dance; / DANC118 World Dance
DANC390 Dance History I
DANC391 Dance History II
f. Knowledge and understanding artistic copyright laws; / DANC251 Dance Composition I
DANC252 Dance Composition II
g. Knowledge of assessment strategies to foster, support, and enhance student dance arts learning; / DANC453 Teaching Creative Movement
DANC454 Methods of Teaching Dance
h. Knowledge of related areas of the fine arts, such as music, theater arts, and the visual arts; and / DANC 114 Rhythmic Analysis
MUSI 101 Introduction to Classical Music
THR 210 Acting I
ARTH/AVT Select a course from Art History or Art and Visual Technology
i. Observation and student teaching experiences at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels. / DANC455 Teaching Practicum/Student Teaching
3. Understanding of and proficiency in grammar, usage, and mechanics and their integration in writing. / ENGL 101 Composition
ENGL 302 Advanced Composition
DANC390 Dance History I
DANC391 Dance History II

* Description of what the institution offers to enable students to develop the knowledge and skills identified in the competency.

When citing courses, provide course number, title, and catalog description. Catalog descriptions and syllabi should be attached or referenced as an appendices in the proposal.

DANC 114 - Rhythmic Analysis and Music Resources for Dance Credits: 3 (NR)
Introduces rhythmic structure, notation, and basic forms of music.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the dance major. Prerequisite enforced by registration system.

DANC 270 - Dance Production Lab Credits: 1 (RT)
Practical experience in stage crew, sound, or lighting of dance productions through rehearsal to public performance for university dance concerts or guest artist programs.
Prerequisite(s): DANC 170. Prerequisite enforced by registration system.