Application to add additional qualifications under Higher Educational Institutional (HEI) Licence Agreement
This application will allow you to apply for new Pearson programmes and/or extend existing programmes under your existing HEI Licence Agreement.
Quick guide to the form:
The form is broken down into 4 sections:
Section 1 – Centre details
Section 2 –New qualification request
Section 3 – Amendment
Section 4 –Pre approval agreement
Submission–Pre submission check list
The approval process
- Once you have completed the application form please to
- Applications will then be reviewed by a member of the UK approval team who will conduct an initial review and contact you to confirm receipt. They will also become the main point of contact for your application
- Once approved your qualifications will appear on Edexcel on Line (“EOL”) where you will you find the accreditation dates
Please note:
- This application should only be completed electronically.
DCL 1: Public (Unclassified)
Section 1: Centre Details
Centre/Organisation name / Centre numberAddress line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Town / County
Telephone no
Please note that you have an ongoing obligation to request approval to Pearson in writing of any additional locations used during the term of your centre approval. Failure to do so may result in withdrawal of centre approval.
Centre Contacts
Please ensure you identifythe below:
Head of Centre/Vice Chancellor – Person who has overall accountability for the delivery of Higher National qualifications using the Pearson trademark under licence.
Head of Quality Assurance or equivalent – Person submitting and first point of contact for the application
Name / Role / Email address / Contact phone numberPlease select ApplicantHead of centreExams Officer
Please select ApplicantHead of centreExams Officer
Section 2: New Qualification or revalidated request
Qualification level and title / Validation dates / Collaborative partnersNumber and name
From / To
Section 3: Amendment to an existing approval Short term extension or new collaborative partner. (Short term is defined as a maximum of 12 months).
Qualification number level and title / Accreditation dates / Collaborative partnersNumber and name
From / To
Authorisation to proceed to be completed by the Vice Chancellor
I understand the responsibilities of a Pearson recognised centre delivering Higher National Qualifications under licence and have reviewed the application, endorse and agree that no material supporting this qualification approval has been plagiarised. I confirm that any material supporting this application that is the intellectual property of another person or organisation is used with the express permission of that person or organisation.*Authorised by Vice Chancellor
Print name
Position within organisation
Date of submission
*Your email address will be accepted as confirmation of your agreement
Pre submission checklist
Before submitting your application to Pearson please ensure the following has been completed and attached
Y/N1 / Mandatory / Centre and qualification details, / YesNo
2 / Mandatory / Pre approval agreement completed / YesNo
3 / Mandatory / Head of centre has agreed to Pearson terms and conditions which can be found here / YesNo
Once you have completed the application formplease return to:
- Send a copy and attach the programme specification and evidence of validation (eg minutes of the validation event).
Pearson retains the right to refuse any approval application without giving reasons as to its decision.
Pearson use only
Authorisation to proceed by HEQComments
Print name
Position within organisation
Date of approval
DCL 1: Public (Unclassified)