RESOURCE FOR: Energy Bar Exploration
Rubric for Project-Based Learning Solution/Product
Team name and product being reviewed:______Reviewing team name: ______
Criteria / 4 = Exemplary / 3 = Adequate / 2 = Developing / 1 = Inadequate / CommentsJournal Completeness / The team/company name is on the journal. The journal includes a project timeline along with individual names and duties/roles that have been assigned.
A diagram/concept map/flowchart or other images related to development or manufacturing have been documented. Each team member has added log information. / The team/company is missing one of the following: The team/company name is on the journal. The journal project timeline along with individual names and duties/roles that have been assigned. A diagram/concept map/flowchart or other images documenting the project development or manufacturing. One or more team members log information. / Approximately 50% of what is required in the journal has been included. / Less than 25% of what has been required in the journal has been included.
Journal Written Communication / The journal is easy to read and easy to follow. The sentences are complete, spelling and punctuation is accurate. There are no grammatical errors. / The journal is easy to read and easy to follow. The sentences are complete, but there are a few spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. / The journal is messy and difficult to follow. The sentences are complete, but there are a few spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. / The journal is messy and difficult to follow. The sentences are incomplete, and there are numerous spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
Solution Addresses the Identified Problem / The solution/product addresses the identified problem, is easy to use, creative, is cost effective, easy to make, and has the potential to be sold. / The solution/product addresses the identified problem, is easy to use, is cost effective,but difficult to make, and has limited potential for sales. / The solution/product addresses the identified problem, but is not cost effective, and difficult to make. / The solution/product does not addresses the identified problem.
Rubric and Checklist for Project-Based Learning Presentation
Team name and product being reviewed:______Presentation Score: ______
Presentation Completeness Checklist
Accomplished Yes/No / CommentsThe use of a presentation tool: Technology tool (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi, website, or video), Physical display (e.g., stand-up exhibit/poster, brochure, etc.)
A statement of the problem, images may be used.
A sample of their product and why it is a solution to their problem.
A concept map, flow chart, or another type of graphic organizer that outlines how they developed or created the product.
A concept map, flow chart, paper chain, or another type of graphic organizer that outlines how the ingredients they used went from the soil to various products along with the agricultural, business and marketing, family and consumer sciences and informational technology careers should be noted on the organizer.
A list of project related careers that notes CTE Pathways and they type of education that would be needed for each job (Use UtahFutures to help with this list).
New vocabulary terms that were learned during the project
Ideas about how they would market their project (Internet, brochures, etc.)
Rubric for Project-Based Learning Presentation
Team Criteria / 4 = Exemplary / 3 = Adequate / 2 = Developing / 1 = Inadequate / CommentsCompleteness / The presentation addressed all 7-8 areas for completeness / The presentation addressed all 6-6 areas for completeness / The presentation addressed all 3-4 areas for completeness / The presentation addressed all 0-2 areas for completeness
Organization / Demonstrates full knowledge by answeringall class questionswith explanations andelaboration. Provides clear purpose andsubject; pertinent examples,facts, and/or statistics;supports conclusions/ideaswith evidence. / Is at ease with expected answers to all questions, without elaboration. Has somewhat clearpurpose and subject; someexamples, facts, and/orstatistics that support thesubject; includes some dataor evidence that supportsconclusions. / Is uncomfortable withinformation and is able toanswer only rudimentaryquestions. Attempts to define purposeand subject; providesweak examples, facts, and/or statistics, which do notadequately support thesubject; includes very thin
data or evidence / Does not have grasp ofinformation and cannotanswer questions about
Subject. Does not clearly definesubject and purpose;provides weak or nosupport of subject; givesinsufficient support for ideasor conclusions.
Delivery / All team members hold the attention of entireaudience with the use ofdirect eye contact, seldomlooking at notes. Demonstrates strongenthusiasm about topicduring entire presentation. All speak with fluctuation in volume and inflection tomaintain audience interestand emphasize key points. / Most of the team members consistently use of direct eyecontact with the audience, butstill returns to notes. Shows some enthusiasticfeelings about topic. Most speak with satisfactoryvariation of volume andinflection. / Few members of the team display eyecontact with the audience,while reading mostly fromthe notes. Shows little or mixedfeelings about the topicbeing presented. Team members speak in uneven volumewith little or no inflection. / No one on the team holds no eye contact with the audience, the entire report isread from notes. Shows no interest in topic presented. Members speaks in low volume and/or monotonous tone,which causes audience todisengage.
Use of Time / The team finished in the allotted time. / Team was close to time limit. / Team was way under or way over time. / Team was not prepared.