The Managers expect in 2015to elect one or two George and Lillian Schiff Studentships, tenable in the University, for full-time postgraduate work in engineering, physics or related sciences.

The holders of the Studentships must undertake a full-time course of postgraduate work in the University approved by the Managers, in the fields of engineering, physics or related sciences. Applications are encouraged from outstanding candidates with a background in other disciplines who now wish to work in these fields, and from candidates within one of these fields who wish to broaden or change their work to another aspect or aspects of the fields. The Managers will take into account industrial interest. Applications from candidates who wish to proceed to the Ph.D. Degree or other postgraduate qualification in the relevant field are invited. The Studentships are not normally intended for support of candidates who have already embarked on a course of research leading to a Ph.D.

The Studentships will normally provide full cost support comprising approved College and University fees (at the Home or EU rate as appropriate) and maintenance at the standard EPSRC rate plus £500, together with any fee approved by the Managers for training. In fixing the value of the Studentship, account will be taken of other resources available to the student, including other awards held. The Studentships will normally be held, subject to satisfactory progress, for the prescribed duration of the course. In accordance with the wishes of the benefactor, preference may be given to candidates who are British nationals.

Completed forms and references should be sent to the Scholarships Administrator (), Student Registry, Fees & Funding Team, Academic Division, 4 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RZ, to reach him by 31 March annually.


Applications must be typed

Title / Surname: / First name(s):
Date of Birth:
Nationality: / Home address:
Email address:
School State name of secondary school, dates of attendance their, results (stating grades and subjects of major examinations, including all external examinations). Mention any distinction obtained and offices held.
University State name of university or university college, and any other university attended. Give details of subjects taken and examination results. State all degrees taken. Mention any distinction obtained and offices held. If you have not yet graduated, give the date of your final examination and when the results will be known.
Referees Give the names and addresses of three academic referees to whom you have sent the referees’ forms and whom you have asked to send reference direct to the Scholarships Administrator.
1 / 2 / 3
Proposed course of Study at Cambridge State the course of study you propose to follow at Cambridge and the Cambridge qualifications for which you propose to become a candidate. If you intend to undertake research, give a brief summary (200 words) of your proposal on a separate sheet. In line with the wishes of the benefactors the Managers will give particular weight to projects for which there is strong evidence of industrial interest, and you should include in your statement an indication of any industrial interest in your project and clearly state how your course or research project may benefit British industry.
Title of Ph.D. course or of Ph.D. research proposal:
Industrial relevance:
Supervisor statement: Please ask potential supervisors to write a statement about your suitability for your proposed project.
Supervisor name: ………………………………………………………...
Department or Faculty (if known) / Cambridge College (if known)
Graduate Student Have you applied for admission as a Graduate Student? (Yes / No)
With what result?

Other Awards or Grants Please give details below of any other awards or grants you have applied for:

Awarding Body / Annual Value / Period Tenable / Date result Announced or result if known
What other resources of your own, or your family, do you have?

For signature by Applicant

Signed....... Date......



...... of ....…......

(Name of Applicant)(University or College)

has named you as referee in an application for a Schiff Studentship for advanced study or research at Cambridge University.

References must be returned by 31 Marchannually to: Scholarships Administrator (), Student Registry, Fees & Funding Team, Academic Division, 4 Mill Lane, Cambridge CB2 1RZ.


The Managers would value a statement from you about the suitability of this candidate. The academic standard required for a Studentship is high and the managers look for evidence of considerable promise of achievement by successful applicants.

The Studentship is intended to assist persons to undertake advanced study or research in engineering, physics or related sciences. Applications are encouraged from outstanding candidates with a background in other disciplines who now wish to work in the relevant fields, and from candidates within one of these fields who wishes to broaden or change their work to another aspect or aspects of the fields. The Managers will take into account industrial interest, particularly in a British context.

A Student, if not already a member of the University of Cambridge, will be required to become one before the end of the Michaelmas Term in the year in which he or she is elected, unless special permission is given by the Managers to defer matriculation until a later term.

The Studentship will be tenable for one, two or three years, as the Managers may determine in each case. The Studentship will normally provide full-cost support comprising approved fees and maintenance at the standard EPSRC rate, plus £500, subject to review by the Managers in the light of the Student’s circumstances and the funds available.

The Managers are very grateful indeed to those who act as referees for the Studentship. Their opinions are of great assistance in selecting candidates. Part C of this form (overleaf) may be used for your statement if you wish.



Name of Applicant......

Name of Referee......

Signature of Referee......

University or College of Referee......
