
OurLadyStaroftheSeaCatholicPrimary School


President / Chantal Bush / 0402282698 / VicePresident / Kristie Stretton0414397 / 420
Treasurer / LornadeCourcy / 0417 133952 / Secretary / Silvana Cammareri0449039 / 699
Care Group / Laura Dawson / 0449 039 699 / DCPReps / AmandaYates0413 947
SharonCarson0423956 / 651


Date: Tuesday 16thMayTime:7pm – 8:10pmVenue:SchoolLibrary

1.Welcome & Prayer

Led by Chantal Bush


RobertPeers,Todd Vane-Tempest, ChantalBush, Kristie Stretton,Lenise McIntosh,Katie Moss,

BekRoycroft,Kirsten Puckeridge,Belinda Tolman, Sharon Carson,SharonKatalinic,Amanda yates, Sandra Husk


SallyBelford, LornadeCourcy,Laura Dawson, Silvana Cammareri


Lenise McIntosh and Chantal Bush


  • Principals report included – refer page 3.
  • Daytime committee – Mothers Day stall went well with minimal presents leftover. Notable increase in the number of families using Flexischools to pre-pay for gifts.
  • Social committee – in the midst of planning the parent’s social night out. All agreed that having it at the end of the year (November) was a great time to hold the event. More details to follow.
  • School disco – new date is Wednesday 14th June with a theme to be determined by the SRC.


  • Update on - bathroomamenitiesupgrade and resprayofchildren’splayground activitymarkings andhandball courts
  • The drawings and activities have been created and sprayed on the assembly area and surrounds. They have proved to be very popular with the children and has provided a much needed facelift to the school yard.
  • Additional quotes are being received to refresh the bathroom facilities located in the undercroft next week. Further details to be provided at next meeting.
  • Update from Parent Council Meeting
  • A parent engagement team is being formed to promote and facilitate parent engagement within our school community. This will include practical applications of ideas and strategies in conjunction with the school leadership team. An initial focus will be on Math’s learning in either Term 3 or 4. Chantal Bush and Kristie Stretton to coordinate.
  • Establish a Welcome Committee for new families
  • A specific Welcoming Committee will be formed to liaise with new families that join our school throughout the year. There have been several members of the school community express interest in being of this committee which will be formed during Term 2. Chantal Bush to organize initial meeting of the welcoming committee.


Vacation care

oEmail via P & F account raising the question of whether vacation care will be offered on school grounds. This was discussed and at this stage there are no plans to offer this as Camp Australia (our current before and after school provider) offer a vacation care program at various sites on the central coast as do other vacation care providers.

Canteen on a Monday

oThis was raised during the meeting and received a lot of support. A formal letter requesting the offering of canteen service on a Monday is to be drafted by BekRoycroftand sent to Robert for consideration.

Athletics carnival structure for Year 1

oIt was suggested that the Year 1’s could have a few more challenging events to participate in during the athletics carnival. Robert will take under consideration with Miss Molly.


  • Agreed that it was getting too cold for the children to be sitting on the concrete grounds for assembly each morning and they will now stand for assembly during the winter months.


Monday 7th August – Day meeting (9am)

Mon 6th November – Night meeting and AGM (7pm)

Principal’s Report. P&F General Meeting – Term 2, 2017

  • A very positive start to Term 2. We have welcomed several new families and enrolment demand continues to grow. There are now lengthy waiting lists in most grades.
  • Kindergarten 2018 enrolments are now into full swing. There is a very large list and currently we will have many more families apply than places available. I am currently interviewing all new families, whilst Todd Vane-Tempest and Laura Connor are meeting all existing families.
  • Lovely Anzac ceremonies in the first week back. The support at the Terrigal Dawn Service was excellent and we were delighted to meet Bishop Peter there.
  • We received excellent feedback from a number of schools on the smooth hosting of the Cluster Cross Country Carnival at Mount Penang. Well done everyone who assisted.
  • Lunchtime Interest groups are now up and running. Thanks to our parents and grandparents who are running groups such as knitting, craft, fitness, gardening and card making.
  • NAPLAN went smoothly last week. We will receive results later in the year.
  • We enjoyed some great feedback in community events such as Grandparents’ Day, and last Friday’s Mothers Muffins and Maths Day. All went smoothly.
  • This week we look forward to School Athletics Carnival at Mingara. This is always a positive community day.
  • A revamped Altar Server program is starting and we will be supporting the parish with training for interested students in Years 4, 5 and 6 on Fridays.
  • Seasons for Growth Program will start next week for students who have experienced grief and loss – we are fortunate to have three excellent facilitators: Joanne Dimech, Michelle Weisbaum and Amanda Richmond.
  • The Year 5 Overnight Excursion takes place Thursday and Friday and in a few weeks, Year 6 will be spending three days in Canberra. I will be attending both excursions and look forward to spending time with the children in both grades.
  • In Staff news, Mrs Nikki Hinwood will be taking leave until the end of 2017 from June 9. Nikki has juggled a long distance marriage to husband Jarryd who moved to Brisbane for work. We wish Nikki well and look forward to her return (with Jarryd) in 2018.
  • Kia-May Wall has kindly agreed to teach 4S (Mon, Tues, Wed) and we are currently advertising for a teacher Thursdays and Fridays.
  • Please keep Sharon Campbell in your prayers – As you may re-call, Sharon’s mum passed away a few months ago and now her father is gravely ill. Sharon is currently on three weeks Long Service Leave.
  • Todd Vane-Tempest will be going on some well-earned Long Service Leave from next week until the end of term. We congratulate Laura Connor who will step up as Acting Assistant Principal and Kevin Coote who will be Acting Religious Education Coordinator during this period.
  • We also have a few other staff undergoing periods of Long Service Leave this term. In each case, I am writing specifically to the classes affected
  • The uniform shop will be operational in the next few weeks and we look forward to the extra space. We’ll use the existing space to support new opportunities for the children.
  • We have installed new and contemporary furniture in Year 6 which arrived today and the children are very excited about. This is part of a plan to support innovative class settings and student learning environments.

Robert Peers

16th May, 2017