Milton Keynes Council

Children and Families

Home to School Transport Application Form – Low Income

2014/15 Academic Year

Personal information
Child’s name / Please attach a passport-sized photograph
Please ensure the name of your child is printed on the back
The photograph must be of a size and type which would be acceptable by the
Passport Office 45mmx35mm.
It must be a true likeness showing full face, no hat or sunglasses etc, recently taken, of good quality and taken against a light background.
Parent(s) or carers name / Title: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms
Child’s home address
Email address
Child’s date of birth
Has the child a statement of special needs? / Yes No
School information
School name
Period of attendance / From...... To......
Days / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Start time
Finish time
Eligibility for free school transport
Milton Keynes Council is able to offer free travel under the terms of the Education and Inspections Act 2006. Under this Act local authorities are required to provide free transport for children aged 8 – 11 from low income families, who attend their nearest appropriate school and live more than two miles but less than six miles from the school; and for children aged 11 – 16 who attend one of their 3 nearest qualifying schools where they live more than 2 miles, but not more than 6 miles from that school, or the nearest school selected for religious reasons more than 2 miles but less than 15 miles away.
In order to be entitled to free school transport on the grounds of low income, you will need to qualify for Free School Meals OR be receivingmaximum Working Tax credit.
The criteria to qualify for FSM’s is:
  • Income Based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Employment Support Allowance (income related)
  • Income Support
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The Guaranteed Element of State Pension Credit
  • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
If you feel you are entitled and wish to apply for this you should complete the details overleaf and also sign and date the Agreement. You will also need to provide the evidence requested to show you are in receipt of one of the above benefits (if your child is not already receiving FSM’s). You will be asked for this information annually once transport entitlement is agreed.
Proof of receipt of benefits
My children already receive Free Schools Meals
(this will be verified with the MKC FSM Team and you do not need to attach further evidence)
If you have not applied for Free School Meals but wish to do so please request a copy of a FSM application form from your child’s school or contact the FSM Team on 01908 254590 or go to
I receive the maximum amount of Working Tax Credit
(Please attach a full photocopy of your current Tax Credit Award Notice)
I am in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits listed above*
You will need to provide a photocopy to evidence you are in receipt of one of the qualifying benefits e.g. your income support book or a recent letter stating which benefit you are receiving or your full tax credit statement.*(please note-this is NOT an application for FreeSchool Meals) /
I understand that –
  • I am applying for Home to School Transport on the terms and conditions as set out in the Notes of Guidance.
  • If my child ceases to be entitled to Free School Meals/Free Transport I will notify the BrokerageTeam on (01908) 254516.
  • If my child moves address I will notify the Brokerage Team in writing as soon as the new address is confirmed.
  • If my child leaves the school I will notify Passenger Transport on (01908) 252526 and return any pass/ticket issued to me immediately to Passenger Transport, Saxon Court, 502 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes, MK9 3HS.
  • I accept responsibility for my child while he/she travels to and from school on the transport provided. I also realise that any instances of bad behaviour may result in transport facilities being withdrawn for a set period or permanently.
  • I accept that I am responsible for my child until he/she is accepted on to the bus each morning and that failure to produce a valid pass could result in my child being denied travel for the morning journey.
  • I authorise the Council to verify that I am eligible to receive Free School Meals.

Declaration / I declare all the information I have provided is true, I also understand that any allegation or false or fraudulent information could result in the Council taking reasonable steps to ascertain the accuracy of the information. If the information is found to be false it could result in any transport being removed
Parents/Carers signature...... Date......
Please return this form by post to: / FOR OFFICE USE
The Brokerage Team / Distance
Children and Families
Milton Keynes Council
Saxon Court
502 Avebury Boulevard / HTST Expenditure/Eligibility Code
Milton Keynes

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