How many emeralds were there in Girion's necklace?
-500 / The Hobbit and Hobbits
What did Gandalf eat in Beorn's house?
- Bread with butter and honey and clotted cream
The Hobbit and Hobbits
What colour was the handkerchief that Bilbo borrowed from Elrond?
- red / The Hobbit and Hobbits
Complete the sentence: "The day will come when they will perish"
- "and I shall go back"
The Hobbit and Hobbits
What colour were Beorn's ponies?
- white / The Hobbit and Hobbits
What chapter comes between 'Riddles in the Dark' and 'Queer Lodgings'?
- 'Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire'
The Hobbit and Hobbits
Which hobbit was nicknamed 'Scattergold'?
- Saradoc Brandybuck, Merry's father / The Hobbit and Hobbits
What is said to be the only craft little-practised among hobbits?
- Shoe-making
The Lord of the Rings
What was the name of the pony Theoden gave to Merry?
-Stybba / The Lord of the Rings
What was on the sheath for Anduril that Galadriel gave to Aragorn?
(apart from the leaves and the flowers)
– the name Anduril and the sword's lineage in runes
The Lord of the Rings
Name at least one species of flower that grows in the fields of Lebennin
– Mallos or Alfirin or White Lily / The Lord of the Rings
What was the crown that Arwen embroidered on Aragorn's banner made of?
- Mithrilandgold
The Lord of the Rings
Name the oldest man-made thing still extant at the end of the Third Age?
- The Sceptre of Annuminas / The Lord of the Rings
What was the name of the elf who asked Bilbo to sing his song for the second time?
- Lindir
The Lord of the Rings
Name the three herbs Sam asked Gollum to fetch
-A few bay-leaves, some thyme and sage / The Lord of the Rings
What was the name of the horse Eomer gave to Legolas?
- Arod
The Lord of the Rings
These guards had three heads each
– The Silent Watchers in Cirith Ungol / The Lord of the Rings
What was the string of Legolas' new bow made of?
- Elven-hair
The Lord of the Rings
This head was 'founded of black steel'
- Grond / The Lord of the Rings
What were the cuff-links Gandalf gave to the Old Took decorated with?
- Diamonds
The Lord of the Rings
This person got his enemy's purse stuck down his throat
- Azog / The Lord of the Rings
Who 'had a collar of silver in which a single white stone was set'
- Boromir
The Lord of the Rings
What is the White Face?
- The Moon / The Lord of the Rings
Who was the king of Gondor at the time when the crown which was later used at Aragorn's coronation was made?
- Atanatar Alcarin
Minor Works
The Songs of Tom Bombadil mention a huge sea-monster. What's its name?
- Fastitocalon / Minor Works
What did a character in The Smith of Wootton Major do with a silver coin he found in his cake?
- He gave it to a girl called Nell who was sitting next to him
Minor Works
What was the name of Farmer Giles' cow trampled on by the giant?
- Galathea / Minor Works
Write down Farmer Giles' name in full.
-Aegidius Ahenobarbus Julius Agricola de Hammo
Minor Works
What wish does Alf grant to Nokes?
- To make him thin again. / Minor Works
Which two people does Parish send Niggle to fetch?
- The doctor and the builder
Minor works
Why was the Polar Bear's nose bandaged in 1927?
- Because he put it against the North Pole, which was very cold. / Minor works
Who is Father Christmas's gardener?
- The snow-man
Posthumous works
A silver lamp is always burning at the top of this tower.
- Ingwe's Tower/Mindon Eldalieva / Posthumous works
What is made from Yavanna's special grain?
- Lembas
Posthumous works
He brought Turin and his companions to Amon Rhud
- Mim / Posthumous works
What is the name of the ship King Veantur gave to his grandson?
- Numerramar (Wings of the West)
Posthumous works
Name the two lamps made by the Valar to illumine the world
- Illuin and Ormal / Posthumous works
- Glamdring
("This, Gandalf, was Glamdring, Foe-hammer that the king of Gondolin once wore.")
Posthumous works
This haven was illuminated by a ring of golden lamps
- Alqualonde / Posthumous works
Who was the most famous smith of Nogrod?
- Telchar
Biography and languages
This name is translated as 'the Silver Hand'
- Celebrimbor / Biography and languages
According to the Etymologies, the name of this woman, who gave birth to a great man, means 'crown+gift'
- Rian (wife of Huor mother of Tuor)
Biography and languages
Translate the 'Lampmakers' Street into Sindarin
- Rath Celerdain / Biography and languages
How did the Druedain call the Orcs?
- Gorgun
Biography and languages
Which US publisher released an unauthorised paperback edition of The Lord of
the Rings?
- Ace books / Biography and languages
What was the name of Tolkien's guardian after his mother died?
- Father Francis Morgan
Biography and languages
What was the title of the collection of verses by members of the Leeds
UniversityEnglishSchool Association to which Tolkien contributed?
- A Northern Venture / Biography and languages
What was the Inklings' nickname for R. E. Havard?
- "The Useless Quack"
I propose the following sets of places for the teams to point out (a
list for each team, running easy to hard):
Dol Amroth
Mount Gundabad
Calembel / The Carrock
River Poros
The teams can have two goes each
The White Tree
The Old Took
The Third Age
Farmer Giles of Ham
Túrin Turambar
/ The Mouth of Sauron
The Red Book
Father Christmas
The Silent Watchers
The Scouring of the Shire
The Black Arrow
The Misty Mountains
The Man in the Moon
Minas Morgul
The Last Homely House
Fairy Stories
/ Old Man Willow
The Road Goes Ever On
The Inklings
The Sword that was Broken
Fatty Bolger
The Two Trees