How Measurement of Spectrum Occupancy can help Spectrum Management

Organised by

Working Group Frequency Management (WG FM) of the ECC

Date 15 January 2014, Mainz (Germany)



09.00 –09.15Welcome and opening of the workshop

Mr Eric Fournier, Chairman of ECC, ANFR, France

09.15–09.30Key Note; Introduction to Spectrum Management

Mr Sergey Pastukh, Chairman of ECC WG FM, Russian Federation

09.30 - 11.00 Session A: Requirements of and Developments in spectrum occupancy measurements (Note: presentations should cover frequency range 400-6000 MHz)

Session chairman: Mr Sergey Pastukh, Chairman of ECC WG FM

Speaker 1 Mr Ralf Trautmann, BNetzA,Germany, Chairman FM22

Summary of the discussions so far in ECC fora, key issues

Speaker 2

Laurent Bodusseau, ANFR, France Expectations from spectrum managers of administrations and operators

Speaker 3 Thomas Hasenpusch (BnetzA)Definitions of spectrum occupancy

Speaker 4 Lilian Jeanty (Agentschap Telecom)The instruments of spectrum monitoring

11.00 - 11.30 Coffee break

11.30 - 13.00Session B: Presentation of Selected Case Studies

Session chairman: Mr Ralf Trautmann, Chairman FM22

Speaker 1 Jim Beveridge, MicrosoftMicrosoft Spectrum Observatory

Speaker 2 ThomasKrenz,Requirements to obtain useful results

(Rhode &Schwarz) from spectrum occupancy


Speaker 3Stefan Georgi (Medav)Spectrum Occupancy Measurements Tools

Speaker 4Simon William Day (Mass, OFCOM UK)

Monitoring Activity in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands and handling of the generated large

13.00 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 – 15:45 Session C: Presentation of Selected Case Studies (continued)

Session chairman: Yrio Hämäläinen, FICORA, Vicechairman FM PT22

Speaker 1Prof. Martin Weiss(University of Pittsburgh)

Role of sensing for identifying «spectrum holes»

Speaker 2: Pravir Chawdhry (JRC)Effective spectrum monitoring using mobile nodes

Speaker 3Matthias Fehr, (Association of Professional Wireless Production Technologies)

Experience with sensing radiomicrophones (PMSE applications) in the UHF spectrum

Speaker 4 John Falck (LPRA) Measurement of Spectrum Occupancy - A perception from industry

Speaker 5 Thomas Weber (ECO)Are sensing approaches mature enough to support cognitive radio solutions – Summary of the investigations in WGFM and WGSE so far

15.45 – 16:15 Coffee

16.15 – 17:00 Session D: Panel discussion and guidelines for further work Session chairman:Mr. Eric Fournier, ANFR, ECC Chairman

  • Panellists
  • Mr Sergey Pastukh, Chairman WG FM
  • Jim Beveridge, Microsoft
  • Laurent Bodusseau, ANFR
  • Thomas Weber, ECO
  • Thomas Hasenpusch, BNetzA

17:00- 17.20Summary of the Workshop and closing remarks

Mr Ralf Trautmann, BNetzA, Chairman FM22

Note: limitations in terms of analysis of such spectrum occupancy measurement. Conclusions of this workshop will be presented to ECC and published on the CEPT website.

17:20End of Workshop


Anouncement of the Workshop should take place directly after the ECC#35. This can be done on the applicable webpages (CEPT workshop webpage, meeting calendar, WGFM, PT FM22) and reflectors. Speakers will be provided with some guidance from the PT FM22 chairman with the support from the ECO. Speakers should provide a short biography and short abstract of their presentations in advance.


The final workshop results are expected to be agreed at WGFM#79 before publication of the results on the relevant ECC websites and publications such as ECC Newsletter.