Additional Bandwidth

Token Form

Once a computer crosses the basic limit of 15GB, the Internet access outside the University is blocked for that computer by the College Network Management System. Access to the servers inside the University, like the University email service or the internal website, is not affected. In such cases either a user can wait until the end of that calendar month when the Internet access outside the University will be restored automatically or they can buy an ‘Additional Bandwidth Token’.

Each token costs £5 and provides 10GB additional bandwidth.

These tokens are valid for the calendar month in which they are purchased. Any unused bandwidth is not rolled over to the next month. A fair-use policy applies to this facility. You can buy more than one token in a single month but excessive use of the Internet is always discouraged as it might cause network congestion and will affect other users in College. The IT Office may restrict the maximum number of tokens for a user continuously generating heavy network traffic.

If you have a valid Raven ID then you can also add these tokens to your network account from:

If you do not have a Raven ID then please fill in the following fields and leave the form in the IT Office pigeonhole at the Porters’ Lodge.

I wish to add an ‘Additional Bandwidth Token’ to my Network Account.

(Dates must be the last day of a calendar month such as 31/01/2013)

Token Start Date: (DD/MM/YYYY) / Token Expiry Date: (DD/MM/YYYY)

If you have registered more than one computer with us, then specify any of the following to identify the computer to which you want to apply this token.

IPID / IP Address / MAC Address
First Name / Surname
Room / Wolfson Card No
Signature / Date

Please leave this form in the IT Office pigeonhole at the Porters’ Lodge.

Rev. January 2013