Please attach a

a recent


Application for the Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation Doctoral Scholarship

Biographical Data

Surname / Identity Number
First Names / Current/Most Recent
University Attended
Date of Birth / Student Number
Home Language / Place of Birth
Please enclose a copy of you South African identity document / Title
(please tick) Dr Mr Ms

Contact Details

Home Address
Postal Code / Telephone Number
Cell Phone Number
Postal Address
for Correspondence
Postal Code / E-mail Address
Fax Number

Academic Qualifications

Current Academic Qualifications:
Degree(s)/Diploma(s) / University/Institution
Name / Date
of Graduation
If you are in the process of completing a degree at present, please provide details and the anticipated date of completion

Occupation since Graduating/Work Experience (If Any)

Name of Employer(s) / Position Held / Commencement and Termination Dates
Family Background
Parents – please provide names, age and occupation of parents

Spouse (if applicable) – please provide names, age and occupation of your spouse
Dependents (eg children) – please specify if any and their ages

Economic Position

Please describe your financial position
Sources of Income
Who pays or has paid for your academic studies in the past?

Applying the Benefits of the Scholarship in South Africa

Are you willing to enter into an agreement, committing yourself to applying the benefits of your research project/Doctoral studies in South Africa for a minimum period equal to the tenure of the scholarship? (Tick appropriate box)
Yes No

Proposed University of Study

University / Proposed Doctoral Degree / Field of Study
Have you applied to and/or been accepted by a university? (Please tick appropriate box) Accepted Applied
Please also enclose a copy of the acceptance letter, if applicable.

Other Scholarship/Bursary Applications or Awards

Please provide details of any other applications for bursaries or scholarships and/or any anticipated funding or remuneration from any other sources
Name of Award / Bursary, Scholarship, Loan
or Remuneration / Value per Annum / Applied for or Already Awarded
Previous Major Scholarships – please provide details of any major scholarships either presently held or received in the past

Academic Publications and Conference Papers

Please provide a list of any academic publications (if relevant), along with the name of the journal/conference and the date published

Non-academic Interests

Please indicate any other interests, activities or hobbies apart from your academic interests

Proposed Research Study/Doctoral Programme

Please attach an outline (Executive Summary)of your proposed research project, including the field of specialization/content of the Doctoral programme, summarized in no longer than 3 typed pages

Application Benefits

How do you see your particular area of specialization/research project contributing to the benefit of South Africa?

Proposed or Planned Future Career

Please indicate your planning relevant to a potential or proposed future career

Special Notes

(1)Please arrange for an official academic record of courses completed at any university in the past to be included in your submission.
(2)Also include the letter of acceptance into the Doctoral programme/studies.
(3)Kindly also arrange for 2 persons acquainted with your academic work and personal qualities to submit confidential references/recommendations in support of this application to: Fuchs Foundation Scholarships, The Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation, P O Box 1910, Halfway House, 1685. One referee should be the Head of the University Department in which you completed your Masters studies.
(4)Do remember to attach your proposed research project outline (Executive Summary) to this application.
(5)Finally, please remember the copy of your identity document and the recent photograph.

NB: It will not be possible for The Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation Scholarship Selection Committee to consider incomplete applications

I hereby certify that all the above information is accurate and complete and note that it is my responsibility to submit a complete application, to arrange for referees’ reports and any official academic records to be submitted to the Carl & Emily Fuchs Foundation.

Signature of Applicant ______Date ______