8th Grade Science Quarterly Review Sheet

Marking Period 1

Ms. Bechold is in N-5 every Thursday for extra help.

1.  What three mediums does sound need to travel? ______

2.  Since sound needs a medium to travel where is there no sound? ______

3.  Moving energy, like Electricity can be thought of as an example of Potential or Kinetic energy?


4.  What happens to the nucleus of an atom during Fission?


5.  What happens to the nucleus of an atom during Fusion?


6.  The frequency of electromagnetic (EM) radiation with the most energy/shortest wavelength is:


7. The frequency of electromagnetic (EM) radiation with the least energy/biggest wavelength is:


8. How do Microwaves increase the temperature of food? ______

9. Temperature measures the kinetic energy of an object. So, if the temperature drops the kinetic energy ______and if the temperature increases the kinetic energy ______.

10. Define opaque: ______11. If x-ray radiation works by passing through your body to expose the film below what parts of your body are opaque to x-rays? ______

12. What are all the wavelengths (colors) of visible light? ______

13. What two particles are in the nucleus of an atom? ______& ______

14. Define energy: ______

15. Fission and Fusion are both examples of what kind of energy? ______

16. Name all the forms of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum?


17. Photosynthesis and food hold stored ______energy.

18. Write out a good example of kinetic energy and potential energy switching back and forth. ______

19. Light affected by a prism. What type or “color” of light goes into the prism? Light can pass right through the prism so what kind of material does that make the prism (transparent/translucent or opaque)? What is the end result of light when it comes out of the prism? Answer all questions below:


20. Explain what refraction does to objects. Give some examples:

______21. What is the Law of Conservation of Energy? ______

22. Explain the types of energy that transform when a flashlight with batteries is turned on. (Hint: What type of energy is in the battery àWhat type of energy turns on the flashlightàWhat type of energy allows us to see)


23. Why do colors appear different to us? Why do we see a red, orange, yellow green, blue, and violet? ______

24. When EM radiation is absorbed, it changes into ______.

25. Define atom:


26. Carbon has an atomic number of 6. This means carbon has how many protons? ______

27. Define element:


28. In order to see you need light. Explain how you can still see a little bit outside at night. ______

29. Define the convection cycle:


30. Heat itself cannot travel through space, yet the sun still warms the Earth. Thermal energy is converted into what EM wave to travel through space? ______

31. What is the element (“fuel”) that power plants, like The Oyster Creek use to generate electricity? ______

You will also have an open ended question very similar to the one below:

Why does the apple look red? (I know the picture’s black and white; pretend it’s red!). In your answer make sure to discuss: absorb, reflect, wavelength/frequency, and white light.
