Accredited Container Sampler Program (ACSP)
Application for registration to receive accredited sampling services

Company name:
Corporate address:
Contact name:
Telephone number: / Fax number:
E-mail address:
Please provide a brief description of your operations (Number of facilities, crop types, container shipping form (bulk, bags and/or totes). If you are a transloader, please describe the transloading services offered.
Applicant’s signature / Date
Complete and return to: / Elaine Bernardin
Certification and Accreditation Advisor
Process Verification and Accreditation Office
900-303 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3G8
Phone: (204) 984-6979
Fax: (204) 983-7550

PVA-CSP-02 CGC Industry Services - ISO 9001:2008 - Services à l'industrie CCG 2014-05