Week Seven: Writing and Presentations
MONDAY: 11-13-06 (Meet in Computer Lab: Miramar-Phelps 1526)
- Reading: Your research reading. Sample Researched Essay (from website).
- Writing: Final draft of interview or survey.
- Class Activities: First four to six presentations (extra credit for those who go first). Work with sample essay. Introduction to final essay.
I Sample Essay Work (40 min)
A. Group Reading.
B. Group Endnote and Grading.
C. Post to phpbb. Read folks comments, and comment on the comments.
C. Questions:
a. Where is the thesis? What is it?
b. How does the writer develop things? What sort of evidence is he using to make his
- What impressed you about the piece?
- What did you have questions about?
II Multi-Genre Paper Work (20 min)
- Read
- After reading, make sure that you, in chat (Find Your Group—1-5), answer these questions in Moodle (
- How does this paper, in form, differ from the one you just read?
- What sort of audience does the writer seem to be writing for? How can you tell?
- Would you write a research paper like this? Why or why not?
- We’ll go over your responses face-to-face.
III Presentations (50 min)
III Plagiarism vs. Citation (30 min)
- What is, in your mind, plagiarism, and how would you define it.
- Do in groups of three to four—come up with definition and post it to phpbb site:
- Go over their defs, and compare to UCSB website information about plagiarism.
- Plagiarism Issue:
- Do you know anyone who’s done it? What did they do? How did they feel about it? How did you feel about it? Key Question: Why is plagiarism, as we’ve defined it, a problem in a university setting?
- Read case study on plagiarism.
- Questions:
- What, specifically, in this case clearly marks it as plagiarism, using the UCSB definition?
- How could the student have avoided plagiarism?
- How could the teacher have helped the student avoid plagiarism?
- What’s the connection between paraphrasing, quoting, and plagiarism as your group sees it?
- Discuss responses.
WEDNESDAY: 11-15-06 (Meet in Computer Lab: Miramar-Phelps 1526)
- Reading: Your research reading. Sample Researched Essay (from website).
- Class Activities: Six presentations. Work with sample essay. Citation work. Drafting of essay. Sign up for conferences with Chris.
LESSON FOR WEDNESDAY: 11-15-06 (Meet in Computer Lab: Miramar-Phelps 1526)
- Reading: Your research reading. Sample Researched Essay (from website).
- Class Activities: Six presentations. Work with sample essay. Citation work. Drafting of essay. Sign up for conferences with Chris.
I Reading Yvonne’s Paper (30 min)
- Based on your reading of last night’s sample paper, respond to this prompt: compared to the paper(s) you read yesterday, how exactly is today’s sample paper different? Also, what does the author do well and need to work on a bit more?
- When you are done responding, take a look at what others have said and respond to at least one person with a question that will push their thinking about what they said.
- Go over the big things.
- Go over similarities and difference.
- Have the students grade the paper.
- Go over the result with them.
II Presentations (50 min or 60 min)
III Starting Your Draft (20-30 min)
- Introduce “Who” and “Why” from They Say, I Say
- Ask them to use one of the heuristics to create an opening thesis from your research question. (10 min)
- Next, see if you cannot write up an opening paragraph—basing it on what you just wrote. (10 min)
- Finally, plot out what you will do next. What sort of title will you have? What will you divide your piece up into?
Week Eight: Writing and Presentations
MONDAY: 11-20-06 (Meet in Computer Lab: Miramar-Phelps 1526)
- Reading: Your research reading.
- Writing: First Draft of Researched Essay (four pages, works cited, in-text citations, and plan for remaining writing).
- Class Activities: Presentations. Peer review.
WEDNESDAY: 11-22-06