November 2011 doc.: IEEE 802.11-11/1508r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2011-11-09
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd / 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK / +44 1753 667099 /
IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #130
Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA, USA
November 7th – 11th, 2011
IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 7th November 2011
Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 11:30 EST.
Jon Rosdahl Vice-chair 1 (VC1) CSR
Adrian Stephens Vice-chair 2 (VC2) Intel
Stephen McCann Secretary Research in Motion
There are 298 voting members of IEEE 802.11
1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-11-1355r2)
1.1. Chair: This is the main agenda for the week and shows the allocation of meetings to time slots.
1.2. Chair: Any modifications to the agenda? None seen.
1.3. No objection to the approval of the agenda.
2. September 2011 (Okinawa) WG Minutes (11-11-1246r1)
2.1. Move to approve the September 2011 minutes
2.2. Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Richard Kennedy
2.3. Following neither discussion nor dissent the minutes were approved by unanimous consent.
3. Attendance
3.1. Please can you remember to login and register your attendance.
3.2. 5 people attended this meeting for the first time out of 174 people in the room.
3.3. There was a newcomer training session this morning and about 24 people attended.
4. Notices
4.1. Please note that photographs and recording devices are not allowed in these meetings and put cell phones to vibrate please.
5. Financials (11-11-1491r0)
5.1. Vice-chair: The two documents from 802.11 and 802.15 are identical. There was a small loss from the September 2011 Okinawa meeting, in line with expectations.
5.2. No questions
6. Policy and Procedures (11-11-0075r0)
6.1. Vice-chair 1: Please view for IEEE-SA patent information.
6.2. The vice-chair called for essential patents information.
6.3. No statements were made.
6.4. VC1: I would also like to mention other guidelines for this meeting.
6.5. VC1: We are working under the IEEE 802 policies and procedures as approved by IEEE 802 in November 2010.
6.6. Chair: Also, there is also a link to the LoA database in 11-11-1357r2
6.7. (
6.8. There are two versions of document 11-11-0075r0 on the griffin server. Do you know which one is the correct one?
6.9. VC1: I don’t know. I’ll have to look at that.
6.10. Note that there are two slightly different slide decks depending if a group is working on a PAR or are pre-PAR.
7. Announcements
7.1. IEEE 802.11 PAR expiry dates (11-11-1356r1)
7.2. Chair: Please note that the 11mb PAR expires at the end of this year. This has no consequence in practice, as we are working on a revision. Next year, we hope to start another revision PAR for a new maintenance group.
7.3. Missing chairs and replacements
7.3.1. Please note that several groups are missing officers this week. Names in grey are those people who could not attend.
7.3.2. Donald Eastlake will represent TGs as chair on Wednesday replacing Dee Denteneer.
7.3.3. In addition, Mark Hamilton will chair the ARC meeting as Dave Bagby is not here this week.
7.3.4. No questions
7.4. Joint Meetings this week (11-11-1357r2)
7.4.1. Chair: There is one joint meeting this week between 802,11aa and 802.1AVB on Thursday AM1
7.4.2. There is also a joint meeting between 802.1 and 802.3 regarding “Packet Pre-emption” at Wednesday 9am.
7.4.3. Question: Doesn’t this conflict with something else? Like the 802 EC O&A meeting?
7.4.4. Chair: Actually, it will overlap with the IEEE 802.11 ARC meeting.
7.4.5. There was also a joint Regulatory and TGai ad-hoc meeting this morning.
7.5. PAR Meetings this week
7.5.1. Chair: There are some PAR meetings this week, to review the PARs of the other IEEE 802 Working Groups (WG).
7.5.2. The most relevant ones appear to be 802.15 “Key management protocol” and 802.22b “Enhanced broadband and monitoring” as far as IEEE 802.11 interests are concerned.
7.5.3. However, there are also quite a lot of other PARs.
7.6. Meeting Rooms and other IEEE 802 meetings
7.6.1. Chair: This slide just shows where the different rooms are located in the basement are of this hotel.
7.6.2. In addition, there are some agenda items within IEE 802.18 that we may be interested in, especially their first 2 meetings.
7.6.3. IEEE 802.19, IEEE 802.21, IEEE 802.22 are also meeting this week.
7.7. January 2012 in Jacksonville, Florida, USA
7.7.1. Chair: Please note that the hotel booking has now opened and the registration should open later today.
7.8. 11s Awards
7.8.1. Chair: There will an award presentation for 11s on Wednesday.
7.9. 802 Architecture
7.9.1. Please note these 802 level meeting are running this week on Tuesday and Thursday.
7.10. SmartGrid
7.10.1. There is a tutorial about this, this evening together with some meetings.
7.11. Tutorials
7.11.1. In addition to the SmartGrid tutorial, there will also be two other tutorials this evening.
8. Documentation and Attendance (11-11-0051r5)
8.1. VC 2: The group has lost 1 voter since the last meeting due to administrative reasons.
8.2. We hope to use the new ePoll system for the next TGad re-circulation letter ballot.
8.3. Please remember to do your attendance.
8.4. Also remember to use the local server to download documents to save external bandwidth.
8.5. If you think you should have a voting token on your badge, please ask at the registration desk for a new badge.
9. Publicity and Timelines
9.1. Timeline: Please can you send the secretary any required timeline updates this week.
9.2. Publicity: Nothing to report at the moment.
10. Status of all groups (11-11-1356r1)
10.1. Some extra notes not covered in the slides:
10.1.1. Editor’s Meeting: This occurs at 7am on Tuesday morning
10.1.2. WNG: There are 6 presentations scheduled for this week, so there are now 2 sessions at Tuesday AM1 and Tuesday evening.
10.1.3. TGmb: The intention is to go to the EC on Friday to ask for conditional approval.
10.1.4. TGs: This now has been published on September 10 and the mailing list and web-pages will be stopped and archive once this meeting finishes.
10.1.5. TGac: They hope to complete all their comment resolutions this week and start another letter ballot with D2.0.
10.1.6. No questions
11. Meeting Graphic Changes (11-11-1355r2)
11.1. Chair: Please note that TGac has 4 extra slots that were added at the CAC meeting last night. These are all TGac MAC meetings.
11.2. Also TGah has had a time shift and WNG has an extra slot.
11.3. No questions
12. Any Other Business
12.1. None
12.2. Meeting recessed at 12:28 EST
Wednesday, 9th November 2011
IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary
Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 10:31 EST
145 people present.
13. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-11-1355r3)
13.1. Chair: There are some adjustments which have been made to this document.
13.2. Any objection to accepting this change to the agenda?
13.3. No objection, so moved and approved.
14. Call for Essential Patents
14.1. Call for essential patents
14.2. None
15. CAC
15.1. Reminder about 19.30 meeting on Thursday. Need to consider documentation for the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) meeting on Friday.
16. Announcements
16.1. Social
16.2. In this hotel this evening.
17. Liaisons
17.1. IEEE 802.18: Regulatory (11-11-1554r0)
17.1.1. Information about regulatory issues being dealt with this week.
17.1.2. 18-11-0089r0 has some useful links to TV White Spaces material.
17.1.3. No questions
17.2. IEEE 802.19 : Co-existence (11-11-1556r0)
17.2.1. Primarily doing 802.19.1 activities, regarding co-existence discovery procedures.
17.2.2. Question (Q): What does promoting IEEE 802.19.1 actually mean? Will there be a tutorial for example.
17.2.3. Answer (A): I don’t really know, but I’ll try and find out for the January 2012 meeting.
17.2.4. No questions
17.3. Bluetooth SIG
17.3.1. Still co-operating within the area of SmartGrid.
17.3.2. No questions
17.4. Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA)
17.4.1. No report this time.
17.5. IETF (11-11-1563r0)
17.5.1. The next meeting is next week in Taipei, Taiwan
17.5.2. Please look at the new groups on slide #3., which have some interest to IEEE 802.11.
17.5.3. Again some interest in SmartGrid activities
17.5.4. No questions
17.6. 3GPP
17.6.1. There is a interest group proposal entitled “LTE-WLAN co-ordination” (3GPP document S1-113060) to be presented next week at 3GPP in San Francisco.
17.6.2. Also some interest in Unauthenticated Emergency services over WLAN for devices that do not have valid SIMs.
17.6.3. Try to bring some more information on these items at the January 2012 meeting
17.6.4. No questions
18. Other IEEE projects (11-11-1357r3)
18.1. IEEE 1900.7
18.1.1. This comes within the DySPAN SC working group and is concerned about TV White Spaces.
18.1.2. The chair of IEEE 1900.7 has been attending both IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.11.
18.1.3. There may be a liaison established to IEEE 802.11af, although the decision has now been postponed until December 2012.
18.1.4. Comment (C): During an IEEE 802.11af teleconference this was mentioned and indeed there is a good informal working relationship. So perhaps a liaison is not required at the moment.
18.2. IEEE 1905.1
18.2.1. This is looking at home networks and they are looking at an abstraction layer for various physical layers including IEEE 802.11.
18.2.2. On Friday, there will be a request to the IEEE 802 chair to establish a liaison between IEEE 802 and IEEE 1905.1 so that an exchange of information can occur.
18.2.3. No questions
19. Motions
19.1. TGad re-circulation ballot motion
19.1.1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB 185 on P802.11ad D5.0 as contained in document 11/1374r2, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11ad D5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”
19.1.2. [TGad result: Moved: Chris Hansen, Seconded: James Yee, Result: 23-0-4]
19.1.3. Moved: Eldad Perahia. Second: Jon Rosdahl
19.1.4. Q: I’m rather concerned about a trend with comments that have been rejected with the reason “the group could not come to a consensus on a resolution to the comment”. I’d like the TGad chair to respond to this please. Also fixing of cross references and such editorial items have been missed. I’m concerned that when this document goes out to the larger IEEE community it may look as if it has not been professionally edited.
19.1.5. TGad chair: the group decided on these resolutions and that what the members decided. The draft is sound and it is ready for sponsor ballot.
19.1.6. C: I speak for the motion and I do understand these criticisms. I think in this case a balance has to be reached about the number of comments left.
19.1.7. Q: What happened with the mandatory draft review (MDR)?
19.1.8. A: TGad went through mandatory draft review several months ago to everyone’s agreement.
19.1.9. Q: I’m concerned about changes related to other drafts that are on-going in other groups. Things may be broken at a later stage.
19.1.10. TGad chair: That was not a TGad position, just a personal comment.
19.1.11. Chair: I think this discussion also applies to other task groups, not just TGad. Also the TGad sponsor ballot pool is still open, so I encourage people to join it and then comment. It closes on November 15th.
19.1.12. C: I speak on favor of the motion. We’re been working on this draft for quite some time.
19.1.13. C: My concern is that there are quite a few small items that need addressing to produce a tidy draft. I also think that other groups such as IEEE 802.1 may not understand some of the architecture changes within TGad. The excuse that the TGad committee could not come to consensus is not really good enough.
19.1.14. TGad chair: I don’t think that was correct. I think that particular comment was dealt with correctly.
19.1.15. Chair: Would a whitepaper on this particular point be satisfactory?
19.1.16. TGad chair: I think this is the first time I have heard of providing information to IEEE 802.1. However, I consider this as a separate activity.
19.1.17. Chair: Could you consider this point within this afternoon’s session?
19.1.18. TGad chair: Ok
19.1.19. VC 1: There appear to be commenters who have comments that have no resolution either one way or another. This is rather poor and should be clarified one way or another. Would it be better to table the motion until Friday.
19.1.20. TGad chair: I think the task group followed the process.
19.1.21. C: Commenters sometimes submit comments asking for clarification. But sometimes TGad doesn’t agree with this. That’s how it should be.
19.1.22. VC 1: But, you should have specific resolutions to comments, not responses stating that no decision could be made.
19.1.23. C: I think the task group has done its work.
19.1.24. For: 60, Against: 6, Abstain: 23 (Motion passes 90.91%)
19.1.25. Chair: I would like TGad to further consider the creation of whitepaper during this afternoon’s session.
19.1.26. C: Please can some of the earlier comments be reported back to the CAC.
19.1.27. Chair: yes, I will.
19.1.28. C: I’m not aware of this type of request ever been made.
19.1.29. Chair: I’m just trying to assist this debate.
19.1.30. C: IEEE 802.11 has had requests from external groups for further explanatory material. Once complete, this material was included as an annex within the IEEE 802.11 specification.
19.2. TGad Motion on Report to EC on Conditional Approval to go to Sponsor Ballot
19.2.1. Approve document 11-11/1447r1 as the Report to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) on the requirements for conditional approval to forward P802.11ad to Sponsor Ballot, and
19.2.2. Empower the chair to make editorial changes if required, and
19.2.3. Request the IEEE 802 Executive Committee to conditionally approve forwarding P802.11ad to sponsor ballot.
19.2.4. Moved: Eldad Perahia, Seconded: Chris Hansen
19.2.5. [In TGad (similar motion on approval of report in 11-11/1447r0): Moved: Chris Hansen, Seconded: James Yee, Motion passed: Result: 20-0-0]
19.2.6. VC 1: You may want to delay this motion until Friday, incase anything happens in the TGad session later today.