Application for Project Learning Garden

For more information about the application process please visit:

Submit your completed application form to:

If you need assistance with the form please use the email address above or call 02476 217 747.

Eligibility Check List

Do you have an existing garden? / Please provide a short description of the existing garden, or any initial plans for the new garden design/purpose:
Will your school be able to provide cover for at least 2 members of staff to attend a full day workshop on a school day? (up to 6 staff and volunteers can attend) / Yes/No
Where did you hear about Project Learning Garden?

School Information

School Contact Details
School Name:
Post Code:
School Phone:
Pupil Information
Percentage of children who are eligible for pupil premium:
What type of school is it?
What key stages are taught at your school?
How many pupils in your school are in:
Reception: / Year 4:
Year 1: / Year 5:
Year 2: / Year 6:
Year 3:
Total # of pupils:

Contact Information

Head teacher/senior leader
Email address:
School Garden Coordinator - person who is responsible for sharing information from Project Learning Garden with other teachers.
Mobile phone number:
Email address:
School Liaison - person who is familiar with the Project Learning Garden program who is able to take calls and receive assets from Garden Organic and Captain Planet Foundation
School Liaison:
Staff Position:
Care Taker/Ground Maintenance:
Garden Team Members:
List other teachers and garden team members here. Events, trainings and special opportunity emails will be sent to the Principal, the Garden Coordinator, the Liaison and all members of the garden team with a valid email address. Emails come from .
To limit duplicate emails, please only add additional team members. Do not include Head teacher, Garden Coordinator or Garden Liaison on this list.
1. Name:
2. Name:
3. Name:
4. Name:
5. Name:
6. Name:

Curriculum and Interest Information

Do you have an existing garden group/committee? / Yes/No
If yes, please describe briefly:
Where does your school currently teach science lessons? (e.g. Classroom, outdoors, specialist rooms, other)
Does your school specialise in any particular curriculum area? / Yes/No
If yes, please specify:
Does the school have a science coordinator? / Yes/No
If yes, please provide name:
Does your school have an activestudent council, health, food orenvironment group? / Yes/No
If yes, please describe briefly any recent projects or successes:
What activities do parent or community volunteers help out with?
Are you willing to recruit volunteers to help manage the school garden? / Please describe how you have done this in the past or how you plan to do it:

School Garden Information

Interest in Project Learning Garden
How will Project Learning Garden fit into your school's curriculum and planning?
How many teachers are willing to participate? / Please describe how you will raise awareness amongst staff and promote involvement:
The History of School Gardening at Our School
Please describe how your school garden is currently being used:
Have you ever received funding for school gardens or outdoor learning? / If yes, please specify:
Do you currently have a water source or garden Irrigation system? / If yes, please describe:
What do you perceive as your school's greatest need in relation to practical/outdoor/gardening education?

Garden Based Learning

If your school is selected for Project Learning Garden program, would one teacher perkey stagelevel be willing to attend training? (at least two members of staff must attend)
Healthy Eating from the Garden
If your school is selected for Project Learning Garden, would your catering staff be willing to coordinate at least two tasting sessions per year with garden produce?
School Culture of Outdoor Learning and Environmental Education
To what extent do teachers at your school teach outside now?
Obstacles and Challenges
Please identify the issues or challenges your teachers anticipate in garden-based learning and teaching outdoors, and how you plan to address those issues.
Please note: Any data that you provide us with will be held in accordance with the 1998 Data Protection Act. The information you have provided will be used by Garden Organic and Captain Planet for the purposes of administering the Project Learning programme and will not be passed onto any other third parties. In order to administer the project Garden Organic and/or Captain Planet Foundation will contact you either by email, telephone, or post.
Please provide your consent to use your information in this way by ticking under Box A to the right. (Please note that without your consent to process your information in this way we will not be able to enter you into the programme). If you are interested in receiving additional information from Garden Organic and Captain Planet Foundation about food growing and related projects and activities please provide your consent by ticking the box (B) to the right.
Please note you are entitled to withdraw your consent to processing your data either for administering the project and/or providing you with information about food growing and related projects/activities at any time by emailing with your updated preferences. / (A)
☐Yes – I give permission for you to use the information provided to administer the Project Learning Garden Programme
☐Yes – I would like to receive additional information from Garden Organic and Captain Planet Foundation about food growing and related projects and activities.