Requesting Party\Date: North Park Elementary School
Reason for Background Check: Work in School
Please Print Clearly and Fill in All Information
Position you are applying for:
Last Name First Name Indicate Jr/Sr. Etc.
List all other names used including Maiden:
Date Used:
Date Used
Current Address
City State Zip
Home Phone Number ______
E-Mail address
Date of Birth Driver License Number State
State Identification Number
Professional License Number
State Issued Type of License
List All Employment for the Past Ten Years Starting with Most Current
Name of Employer
If Placed by an Agency, Name of Agency
Employer’s Address/City/State
Name of Supervisor Dates To
Reference Name and Phone ( )
Job Title
Reason for Leaving
Name of Employer
If Placed by an Agency, Name of Agency
Employer’s Address/City/State
Name of Supervisor Dates To
Reference Name and Phone ( )
Job Title
Reason for Leaving
Name of Employer
If Placed by an Agency, Name of Agency
Employer’s Address/City/State
Name of Supervisor Dates To
Reference Name and Phone ( )
Job Title
Reason for Leaving
Name of Employer
If Placed by an Agency, Name of Agency
Employer’s Address/City/State
Name of Supervisor Dates To
Reference Name and Phone ( )
Job Title
Reason for Leaving
Experience working in education:
Talents, interests, or hobbies which might be useful:
List all Cities, States, and Dates where you have lived for the past ten years:
City State Dates From To
Name of High School
City State Last date attended
List all Colleges or Universities you attended:
Name of School City/State Dates Left
List Degrees/Diplomas/Certificates
Graduation Date
What is the highest degree you have earned?
Certification Type
I authorize the school to conduct reference checks with my former employers. I further certify that all statements in this application are true.
Signature Date
Please answer the following using additional paper if necessary.
1) Expand on experience and training in your preferred grade.
2) What do you feel should be the role of parents in educational decision-making?
3) Why do you want to teach in a private elementary school?