
public class Hi { //Hi has to match exactly the filename Hi.java (case sensitive)

public static void main(String[] args) { //This is the "main" function of the program. All my code goes inside it.

System.out.println("Hello, World!");

//TODO: Make some text-based graphics for this program

System.out.println("can you make \"java\" \\ C++ run other programs?");


int myInteger; //defining (declaring) a variable.

//This lets Java know that we want a variable that holds integers,

//and is named myInteger.

int MyInteger; //variables are case sensitive, so this is

//a different variable than the one declared above.

myInteger = 72; //stores 72 in the myInteger variable.

myInteger = 36; //reassign the variable's value.

myInteger = myInteger + 6; //myInteger becomes 6 greater than what it is currently

int zero; //define a second variable.

zero = 1; //assign it zero.

System.out.println(myInteger / 3); //some basic arithmetic

int v = (int)(Math.random() * 10); //random number from 0 through 9.999..., truncated to an integer.

System.out.println(v); //print out the random number (now 0 through 9, since truncated).



//We've seen:


//single line comments

//how to print stuff

//Strings (a sequence of characters; we can define one by surrounding text in quotes)

//Escape characters (how to get a quote or backslash in there)


//Case sensitive names

//Every variable has a type.

//Think of them as boxes that have contents (that can change over time).

//The = means "gets" or "becomes".

//Java compiler is used to convert .java files to .class files (bytecode)

//3 types of errors are possible in Java:

//Syntax error: Not a legal Java program. ALWAYS caught by the compiler!

//Runtime error: Not caught by the compiler, but is caught during runtime.

//Semantic (logic) error: Not caught by the computer at all. Program just does the wrong thing,

//or otherwise behaves badly!


//A basic Java application.

public class Hello {

public static void main(String[] args) {

System.out.println("Hello CS120 class!");



// Character escape sequences:


// \t Insert a tab in the text at this point.

// \b Insert a backspace in the text at this point.

// \n Insert a newline in the text at this point.

// \r Insert a carriage return in the text at this point.

// \f Insert a formfeed in the text at this point.

// \' Insert a single quote character in the text at this point.

// \" Insert a double quote character in the text at this point.

// \\ Insert a backslash character in the text at this point.


public class VariableTest {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Any variable declaration consists of the

//type followed by the variable name and a semicolon

int myVariable; //integer variable

double salary; //double variable (decimals allowed)

boolean havingGoodDay; //boolean means true or false.

salary = 100000.43; //changing the value of a variable.

System.out.println(salary); //printing the variable out to console

salary = salary * 1.05; //salary becomes whatever it was times 1.05 (a 5% raise)

System.out.println(salary); //printing the variable out to console (different value now)

//The 5 arithmetic operators in Java:

// * multiplication

// / division

// - substraction

// + addition

// % modulo (remainder after division)

myVariable = 33;

int d = 5;

System.out.println(myVariable / d); //integer division truncates the remainder

salary = 33;

System.out.println(salary / 5); //double (floating point) division gets what you'd expect.

havingGoodDay = true; //boolean variables can only take on the values true or false.


//Naming conventions in Java:

//variable names always start with a lowercase first letter.

//If there are several words, we squish them all together

//and use a capital letter on each subsequent word.

//Javadocs are online documentation for Java features.

System.out.println(Math.sqrt(2.0)); //prints out square root of 2.

//order of operations:

//First: *, / and % from left to right.

//Then: + and - from left to right.

double firstRoot = (-2 + Math.sqrt(2*2 - 4*3*(-1))) / (2*3);

double secondRoot = (-2 - Math.sqrt(2*2 - 4*3*(-1))) / (2*3);

System.out.println("The first root is: "+firstRoot);

System.out.println("The second root is: "+secondRoot);

//Verify this is right (should be zero).

System.out.println(3*Math.pow(firstRoot, 2) + 2*firstRoot - 1);

System.out.println(3*Math.pow(secondRoot, 2) + 2*secondRoot - 1);




//Name: whole CS120 class.

//Approximate time to complete: 20 minutes.

//References used: Java API documentation.

//Java API documentation:

//The Math class:

public class UsingRandomness {

public static void main(String[] args) {

double a = Math.random();



if (a > .5) {



if (a <= .5) {



double b = Math.round(a*10);

System.out.println(b); //random number from 0 to 10 (not as much chance as getting 0 or 10 though).

System.out.println(b / 10); //random number from 0 to 1, in .1 increments.

//dice rolling.

//We will rolla "2d6" (in D&D notation) meaning rolling the six-sided die twice.

double dieRoll1 = Math.random() * 6;

dieRoll1 = Math.floor(dieRoll1) + 1;

System.out.println("Die roll is:" + dieRoll1);

double dieRoll2 = Math.random() * 6;

dieRoll2 = Math.floor(dieRoll2) + 1;

System.out.println("Die roll is:" + dieRoll2);




//Name: whole CS120 class

//Time to complete: 30 minutes

//Resources used: None

public class MyProgram {

public static void main(String[] args) {

double a;

double b;

double c;

//integer division truncates any fractions (gives you an int back!)

a = 4.0 / 7.0;

b = -3.0 / 2;

c = -120;

if (b*b - 4*a*c >= 0) {

//double is a type for decimal numbers (like 3.8, -9.999, etc.)

double root1;

//Math.sqrt() is a function. Put the input (called the argument) inside

//the parentheses.

//Order of operations *, /, +, - same as in algebra:

//* and / first from left to right.

//then + and - from left to right.

root1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(b*b - 4 * a * c)) / (2*a);


//"roundoff error" happens with decimals ("double" values).

System.out.println( a*root1*root1 + b*root1 + c); //we expect ths to be 0.

double root2;

root2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(b*b - 4 * a * c)) / (2*a);


System.out.println( a*root2*root2 + b*root2 + c); //we expect ths to be 0.

//The + operator either means "add" or "concatenate", depending on context.

//If one of the inputs is a "string", then it concatenates (puts together).

System.out.println("The first root is " + root1 + " and the second is " + root2);


if (b*b - 4*a*c < 0) {

System.out.println("There are no real roots");





import java.util.*; //This tells Java that we will use classes

//from the java.util package (on your computer).

//Without this, I'll get an error when trying to make a Scanner object

//(Scanner resides in the java.util package).

public class InputExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Types in Java:

//primitives (int, double, boolean)...there are only 8 primitives.

//classes (String, Scanner)...there are tons of classes (and we can make our own).

//Primitive values are just pieces of data (e.g. 1, false, -3.8).

//Class values are called "objects". They consist of data *and*

//operations that can be performed on that data (called "methods").

//Creates a Scanner object, stores it in the userInput variable.

Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);

//String is a class as well. This is really what we are using

//when we put double quotes around a phrase. For example:

String u = "Say something!";


//Let's get a String from the user.

//nextLine is a "method" available for Scanner objects.

//It's basically a that

//gets a String from the user.

String t = userInput.nextLine();

System.out.println("You said: "+t); //...and echo it back to them.

System.out.println("What's your favorite number?");

//let's get an int from the user.

int favoriteNumber;

favoriteNumber = userInput.nextInt();

System.out.println("Your fav # is "+favoriteNumber);

System.out.println("Say true or false.");

//get a true or false value from the user.

boolean f = userInput.nextBoolean();

//This is an "if statement". It lets us

//select what code to execute based on some

//conditions (in this case, whether f is true or false).

if (f) {

//If f is true,

//this code block will be executed

System.out.println("You said true");


else {

//If f is is not true (i.e. false),

//this code block will be executed

System.out.println("You said false");





import java.util.*; //let's us use the Scanner package

//The * means import every class in that package.

public class ObjectsExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Data types: int, double, long.


//roundoff error. (about 15 digits of accuracy)


//integers only. less range. no roundoff error.


//like an int, but has more precision.


//true and false are the only possibilities.

//local variable pi - the caps one is a static variable.

double pi;

pi = Math.PI; //how you use a static variable: name of of the class, a dot, and the name of the variable.


//Step 0) import the package in which the class exists (see top of this program for import statement for Scanner).

//Step 1) Create a variable to store the object in.

Scanner myInput; //defines a variable called myInput, capable of holding a Scanner object

//Step 2) Create a new object and store it into the variable.

//This is called a constructor call (see javadocs)

//Step 3) Use it, by calling methods.

myInput = new Scanner(System.in);

String t; //defining a new variable

while(0 < 1) { // (0 < 1) is always true, so this loop goes forever.

System.out.println("What's your name?");

t = myInput.nextLine(); //calling a method to get a line of input from the user.

//get rid of leading and trailing space.

t = t.trim();

//capitalize the first letter, and lowercase the rest.

String firstLetter;

String theRest;

firstLetter = t.substring(0, 1);

theRest = t.substring(1);

firstLetter = firstLetter.toUpperCase();

theRest = theRest.toLowerCase();

System.out.println("Hi, " + firstLetter + theRest + ".");

//tell them how many letters are in their name.

int nameLength;

nameLength = t.length();

System.out.println("your name is " + nameLength + " characters long");

System.out.println("What's the radius of your circle?");

String radiusString = myInput.nextLine();

double r = Double.parseDouble(radiusString);

//Note that Double is a class, but double is a primitive.

//Here we are calling a *static* method on the class to convert to a *double*.

System.out.println("The circumference of your circle is " + 2 * Math.PI * r);

double rSquared = Math.pow(r, 2);

System.out.println("The area of your circle is " + Math.PI * rSquared);

System.out.println("In terms of PI, the circumference of your circle is " + 2*r + " * pi");




Good Class demos for using methods of static classes:


import java.util.*;

public class IfStatementExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//System.in is the raw input stream from the console

//so that's always going to be the same

// (you could change it to a file though - we'll see

// how later in the semester)

Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("How old are you?");

int age = in.nextInt();

//Exactly one of these 4 main blocks will be executed.

if (age <= 3) {

System.out.println("Too young!");

//A nested if. If the age is at most 3, then

//exactly one of these 2 blocks will be executed.

if (age < 1) {

System.out.println("Hey Baby!");


else {

System.out.println("Hey toddler!");



else if (age < 10) {

System.out.println("You're ok");


else if (age < 18) {

System.out.println("grow up");


else {

System.out.println("get a job!");


//if statement without "else if" or even an "else".

if (age > 120) {

System.out.println("Way to old! You are probably lying.");


if (age < 10 & age >= 0) { //This & means "and"

System.out.println("You are a single digit person.");


//"or" means logical or. (one or the other or both)

if (age < 0 || age > 120) {

System.out.println("I find this unlikely.");


int salary;

if (age < 18) {

salary = 0;


else {

salary = 50000;


System.out.println("Your salary is " + salary);

// ! is the negation operator (the "not" operator)

if ( !(salary > 250) ) {

System.out.println("You aren't making much");


if (salary == 100000) {

System.out.println("You're rich");





import java.util.*;

public class Example {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Scanner is an example of a "class".

//primitive values (3.4, true, -5) - they're just a plain old value.

//class values (e.g. the thing that's inside my s variable below)

//are called objects.

Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);

//we are calling an action on our scanner object (the action is

//called a "method" and this method just happens to be called nextInt).

int i = s.nextInt();

//3 is less than 7, so b gets the value: true.

boolean b = (3 < 7);

System.out.println(b); //prints true

if (3 < 7) {

int j = 5; //only has scope for this code block (the rest of

//the if statment)

System.out.println("yes, 3 < 7.");


//j = 2; //uncommenting this line would cause a compile time error.

//j does not have scope down here since it's declared inside the if

//statement block.




import java.util.*;

//nextInt, nextDouble, and nextBoolean only take as many characters

//of input as necessary to satisfy your request (this may or may not

//contain newline characters). nextLine always returns the

//rest of the current line where the Scanner left off, and

//throws away the newline character.

//Therefore, if we're only interested in taking one piece

//of input per line, we just need to make a call like this:

// doctorWho.nextLine();

//...after every nextInt (the same thing

// applies for nextDouble and nextBoolean). This way we will

//never go wrong.

public class ScannerOddity {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Scanner doctorWho = new Scanner(System.in);

//You only ever want to create one Scanner

//for user input. If you create multiple ones,

//they will fight each other.

System.out.println("Your favorite number, please?");

int i = doctorWho.nextInt();

System.out.println("oh yeah, mine is " + (i+1) );

double d = doctorWho.nextDouble();


System.out.println("... and the Doctor's name?");

doctorWho.nextLine(); //eat up the rest of the previous line!

String doctor = doctorWho.nextLine();

System.out.println("The doctor's name is: "+doctor);




import java.util.*;

//Attempt at a hangman program.

public class GuessTheWordGame {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//Create a scanner.

Scanner myInput;

myInput = new Scanner(System.in);

//Ask player one for the secret word.

System.out.println("What's your secret *secret* word?");

String secret;

secret = myInput.nextLine();

//Print out some space so player 2 doesn't see it.

int index = 0;

while(index < 40) {


index = index + 1;


int guessesLeft; //number of guesses left

guessesLeft = 12;

//as long as we have guesses left.

while (guessesLeft > 0) {

//Ask player two to guess a letter or phrase

System.out.println("PLayer 2: guess a letter or phrase please.");

System.out.println(guessesLeft + " guesses left.");

String guess = myInput.nextLine();

//Say whether or not that letter (or phrase) was in the word.

boolean good;

good = secret.contains(guess);

if (good == true) {

System.out.println("Yes, it contains "+ guess +"!");


else {

System.out.println("No, it doesn't contains "+ guess +"!");

guessesLeft = guessesLeft - 1;



//Print game over

System.out.println("Game over");




import java.util.*;

public class WhileExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int count = 0; //shorthand for the two lines: int count; and count = 0;

//the while loop will repeat the code block after it

//as long as the boolean condition in the () is true.

while(count < 5) {

System.out.println("Damon is cool.");


count = count + 1;


//for loop - it's sort of a shorcut way of doing a common kind of loop pattern. We will see more of these later.

for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i = i + 1) {



//count up to 30000, print out a message and pause at every multiple of 10,000

int i = 0;

while(i <= 30000) {


if (i % 10000 == 0) {

System.out.println("We got to a multiple of ten-thousand!");

//don't worry about exceptions - we haven't covered this part.

try {

Thread.sleep(1000); //1000 milliseconds = 1 second.

}catch(Exception e) {



i = i + 1;


//This loop won't do anything (because i is already bigger than 100).

while(i < 100) {

System.out.println("We got down here");


Scanner myInput = new Scanner(System.in); //creates the scanner

int age;

do {

System.out.println("What's your age?");

String s;

s = myInput.nextLine();

age = Integer.parseInt(s);

}while(age < 0);

if (age < 0) {

System.out.println("liar!"); //this should never end up getting executed, because of the do..while loop above.


else if (age < 5) {

System.out.println("how did you get this to compile??");


else if (age < 13) {

System.out.println("Go back to your homework.");


else if (age < 21) {

System.out.println("To young to drink.");


else {

System.out.println("Older gentleman / woman.");





public class Example2 {

public static void main(String[] args) {

//here is one way of truncating to two decimal places

double d = 33.2482;

int i = (int)(d*100);

System.out.println(i / 100.0);

//here is a way of formatting to two decimal places for output

d = 33.2482;

System.out.printf("%1.2f", d);

System.out.println(); //need this println, since printf doesn't

//produce a newline character

//Note that the first way truncated the extra digits

//and the second way rounded them.




public class InterestingStringThing {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int i = 5;

int j = 6;

//This next line has a logical error. Java

//will concatenate the string with i, and then

//the resulting string is concatenated with j,

//resulting in 56.

System.out.println("The sum is "+i+j);

//This way gets the right result. Using parenthesis

//forces the addition to occur first, and since

//both arguments (i.e. inputs) are int values,

//the result is an int value.

System.out.println("The sum is "+(i+j));




import java.util.*;

public class WhileExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {

int i = 10;

//count from 10 down to 0.

while(i >= 0) {


i = i - 1;


Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

//keep asking the user for a nonnegative number until

//they get it right!