Meeting of the Town Council at the Library Meeting Room, Town Hall, Creed Street, Wolverton, MK12 5LY
beginning at 7pm on Thursday 25th May 2017
All Councillors are summoned to attend this meeting of Wolverton and Greenleys Town Council in order to transact the items of business shown below /


At the start of the meeting councillors are requested to put their mobile phones on silent whilst the meeting is in progress.

Members of the public wishing to record this meeting should notify the Chairman of their intention to do so before the meeting commences.

1 / Apologies for absence:
2 / Declarations of interest in any matter on the agenda.
3 / Minutes: to approve the minutes of the Full Council Meeting held on12th and 27th April 2017 (papers enclosed)
4 / Public question time- members of the public may ask questions on any matters dealt with by Full Council included on this agenda. (Questions must be submitted in writing in advance in accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders)
5 / Finance:
  1. Agree the accounts for the month ofApril 2017. (papers enclosed)
  2. Ratify the decision to use DCK Beavers rather than Bucks County Council as detailed in the 11.2.16 minutes, as the payroll provider.

6 / Council Plan:
  1. Review the items highlighted in blue from the last meeting and agree removal of redundant items and actions for those which can be progressed. (papers enclosed)
  2. Receive an update from the working groups on the delegated actions from the plan and make any necessary decisions. (papers enclosed)

7 / Devolution of services:
  1. Put forward information on any services that we might be prepared to share or even just mentoring. This should include any restriction e.g. shared senior citizen lunch clubs might need to be limited to a geographic range.(papers enclosed)
  2. Indicate in principle whether we are interested in participating and whether we would be interested in setting up co-operatives. (papers enclosed)

8 / Street Names: Agree the list of street names signs which need replacing under the scheme from Milton Keynes Council.(papers enclosed)
9 / Stratford Road Bridge: Consider the request to reduce the speed limit along Stratford Road Bridge and consider the implementation of pedestrian crossingsto make it safer for pedestrians. (papers enclosed)
10 / The Square: Consider the proposal from Cllr Hepburn to form a working group to rejuvenate the Square to celebrate its heritage. (papers enclosed)
11 / Mayors Handbook- Agree the redrafted Mayors handbook. (papers enclosed)
12 / Spot Light Disco’s- Consider the proposal from Cllr Hepburn to hold Spot Light Disco’s.(papers enclosed)
13 / Apprentice: Agree the hourly rate for the previous Apprentice. (papers enclosed)
14 / Items to note:
  1. A letter of support has been submitted to Sports for England to support Community Action MK in partnership with Milton Keynes Dons Sport andEducation Trust bid to encourage volunteering activities in the community for people with disabilities to be more active.(papers enclosed)
  2. Receive the Quarterly report from the Citizens Advice Bureau.(papers enclosed)
  3. Receive the report on Thames Valley Police. (papers enclosed)

Sally McLellan

Town Clerk

19th May 2017

*Please be aware that under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media may be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of this item of business as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

This “checklist” appears on council and committee agendas as a reminder of implications to be considered when decisions are made:
What powers will the council be using when making this decision?
Crime and Disorder?
The promotion of equality and elimination of discrimination?
Risk to the council?
Health and safety – will a risk assessment be needed?
Employment legislation?
Data Protection?
Is planning permission needed?