Thinking of sponsoringa pilgrim for a Cursillo weekend?
Then here are some pointers about sponsorship, which we hope will help you decide whether to go ahead with the idea:
- If you are going to sponsor a pilgrim, then you need to have been on a Cursillo weekend yourself and to be actively involved in 4th Day activity.
•You need to consider whether the person concerned is likely to find Cursillo a helpful method of support in their Christian life and witness, and whether they are likely to be able to influence their environments and grow in discipleship as a result of Cursillo.
•You need to be available, able, and willing to support your pilgrim at the Wake Up and at the Closing Eucharist on the weekend (or, at the very least, ensure that another cursillista close to your pilgrim can attend the Wake Up on your behalf).
•You should take responsibility for ensuring your pilgrim can easily get to the weekend.
If necessary this may mean arranging or offering a lift to/from the weekend.
•You need to ensure your pilgrim is aware of the cost of the weekend (£---) and also ensure that this cost is not a problem to them. They will normally be asked to pay a deposit of £-- on booking, and the remainder four weeks before the weekend begins.
(It is the policy of Peterborough Cursillo that nobody should be prevented from attending a weekend because of cost, and if this is an issue, please speak to the Diocesan Lay Director, whose details are on the website:
or e-mail:
If you do not have access to the internet, please telephoneThe Lay Director.
The person that you are thinking of sponsoring needs...
•To be a committed Christian who regularly attends worship in a church of the Church of England.
Cursillo is not a tool for converting people who do not go to church, or who do not share in the Christian faith. It is also not normally appropriate for Christians of other denominations to attend an Anglican Cursillo weekend, and any exception must be discussed with the Diocesan Spiritual Director in advance of a conversation with the prospective pilgrim.
•To be baptised and a communicant member of the church.
This probably means that they will also have been confirmed, but if they have been admitted to Communion this may not be the case.
•Not to be in a place of particular stress or trauma.
This means allowing a period of at least a year from an event such as bereavement or divorce or other serious tragedy. If you have any concerns about this, speak to the Diocesan Spiritual Director.
•To let their parish priest know they are going to attend a Cursillo weekend.
If this seems to present any kind of problem, please speak to the Diocesan Spiritual Director.
Filling In The Forms
If you and your potential pilgrim fulfil these criteria, please arrange for two forms to be completed. One [Form 003] is a form for your pilgrim to complete and return to you, together with the deposit (if they are paying it themselves). The other [Form 002] is an additional form for you to fill in once you have received the pilgrim's form back. The form numbers are at the bottom right hand corner of each form. When both forms are complete please post them, together with the deposit cheque (if the pilgrim is self-funding), to the Pre-Weekend Representative/Treasurer who is:
Jackie Anstice, 4 Old Road, Scaldwell, Northampton NN6 9LA
Tel: 01604 880572 Email:
Cheques to be made payable to `Peterborough Anglican Cursillo'.
So, now I've sponsored someone for a weekend, what happens next?
Before the weekend…
•Pray regularly for your pilgrim.
•Encourage them to talk over and read about Cursillo.
•Give honest answers to questions. There are no secrets in Cursillo, merely surprises.
•Find some time to be with the pilgrim as the weekend approaches.
•If you do not automatically receive it, ensure you get a copy of the Palanca/Prayer list for the weekend, so that you can send palanca to your pilgrim (and hopefully to the other pilgrims - and the staff team!). With Peterborough Cursillo, Palanca is normally given out on Days 1, 2 and 4 (i.e. some palanca is received by the candidate about one week after the weekend has finished).
•If you can, please sign up to be part of the prayer vigil for the weekend.
During the weekend…
•Pray continually for your pilgrim.
•Ensure you have arrangements in place to attend Wake Up and the Clausura.
•Offer transport home if appropriate or necessary, and attend to any other concerns.
After the weekend…
•Please contact your pilgrim and arrange a visit on a day soon after the weekend. You will receive Palanca, generally at the Closing Eucharist, to take with you to give to them on this visit.
•Listen to and share their story without too much "me too"…
•Ensure that they and you attend the Welcome Back Ultreya that is held about a fortnight after the Weekend.
•Introduce them to Fourth Day activity by inviting them to join your Group Reunion or helping them find another Reunion to join.
•Give them information about future events and Ultreyas and offer to accompany them to these until they become a confident member of the Cursillo community in the diocese.
And Finally…
- Sponsorship is a very special ministry, and is at the very heart of the growth and spread of Cursillo.
- Just because you have enjoyed attending a Cursillo weekend, it does not necessarily follow that your friends/family/church members will enjoy it.
- Inappropriate sponsorship can do terrible damage to many people on a weekend, both the pilgrim themselves, as well as to other pilgrims and members of the staff team. It can also fracture close friendships.
- Appropriate sponsorship can help pilgrims to discover new dimensions to their discipleship and it often brings enormous joy and excitement and helps pilgrims form new friendships.
- If you are considering sponsoring someone for a weekend, please think and pray seriously about whether you have the time and ability to make the commitments required of you, and whether the person of whom you are thinking is truly called by God to attend a Cursillo weekend at this time. You could check this out with their parish priest. It’s always a good idea in any case to see if their priest is happy for them to go on a Cursillo weekend and this is vital if there are any doubts at all.
If you have any queries about sponsoring someone for Cursillo, feel free to contact the Diocesan Spiritual Director:
Rev. Karen Jongman, Tel: 01604 781974 Mobile: 07980 881 252Email:>
For further updates, please visit the website:
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