Information about technology /
/ GRNTI Codes: / 683915, 683937
Title: / Glauconite’s application effectiveness in diets of geese broilers
Registration date: / 16.03.2004
Application sphere: / Cattle production
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/ Raising poultry productivity /
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/ The result of the research.
Intensive poultry farming involves production of new scientific ideas allowing the company to obtain additional agricultural products exceeding the value of investment made that is profitable ones.
The researches which studied the effect of feeding additive of natural alum-silicate glauconite on the growth and development of broiler goslings with the calculation of economic efficiency (see table. 4 groups of broiler goslings were formed: I group - control, II, III and IV - experienced.
Economic assessment of the results of the experiment
Indicator / Group
I / II / III / IV
Gross live weight gain, kg / 1800,54 / 1949,17 / 2092,51 / 2002,69
All fodder fed, kg / 6659,23 / 6841,86 / 6954,26 / 6912,11
Glauconite fed, g / - / 5772 / 11733 / 17494
The cost of the fodder fed, rouble / 46615 / 47893 / 48680 / 48385
The cost of glauconite, rouble / - / 57,7 / 117,3 / 174,9
The total cost of fodder and glauconite, rouble / 46615 / 47950,7 / 48797,3 / 48559,3
The cost of 1kg of live weight gain, rouble / 25,89 / 24,60 / 23,32 / 24,25
Live weight gain, kg:
Per each fed 100 kg of fodder / 27,04 / 28,49 / 30,09 / 28,97
in % to I group / 100 / 105,4 / 111,3 / 107,1
Per each spent 100 roubles of fodder / 3,86 / 4,06 / 4,29 / 4,12
in % to I group / 100 / 148,63 / 111,1 / 106,7
Additional live weight gain, kg / - / 148,63 / 291,97 / 202,15
The cost of live weight gain, roubles / - / 8323,3 / 1635,3 / 11320,4
Glauconite adding to the basic diet of broiler goslings Group II in the amount of 5772 g (0.1% of dry matter ration), III group - 11733 g (0.2% of dry matter ration) and Group IV - 17,494 g (0,3 % of dry matter ration) led to higher costs in fed fodder respectively by 57.7, 117.3 and 174.9 rubles. As a result, I in the control group, the total cost of feed for the whole period of experiment was 46,615 roubles, In the II group - 47950.7 rub., In the III - 48797,3 rubles. and IV - 48559,3 rubles.
However, higher average daily gain in broiler goslings in the experimental groups at the expense of feed additive glauconite has had an impact on the cost per unit of live weight gain. If I group the cost of 1 kg increase in body weight was equal to 25.89 roubles, then in group II it decreased to 24.60 rubles. (5%) in III - up to 23,32 roubles (by 9,9%) and IV - to 24.25 rubles(by 6,3%).
Payment for food production is one of the economic indicators characterizing the production per unit invested in physical and value funds. In this in-kind (per each 100 kg of feed) in group I received 27.04 kg of gain in body weight, in II - 28,49 kg, III - 30,09 and IV - 28,94 kg, which compared with the group I was higher by 5,4, 11,3 and 7,1% respectively. In terms of value (as calculated for every 100 rubles fed) in group I produced 3.86 kg increase in body weight, in II - 4,06 kg, III - 4,29 kg and Group IV - 4,12 kg, which is higher than in group I by 5,2, 11,1 and 6,7% respectively. These differences in the gross gain of live weight in the experimental groups compared with controls at the expense of feeding the fodder additive provide an opportunity to obtain additional gain of live weight of group II - 148.63 kg, III - 291,97 and IV - 202 25 kg, which in value terms, respectively, amounted to 8323.3, 16350.3 and 11320.4 roubles.
Therefore, from an economic point of view, the most profitable in the diets of broiler goslings is a feed supplement glauconite in the number of 0,2% of dry matter ration.

State Scientific Institution

Academician of RAAS
______VI Fisinin
«____» ______2007

on хоздоговорной topic:
"The use of mineral supplements in ¬ native for Glauconite
chronic mycotoxicosis in broiler chickens "


Head of the Laboratory
Ph.D. in Biological Sciences / S.Y.Gulyushin

Sergiev Posad - 2007

Gulyushin SY, Head. mycotoxicology laboratory, candidate of biological sciences / Head
Elizarova EV, Art. Fellow,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences / Performer
Starkova ES, Researcher / Performer
Kovalev VO, / Performer
Zernov RA. Laboratory researcher / Performer

1. The Experiment’s scheme

Groups / Feeding details
To study the influence of feed containing natural glauconite, the production, digestibility and nutrient utilization of broiler chickens
1. Control (C1) /

Basic diet without mycotoxins with nutrition parameters corresponding with the recommended norms VNITIP [BD1]

2. Experimental


98 % BD1 + 2 % glauconite

3. Опытная


96 % BD1 + 4 % glauconite

Study the possibility of using in diets for broiler chickens of natural glauconite to mitigate the effects contained in compound feed of toxic results mold mushrooms

4. Control (C2)


Basic diet without mycotoxins with nutrition parameters corresponding with a mixture of Mycotoxins (T-2-mycotoxin[0.34 mg/kg], DON[4/6 mg/kg] and FUM [14.3 mg/kg])- [BD2]

5. Experimental


98 % BD2 + 2 % glauconite

6. Experimental


96 % BD2 + 4 % glauconite

Broilers in the second control group (group 4) received a balanced basic diet (BD2) but with mycotoxins in the fodder lowering birds’ productivity: 4-desoxinivalenol [DON] – 4.4 mg/kg [3.0 times the limit], T-2-mycotoxin – 0.34 mg/kg [4.5 times the limit] and fumonisin B1 – 14.3 mg/kg [2.9 times the limit], the levels given are most frequently seen in the most poultry farms in Russia. The mycotoxins were administered as a fungal bio-mass based on maize with toxic samples of four fungi (Fusarium graminearum, F, sporotrichiella, F. poae and, F. moniforme) with toxic products of their lives as well as by including in the fodder of extracts of the products corresponding with the mycotoxins. Besides the products mentioned the chickens’ diet contained no xenobiotics. To study the effects of the additive at toxicosis, chickens in the 5th experimental group were receiving 2% of glauconite like in the 1 test, while to study the effectiveness of the additive, the sorbent’s level was increased in 6th group till 4% of the dray matter mass (96% BD + 4% glauconite).

To eliminate the two-factor state of the tests (with feeding harmless and toxic diets) they were synchronized. Thus control and experimental group birds (groups 1-3) was a positive control to the second test (group 4-6), that’s why it became possible to judge objectively with the equal level of glauconite administration to the diets the productive and the preventive impact of the natural sorbent glauconite produced by the OOO “Glauconite”.

At the end of the period of growth for the study of solubility and use of the nutrient intake, as well as the establishment excretion mycotoxins and vitamins, balanced experiments were carried out in correspondence with “Methodical recommendations on scientific tests on feeding agricultural birds”. Fo this, in 5-week age chickens were collected on 3 head (♂) from each group. The balance test was divided on two periods: a preliminary lasted 5 days, accounting - 3 days. In experiment individual each bird was judged by the amount and chemical composition of the fodder and excreta.

At the end of scientific and industrial experience there was made a physiological and bio-chemical research. For securing the planned volume of data the birds were killed at 36-day age of 6 heads (3 ♀ +3 ♂) out of every group, in accordance with the "Methodical recommendations on carrying out scientific researches on physiology and bio-chemistry". Samples of blood, chyme, and 12-duodenum were taken after the slaughter.

The bio-chemical studies took place in a certified laboratory of mycotoxicology (certificate number ROSSRU.0001.21PCh64 dated 05.07.2005) and Experimental Center at GNU_VNITIP.


The experiment conducted allow to make the following conclusions:

1.  Replacing 2 and 4% of the basic diet with natural glauconite of Karin deposit has secured high survival rate of the birds and hasn’t adversely affected their fodder consumption and main indicators of productivity (live weight) of broiler chickens raised on such mixtures.

2.  The birds were digesting 2% glauconite fodder worse than without it, which has been caused by an increased consumption of them by the broilers during the feeding period. The changes mentioned were caused with 4% glauconite fodder by digestion malfunctions and the effect of unbalanced fodders and removing from the bodies of part of limiting nutrients (amino acids).

3.  4% glauconite there have been noted increase removals from the bodies of the biologically active elements. In both cases, the fat and water soluble vitamins in liver were decreasing, which can’t be said of 2% sorbent.

4.  As a result of a number of objective conditions, replacing 2-4% of clean fodder by glauconite has proved economically unviable. And yet, the best results can be achieved economically with glauconite not exceeding 0.5% (opt=0.3-0.4% or 3-4 kg/t).

5.  Replacing 2-4% of diet contaminated with mycotoxins (10.4 times the limit) by the same amount of glauconite has shown positive results: the survival rate and the average daily live weight gain of the chickens, a better digestion of the nutritional elements of the diets, which led to improve indicators of broiler chicken production suffering from the chronic form of T-2 and vomi- and fumitoxicosis, which allowed by 38-63% cushion the negative consequences compared with peers feeding on the same fodder without the additive being studied.

6.  It’s been impossible to avoid a number of negative results using 4% glauconite with fodder contaminated with mycotoxins connected with the digestion system. And yet, the positive result proved much more noticeable. The result of administering both types glauconite dose fodder was an increase removal of mycotoxins from the bodies. A decrease in the alimentary pressure of the toxicants were a positive pre-condition for normalizing metabolism, protein synthesis, optimize oxidize and recreational processes, the broilers were better at taking fat- and water-soluble vitamins, which was in the base of the improved productivity of the birds that were receiving low-quality fodder.

7.  The mineral additive made from the natural glauconite of Karin deposit when included in a diet in 2-4% has led to a 5-20% cut in production cost caused by the negative impact of fodder mycotoxins. Administering more levels of glauconite in poultry fodder )more than 5%) isn’t worthwhile. At the same time with a lower level of mycotoxins in the fodder and cheaper cost of the fodder the positive effect may prove more tangible.


The application of glauconite concentrate in poultry production

A.A.Ovchinnikov, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor

Ural state academy of veterinary medicine,

M.M.Makin, chief veterinary doctor of the rayon

The alumo-silicate deposits in Russia are found everywhere in each reagio of the country and are represented by modernites, shabazit, clinoptilolit and other rarely seen zeolites. Researching their possible application in catle breeding as a fodder additive has been carried out for a long time.

Among those well researched are shivyrtuin and pegassin of Far East (Shadrin A.M., Krokhina V.A, and others), Tajikistan’s Taijuzgen deposit’s zeolites (Kuznetsov S.G.), manit in Ulyanovsk oblast (Papunidi E.K.), zeolites in Georgia (Tsitsishvili G.M.) Sibaysk deposit lomonits (Malikova G.M.) and others.

Abroad similar researches have been carried out by W.Y.Ponda, L.Vrzgula, M.Castro and others proving that zeolites are effective in the diets of agricultural animals.

Ural region has many deposits of zeolites (Irbit and Kalysh rayoins of Svedlov oblast) with predicted amount up to 15-20 billion cubic meters a year while that of clinoptilolit and lonomit in Orenburg oblast and Bashkortostan are 50 and 5 million tons.

There just a handful of studies at this moment of the possibilities of using glauconite as a fodder additive in the diet of agricultural animals. These are studies by Y.V.Ivanova with others of pigs, A.N.Galatove on sheep and A.V.Zamyatin of hens, and G.A.Jinjihadze of pigs.

The principal difference between glauconites and zeolites is in its higher biological impact on organisms. Unlike zeolites with carcass structure glauconites have layers. Part of inter-molecular forces is not counterbalanced by ions on chemical elements in the same layer. The forces may interact with ions of chemical elements in liquids and air. As a result they will concentrate on the active surfaces of the slips that constitute a whole crystal. The active surface is much larger and this is, in all likelihood, the main reason of the difference in biological impacts of glauconite and zeolite.

The main aim of our work was to determine the effectiveness of using glauconite in the diets of broiler goslings. To that end an experiment was carried out at a geese farm in Oktyabrsky rayon of Chelyabinsk oblast on four groups of goslings coming from Italian and Krasnoozersk breeds.

The goslings were receiving full fodder diets in compliance with the norms of feeding agricultural poultry. The experiemnt’s scheme is presented in the table 1.

Table 1. The experiment’s scheme

Group / Number of heads / Diet’s details
I Group / 500 / Basic diet (BD)
II Group / 500 / BD + glauconite in 0.1% of the diet’s dry matter
III Group / 500 / BD + glauconite in 0.2% of the diet’s dry matter
IV Group / 500 / BD + glauconite in 0.3% of the diet’s dry matter

After 65 days of the control period I control group achieved a 3894.4 live weight gain, in II higher by 5.2%, in III by 11, and in IV by 7% compared with the control group. The results of anatomical dissection of the goslings showed that the output of edible parts in group I were 58.9% of the pre-slaughter weight, in II 59.1, in III 63.0 and in IV 62.9%.

A study of morphological content of the goslings’ bodies indicated that a lower glauconite dose (II group) lead to the highest fat concentration compared with other groups, while the middle and high (III and IV groups) in the muscle concentration. This difference is proved by a chemical analysis of the meat. A calculation of energy value of 100g of meat showed that if in I group it was 514.0 KJ, in II 570.7, in III 587.8 and in IV 545.4 KJ.