Application for Free Audition or Interview Place


One of the Conservatoire for Dance and Drama’s key aims is to increase and secure access to training for the most talented students regardless of their background. As part of this work, we are able to offer a number of free audition and interview places for applicants in financial need. This is intended to ensure that the cost of audition or interview does not deter talented students from applying to one of the Conservatoire schools.

Receiving a free audition or interview place will not affect your application in any way. The audition or interview panel will not know which applicants have received a fee waiver. Please note that we are only able to offer one free audition or interview place per applicant per academic year. If you are applying to more than one of the Conservatoire schools, you will only receive a free audition or interview place for one of the schools.

You are able to specify a second and third choice of Conservatoire school on the following form. If there are no free places left for your first choice of Conservatoire school we will try to offer you an alternative, although we cannot guarantee this.

An Equality and Diversity information form is also included in this pack. The information you give in this section is used for statistical and monitoring processes only and does not form any part of the selection or admissions process.


To be eligible to receive a free audition or interview place, applicants must meet the following criteria:

·  Current UK resident

·  Applying to an undergraduate programme (FdA and BA degrees)

·  New to Higher Education (no previous degree or any other Higher Education-level qualifications)

·  From an annual household income of less than £25,000

The Conservatoire reserves the right to request written proof of these criteria at any point; however we do not require supporting evidence at this stage.

How the process works

Please complete the following form and return to us by post or email before you make an application to the school(s) you include on this form. Once your application has been assessed, you will be contacted by the Conservatoire to confirm the result.

If you are awarded a fee waiver, the relevant school will be told to waive your audition/interview fee. You should then apply to the school as normal, without enclosing the fee. The fee for your audition or interview will be paid directly from the Conservatoire office to the school. You will not need to take any further action regarding this fee. If the school you are applying to has both the option to apply online and by paper, you should select the paper option; however if you are applying to London Contemporary Dance School, National Centre for Circus Arts, Northern School of Contemporary Dance, you will need to apply online.

Please apply to the relevant school within two weeks of receiving confirmation of your free audition or interview place (schools’ application deadlines still apply).

Please let us know when you have applied to the school. If you decide not to proceed with your application let inform us so we are able to re-allocate the free audition/interview place to someone else.

The Conservatoire is not able to help with the cost of travel to and from auditions/interviews, or to offer fee waivers for multiple applications.

Please note that there are a limited number of free allocations for each school and these are awarded on a first come basis; we therefore recommend applying as early as possible once the scheme has opened.

Please complete this form electronically or by hand in BLOCK CAPITALS.

Full name
School applying to (first choice)
School applying to (second choice)
School applying to (third choice)
Date of birth
Full address
Telephone number
Email address
Current Place of Study
(if applicable)
If you have participated in an activity (such as a class, workshop, or summer school) with a Conservatoire school before, please indicate which school(s) below:
Bristol Old Vic Theatre School (BOVTS)
Central School of Ballet (CSB)
London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA)
London Contemporary Dance School (LCDS)
National Centre for Circus Arts
Northern School of Contemporary Dance (NSCD)
Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)
Please provide us with details of this activity:
Household Income - Income of Parent(s) or Guardian(s)
This is an example of how your completed form may look:

Please complete the table below with your household income information, showing income from all sources before the deduction of tax. Figures are required for the whole financial year April 2015-April 2016.

Parent/Carer One/ Own Income* ** / Parent/Carer Two
Relationship to applicant / /
Earned annual income / £ / £
If you receive means tested benefit please give details.
Please specify for the whole year:
/ + / £ / £
/ + / £ / £
Any other income (e.g. property, unearned income, inheritance or other).
Please specify for the whole year:
/ + / £ / £
/ + / £ / £
TOTAL / = / £ / + / £
= / £

* Applicants over the age of 25

You will need to provide details of your own income.

** Applicants under the age of 25

There are a number of reasons why applicants under the age of 25 are unable to provide the household income of a parent or guardian. It may be that you are estranged from your parent or guardian i.e. that you do not have contact with them, or that you are, or have recently been, looked after by the state. It may be that your parents are no longer alive. If any of these apply to you, please provide details of your own income and let us know the reason why below:

I am estranged from my parent or guardian
I am, or have recently been, looked after by the state
My parents are no longer alive
You may use the space below for any further information which you would like us to consider, or to provide further explanation regarding the income provided on the previous page:
I confirm that I am new to Higher Education; this would be my first degree and prior to starting this course I will not have any other previous Higher Education-level qualifications.
(please tick if correct)
Prior to starting this course, the highest qualification I will have is:


I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief all of the information provided is true and I have given a full statement of our income from all sources during the periods shown. I understand that I could be asked to provide further evidence to support the above financial information and that giving false information may lead to myself/my child being disqualified from receiving an audition/interview fee waiver.

(applicant) / / Date
(parent/guardian) /
/ Date / (If you are aged under 18)
I grant consent to be contacted by Conservatoire for Dance and Drama to discuss my audition/interview experience: please tick if correct:

Equality and Diversity Information

The Conservatoire welcomes applications from all sections of the community regardless of ethnicity, age, gender, religion or disability. The information you give in this section is used for statistical and monitoring processes only and does not form any part of the selection or admissions process.

Gender: / Female / Male / Prefer not to say
Please tick the box or boxes which best describe your ethnic or cultural background:
10 / White / 39 / Other Asian background
15 / Gypsy or Traveller / 41 / Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
21 / Black or Black British –Caribbean / 42 / Mixed – White and Black African
22 / Black or Black British – African / 43 / Mixed – White and Asian
29 / Other Black background / 49 / Other Mixed background
31 / Asian or Asian British – Indian / 50 / Arab
32 / Asian or Asian British – Pakistani / 80 / Other Ethnic background
33 / Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi / 98 / I do not wish to give this information
34 / Chinese
Which of the following statements about disability is most appropriate to you?
Please tick the appropriate box(es).
00 / No known disability / 54 / Long-standing illness or health condition, e.g. epilepsy
58 / Blind / serious visual impairment / 08 / Two or more impairments and/or medical conditions
57 / Deaf / serious hearing impairment / 53 / Social/communication impairment, e.g. Autistic Spectrum
56 / Physical impairment or mobility issues / 51 / A specific learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia
05 / Personal care support / 96 / A disability, impairment or medical condition not listed above
55 / Mental health condition / 00 / I do not wish to give this information

Office use only

Awarded an audition/interview fee waiver:
Conservatoire school:

Please return this form via email to or by post to:

Rebecca Fellows, Conservatoire for Dance and Drama, Tavistock House, Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9JJ