Muskrat Falls Project
Application for Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
Package Title: Construction of North and South Dams
Closing Date:18-Jun-2014
LCP-PT-MD-0000-SC-FR-0047-01 Rev. B2
Application For Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
Instructions toApplicants for BIDDER SELECTION
Appendix 1 - Commercial Questionnaire
Appendix 2 - Technical CAPABILITY Questionnaire
Appendix 3 - Health and Safety Questionnaire
Appendix 4 - Environmental Questionnaire
Appendix 5 - Quality Questionnaire
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Application For Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
REFERENCE:Lower Churchill Project – Muskrat Falls Project
SUBJECT:Invitation forBidder Selection
Package No.: CH0009
Package Name: Construction of North and South Dams
Dear Sir:
Muskrat Falls Corporationinvites you to submit an application for consideration in our Bidder Selection process for the above referenced Package. The Package forms part of the work for the 824 MW Muskrat Falls hydroelectric facility in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
Bidder Selection will be in accordance with the attached Documents and Applications must be completed and submitted to theMuskrat Falls Corporation on or before 18-Jun-2014.
If you intend to submit an application, please access the LCP website at and retrieve the Word version of the Application Forms and Questionnaires.
The undersigned Contract Administrator shall be your single point of contact for the duration of the Bidder Selection process.
If you do not intend to submit an Application, please advise the undersigned within five (5) Business Days of your receipt of this letter.
Yours truly,
Muskrat Falls Corporation
Blake Hill
Contract Administrator
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Application For Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
For the purposes of this Invitation forBidder Selection the following definitions shall apply:
“Applicant” means the person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, or other organization which has received the Invitation forBidder Selection.
“Application” or “Application for Bidder Selection” means the document submitted by an Applicant in response to the Invitation forBidder Selection.
“Bidder”means an Applicant that has been selected to bid on one of the contracts or purchase orders for the execution of the Lower Churchill Project - Muskrat Falls Development.
“Company”meansMuskrat Falls Corporation.
“Package” or “Package for Bidder Selection”means the specific package for which the Invitation forBidder Selection is extended.
“Bidder Selection Document” means the documents issued to an Applicant by the Company in connection with the Invitation forBidder Selection.
“Site” means the location for the performance of Work at the power plant, dam and/or immediate vicinity at Muskrat Falls, Labrador, or at power transmission line routes, including all roads and access routes to Muskrat Falls and transmission lines, as may be further described in the Scope of Work for the Package.
The Company is inviting companies with the requisite experience to submit Applications for Bidder Selection with respect to work for the Lower Churchill Project (LCP). The specific Package for which the present invitation is made is identified in the covering letter to which these instructions are attached.
The Company intends to request formal proposals for the referenced Package from qualified Applicants.
1.2Lower Churchill Project Description
The Churchill River in Labrador is a significant source of renewable, clean electrical energy; however, the potential of this river has yet to be fully developed. The existing five thousand four hundred twenty-eight (5,428) MW Churchill Falls generating station, which began producing power in 1971, harnesses about sixty-five percent (65%) of the potential generating capacity of the river. The remaining thirty-five percent (35%) is located at two (2) sites on the lower Churchill River, known as the Lower Churchill Project. The LCP, one of the Company's five (5) lines of business, is the most attractive undeveloped hydroelectric project in North America.
The Lower Churchill Generation Project's two (2) proposed installations, Gull Island and Muskrat Falls, will have a combined capacity of 3,074 MW and can provide sixteen point seven (16.7) terawatt hours of electricity per year. The proposed eleven hundred (1,100) kilometres high voltage direct current (HVdc) link will be the first of its kind in Newfoundland and Labrador and will be constructed from the central region of Labrador down to Newfoundland's Avalon Peninsula.
1.3Health, Safety and the Environment
Company places the highest priority in having a safe and healthy workplace for employees and contractors’ employees and conducting all our activities in an environmentally responsible manner. Company’s commitment is to meet or exceed the standards expected of an industry leader by the community and Government, and thereby achieve an accident free and healthy workplace.
1.4Provincial Benefits
Company has agreed to a Lower Churchill Construction Projects Benefits Strategy ( with the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. This Benefits Strategy outlines all contracting, purchasing, and employment benefits objectives for the LCP. This strategy also outlines Company’s commitments to gender equity and diversity. Successful Bidder will be required to undertake a commitment to support gender equity and diversity in the execution of Work on the LCP. All contractors are required to adhere to applicable principles and commitments contained in this strategy.
Company has signed an Impacts and Benefits Agreement (“IBA”) with the Innu Nation. This agreement includes obligations relating to employment, training, procurement and workplace policies. The intent of the IBA is to build capacity within the Innu Nation and involve the Innu in the LCP in a significant way. Innu content will be a consideration in the overall evaluation of all bids submitted.
Also the Government of NL has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with the Government of Nova Scotia regarding industrial and employment benefits with respect to the Maritime Link transmission project. Details of this MOU can be found at (
1.5Information Submitted for Bidder Selection
The information provided by the Applicant is strictly confidential and solely for the use of Company in the Bidder Selection process.
Company is committed to ensuring fairness in its Bidder Selection process. To accomplish this, Company will only utilize contractors who meet or exceed its Commercial, Technical, Health & Safety, Environmental and Quality Standards. Your complete response to the information requested in the Application for Bidder Selection is essential to allow Company to make its determination.
Company will evaluate whether or not the Applicant is able to meet, or exceed, its minimum standards with respect to the following:
a)Commercial: This includes financial capacity, credit worthiness, insurance and bonding capacity, litigation history, understanding and commitment to the Lower Churchill Construction Project Benefits Strategy, and, if applicable, operational integration of the business partners.
b)Technical Capability: This includes the Applicant’s capacity to execute the work of the Package in a timely manner, as indicated by its experience in performing contracts of similar nature and complexity as the Package and in harsh northern environments; it also includes the organization, personnel, and equipment that the contractor/supplier would make available for the contract.
c)Health and Safety: This includes both the health and safety management systems to be utilized and the Applicant’s Incident Frequency and Workmen’s compensation history.
d)Environment: This includes both the environmental management systems to be utilized and the Applicant’s Environment Incident history.
e)Quality: This includes the quality management systems to be utilized, if selected.
1.8Bidder Selection Document
The Bidder Selection Documents will be issued in electronic format (pdf and native file) and will be composed of the following documents:
- Invitation for Bidder Selection;
- Instructions to Bidder Selection Applicants;
- Scope of Work Summary;
- Application for Bidder Selection, including:
- Appendix 1 – Commercial Questionnaire
- Appendix 2 – Technical Capability Questionnaire
- Appendix 3 – Health and Safety Questionnaire
- Appendix 4 – Environmental Questionnaire
- Appendix 5– Quality Questionnaire
When completing the Bidder Selection Documentation, the following requirements are to be strictly observed:
- the Applicant is requested to complete and submit the Application for Bidder Selection including the Appendices;
- ensure that the name of the Applicant is entered in the footer of each Appendix;
- the Appendices are to be completed by the Applicant and each partner of a joint venture or partnership, where applicable.
If the Applicant is applying for Bidder Selection as a joint venture/partnership then the following applies:
- the Application must be submitted by the lead partner;
- each partner of the joint venture/partnership must agree to be jointly and severally responsible for the work; and,
- a copy of the joint venture/partnership agreement must be attached (see Attachment 1).
The Contract Administrator, identified in the covering letter to which these instructions are attached shall be the single point of contact for any questions related to theBidder Selection Process. All communications from the Applicant during the Bidder Selectionperiod shall be by letter, facsimile or e-mail, and addressed to the Contract Administrator. Uninvited visits to Company’s office to discuss the Bidder Selectionprocess are not permitted.
1.10Submission of Application
Applications shall be submitted by E-mail to the Contract Administrator as mentioned in the Invitation forBidder Selection.
The Application for Bidder Selection must be signed by a person who has been authorized to sign on behalf of the Applicant.
Understanding with Respect to the Application
In submitting its Application, the Applicant acknowledges that:
- Company, shall have no liability whatsoever, for any costs, expenses, charges or losses which the Applicant may incur or be required to expend in its preparation or presentation of this Application for Bidder Selection.
- Applicant’s submission of documentation/information requested in response to the Invitation forBidder Selection shall not convey any right to Applicant to be included on the final Bidders List and it will be Company’s sole right to determine the final list of qualified bidders to be included on said Bidders list.
- While the information submitted is not for general publication, it will be used as necessary for the purposes of pre-qualification.
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Application For Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
The package CH0009 includes but not limited to the construction and/or the removal of the following structures:
Upstream Cofferdam: The stage 1 cofferdam consists of two rockfill closure groins with crests at elevation 17m. Following the Stage 1, the cofferdam will be raised to the Stage 2 crest level at El. 26m with compacted till, granular and rockfill. The approximate volume of the material in the upstream cofferdam is about 570,000 m3. A jet grouting cut-off wall will be performed from a working platform at elevation 18m to the bedrock foundation to prevent seepage between the rock and the dumped till.
North Dam: The North Dam will be constructed in the dry between the upstream and downstream cofferdams. This 430m long RCC dam closes the river channel and serves, partially, as an overflow spillway. A small concrete flip at the toe of the dam will assist in energy dissipation. A gallery will run within the most length of the dam and will be used for drilling, grouting and drainage. The concrete volume of the dam including RCC and CVC concrete is about 240,000 m3.
Downstream Cofferdam: The downstream cofferdam located at a minimum distance of 15m downstream of the RCC dam is small cofferdam of about 11,000m3 of embankment materials.
South Dam: The south dam, of about 320m long, closes the river valley on the south side of the powerhouse. It is an embankment structure of about 155,000m3 of till, granular and rockfill.
Upstream Temporary Bridge: A temporary bridge will be designed and constructed over the 75m wide spillway approach channel. This bridge will be used during the construction of the upstream cofferdam and removed prior to impoundment.
Tailrace Rock Plug Removal: The rock plug was left in place for later removal following the completion of the powerhouse construction. The volume of the rock to be removed is about 200,000m3, including 34,000 m3 of underwater excavation.
Cofferdams Removal: Three existing cofferdams will be removed before the river closure. The total amount of material to be removed in dry and underwater is 177,000m3.
Milestone / DateInvitation for Proposal from Selected Bidders / Q3 2014
Submission of Proposals / Q3 2014
Award of Contract / Q4 2014
Construction Start / Q2 2015
Final Completion / Q4 2017
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Application For Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
The Application for Bidder Selection Letter will be completed by Applicant. Applicant shall present its Application for Bidder Selection Letter on its letterhead in exactly the same format and content as provided herein. The letter must be signed by a duly authorized signing officer or officers of Applicant.
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Application For Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
Applicant’s Name
City, Province/State
Postal/ZIP Code
Nalcor Energy - Lower Churchill Project
350 Torbay Road Plaza, Suite 2
St. John’s, NL
A1A 4E1
Attention: Blake Hill
Package No:CH0009
PackageTitle:Construction of North and South Dams
Dear Blake Hill:
I/We hereby agree that:
(Official Name of Applicant)
- After carefully examining the Bidder Selection documentation, we do hereby submit our Application for Bidder Selection to be a Bidder for the above referenced Package and enclose the following appendices as part of our Bidder Selection submittal:
- Appendix 1 – Commercial Questionnaire
- Appendix 2 – Technical Capability Questionnaire
- Appendix 3 – Health and Safety Questionnaire
- Appendix 4 – Environmental Questionnaire
- Appendix 5 – Quality Questionnaire
- We are are not submitting this Application as a Joint Venture or Partnership. Where this response is in the affirmative(check each box as appropriate):
- we confirm that we are the Lead Partner, and that each of the partners is identified in Attachment 1 to this Application, along with the scope of their participation;
- we confirm that each partner agrees to be jointly and severally responsible for the work;
- we confirm that a copy of the Joint Venture Agreement/Partnership agreement is enclosed.
- The name and the position of our representative who is coordinating this Application, and who may be contacted for further information, as required, is as follows:
- We confirm that we have read and fully understood all of the information supplied with the Bidder Selection Document. In particular, we confirm that if we are invited to bid on the Lower Churchill Project:
- we will comply with the Company’s standards with respect to Health and Safety in the workplace, and fairness with respect to all bidding;
- we will comply with the Lower Churchill Construction Project Benefits Strategy.
- we will sign a Non-disclosure and Conflict of Interest Agreement prior to receipt of the Request for Proposal Documents.
- We confirm and certify that the information submitted in this Application for Bidder Selection is true and correct.
- We understand that the Company will need to verify information in the Application, as required, and we hereby confirm that your representatives are authorized to communicate with any person identified in the Application and Appendices.
- We also confirm and acknowledge that:
- Company shall have no liability whatsoever, for any costs, expenses, charges or losses which we may incur or be required to expend in the preparation or presentation of this Application for Bidder Selection.
- Our submission of this Application shall not convey any right to be included on the final Bidders List; and it will be Company’s sole right to determine the final list of qualified bidders to be included on said Bidders List.
- While the information submitted is not for general publication, it may be used as necessary for the purposes of Bidder Selection.
SIGNED on This ______day of ______, 20______
For and on behalf of:
Official name of Applicant
Name and signature of authorised signing officer
Telephone No. (including country code and area code)
Official e-mail address of Applicant
LCP-PT-MD-0000-SC-FR-0047-01 Rev. B2Page 1
Application For Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
LCP-PT-MD-0000-SC-FR-0047-01 Rev. B2Page 1
Application For Bidder Selection
Package Number: CH0009
Name of Partner / Distribution of the Work1 / Lead Partner and:
We confirm that a copy of the Joint Venture/partnership agreement is enclosed with this Attachment 1.
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